TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Day 3 – Krystal Koski
Over the 15 days leading up to Thanksgiving, each member of The Central Trend’s staff will release a list of 5-15 people who inspire, motivate, or brighten our days. Today- Day 3- features Krystal Koski and her list of nine people who constantly enhance her day.
Hannah Richardson – for being the most positive person out there
Whether I see you in the hallways or in class, you always have something nice to say. A comment made about my bangs always looking great or general encouragement, you always seem to make me smile. Not to mention, you’re never afraid to ask the questions we’re all thinking in chemistry, which is an added bonus.
Fadwa Kamari – for being relatable, funny, and kind-hearted
Every day you are struggling right along with me, yet still manage to keep a positive attitude. We have a sort of symbiotic relationship– the classes you struggle with I can help you out with, and the classes I’m having trouble in you’re always there when I need you. I appreciate your daily doses of kindness and the laughs we share over our tendencies to procrastinate.
Kylie LaBeau – for being there when I need you most
Whenever I have an off day, I can expect a message from you asking me what’s up and if there’s anything you can do to help. Those messages never get old, and I miss you more and more every day. Even last year when I barely knew you, you were there for me during my hardest times and made me laugh every single day. Although now I don’t see you physically every day, I’m constantly reminded of your outstanding and silly personality. Love you, sugar.
My teachers – for giving me the best education I could ask for
I have never had a teacher I have despised. I have enjoyed (almost) every single one of the courses I’ve taken, and the only reason for dreading a class can be explained by a dislike for the content, but not the person teaching it. I love learning, and that can be accredited to all my wonderful teachers. So thank you, to all of you, for having a passion for your job and helping me flourish.
Grace Cool – for being the comedic relief that everyone needs
You are the most gracious, most kind-hearted, yet most hilarious person I know. For every situation that could be made into a joke, you have the ability to do so. You’re serious when you need to be, and funny whenever possible. You never fail to support me, or anyone else for that matter, and you can make everyone laugh when it seems like the stress that comes with life is too overwhelming to bear. Thank you for being a light in my life.
Dana Kistler – for being the biggest ray of sunshine
Dana, you’re just adorable. Every time I see you in the halls I smile– you never fail to greet me when we bump into each other throughout our day. I appreciate your little waves of acknowledgment, and when I do see you for more than five seconds, your quirky personality constantly makes me giggle. I appreciate you, young one. Never change.
Brooklyn Skeba – for being my friend even though we see each other once every blue moon
I feel like I haven’t spoken to you in ages, but I know I could sit down with you right now, and it would feel as if we just saw each other yesterday. Thank you for being a kind and funny person that I have shared so many memories with. Hopefully, I’ll see you soon. Until then, don’t be a stranger.
Jacob North – for the memes (and for being you, I guess)
Every once and awhile, I’ll receive the most relatable meme from you, and it always makes my day. They also tend to come at times when it’s exactly what I need, which is an added bonus. Not to mention, your incredible kindness never ceases to impress me. But, you know, memes come first.
Maddie Paciorek – for genuinely caring
Whether it’s a heartfelt text or a request to get ice cream and talk, you always know how to cheer me up. It’s the little things that you do that make my days better, and I get more and more thankful for you with every interaction. You always check up on me after a particularly rough night (or week), and for that, I’m forever grateful. Not to mention your bright smiles always lighten me up as well.

Krystal is a junior entering her second year on staff. As a part of the Forest Hills Central Rowing Team for the past three years, she hopes to continue...