TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Day 14 – Payton Field
Over the 15 school days leading up to Thanksgiving, each member of The Central Trend’s staff will release a list of 5-15 people who inspire, motivate, or brighten our days. Today- Day 14- features Payton Field and her list of seven people who constantly enhance her day.
Vanessa “Nessa” Chavarriaga
Nessa, you have truly changed and impacted my life immensely. I am constantly in awe of your fearless grace and empowering will. Before even beginning, I have to thank you for making my summer memorable and for becoming such a beneficial role model in my life. You have this aura around you that radiates self-respect, strength, and a longing to go and adventure. This summer, you taught me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and persevering. You also encouraged me to follow my goals and dreams no matter what. And whether it be climbing the long Half Dome hike or signing a trainee contract with a ballet company, you were there, full of assurance and encouragement. For that, I am thankful for you. I am thankful for your positive outlook on life and for your continuous love for all things outdoors. I am thankful that you showed me my own strength and helped me to keep going, even during a challenge. Thank you for all you have done and just know that I will always be thankful that you were brought into my life.
Libby Hunt
Lib, It seems like just yesterday that I went to my first Lifeline meeting. It was a Sunday evening, and we were at a house meeting at the Bonner’s. You welcomed me with open arms, a bright smile, and a contagious laugh. To this day, I am so thankful that I went to that meeting. Going to Lifeline has made a tremendous impact on my life, and a big part of that is all thanks to you. You are constantly asking how you can help others. Your incredibly benevolent and generous personality is contagious and throughout the years, you have fueled a fire inside of me to ask what I can do to help others. You inspire to me to be a better person, one who always offers to help no matter the situation. And not only that, but I am also thankful for your embracive hugs. Whenever I’m feeling down, you are always the first to offer a hug and help me feel better. So because of your undeniable generosity, I am thankful for you. Thank you for all you do Lib.
Grace Conn
Grace, first of all, happy birthday. I hope your day is full of happiness and everything wonderful in the world. You, of all people, deserve a special day. Although I don’t see you often, I am so glad when I do. You have this ability to bring happiness to others around you. Your effervescent smile and loud laugh is contagious, and when I am around you, I can’t help but be happy. Thank you for always radiating happiness and being such an impactful person in my life.
Mason Kistler
Mason, you are quite possibly one of the nicest people I know. Whenever I am walking in the hallway, you always say hi and whenever I see you, you always ask how my day is. You bring a smile to my face, and I always find myself laughing when we are together. I am thankful for you and your friendly, happy personality.
Rachael Yoder
Rach, last year in Spanish, you could say that I struggled. I am not the most fluent speaker, and my least favorite thing in the entire world is conjugating verbs. I am so thankful for you and your ability to ask the questions that other people were too afraid to ask. There were even days where you would make yourself cry so you could get us all out of taking a quiz. It is because of your great acting skills and class participation that I passed Spanish last year.
Kaz Iwatsu
Kaz, I am thankful that I got the chance to know you. If I didn’t know you, I truly don’t know where I would be. You always ask about my life and about how dance is going. You are genuinely interested about what is happening with me. You make me feel important in a sea of talented kids. Thank you for always being so interested in me and for taking the time to genuinely care. I am thankful for our long lasting friendship.
Maggie Eldred
Maggie, oh Maggie, where do I even start? When I first met you, I was just an annoying freshman taking a writing class. But soon, after sitting across from you and John Chester, I became friends with my first upperclassman. You could say our time in WFP was a bit rocky. From Caturday to countless lead contests, we became friends through a multitude of challenges. And I am so glad that we did because, without you, I don’t know where I would be. First of all, your writing abilities are beyond words. You are so unbelievably talented and are one of the most hardworking people I know. Your valiant and determined work ethic is only one of the many things that I admire about you. You also have a heart of gold. Your heart is full of kindness and love. It radiates off to everyone around you, which is why people are naturally drawn to you. You have influenced my life in ways that I can’t even begin to describe. And although you are off in college, I am thankful for the time we spent together and how you continue to influence me as a person.

Payton is a senior and entering her fourth year on staff. Aside from writing for TCT, Payton dances with the Grand Rapids Ballet Company as a trainee....