Murder’s in the Heir Review


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The lights dimmed in the auditorium as a hush fell over the crowd. Thunder boomed as the first scene began with the gathering of the Starkweather household.

Murder’s in the Heir, FHC’s fall play, had a monumentally successful opening night. It had the crowd laughing and wanting more from first scene to the final bow. 

Murder’s in the Heir, FHC’s fall play, had a monumentally successful opening night.

The play’s characters were engaging, enthralling, and extremely enchanting. It was obvious the actors and actresses had put ample time and effort into their characters developing them and making them very well rounded with their own individual accents, quirks and personalities. Nurse Withers, played by junior Sophie Bolen, had a very unique walk that just added that extra element to the character. Senior Mary Derwent portrayed her character Minerva Walker’s explosive temper so well that it added not only to Minerva, but to the whole play.

Not only were the characters exceptional, but the intricate and detailed set was a huge help in creating the image of Starkweather mansion. Each piece of the set, from the sofa to the candles on the mantle, helped transport you into the mansion. The costumes were another big help in immersing you in the Starkweather world. Each unique costume helped build up the characters distinctive personalities. Paula Thompson, played by junior Caroline Whyte, had a polka dot dress distinct to her and added to her character’s background.

Though the play should really be categorized in the murder mystery category, it caused its fair share of laughs. Rufus, played by senior Mitchell Banks, caused the crowd to rumble with laughter every time he came on stage. While Rufus may have been the cause for a lot of the laughs, the many jokes and dramatic pauses added to the fun. The little quips, undertones, and hidden meanings added an element that caused me to like it all the more.

Another level of the play that I greatly appreciated was the movement along the stage. As the play progressed, the scenes were spread out across the stage, with one section lighting up for a scene before going dark and another section lighting up. The use of space and light gave the play an extra kick to it. It kept me interested as the play progressed.

But the most appreciable and exceptional part was the complex yet extremely well done ending. Every night will change based on the audience’s vote, making no two nights alike. But every night, no matter the ending, I have no doubt it’s a show you’ll be wanting to see.