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  • March 94/3: Spring Break
The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Caroline Kuiper

Caroline Kuiper, Editor in Chief

Caroline is in her senior year and second year on staff, and is one of three Editors in Chief. In her junior year, Caroline was the Financial Advisor and also specialized in layout, winning the MIPA award for the number one layout in any magazine that year in the state of Michigan. She currently is captain of the varsity swim team and captain of the varsity rowing team. She is also Student Council VP of her school and a member of National Honors Society. In addition, she has participated in the RAYS swim club, her school’s Model UN program, her local Kids Food Basket board, and volunteers each Sunday in a nursery for two-year-olds at her church where she also attends their youth group. Caroline’s loves of writing and people come together in her role on The Central Trend staff. Next year, Caroline will be attending the University of Alabama and majoring in nursing. She will also be writing for the online forum “The Odyssey,” and you can continue to read her work at


  • Favorite thing about being on staff: the people
  • Favorite type of story to write: columns and editorials
  • Extracurriculars/Sports: swimming, rowing, National Honors Society, Student Council
  • Hobbies/Interests: being with friends and family, music, being with kids, watching and playing sports, traveling and exploring new places
  • Favorite book and why: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak because it’s unique narration and lovable characters going through an interesting historical period make the story impossible to read only once.
  • If it is Friday night, you will most likely find Caroline…: hanging out with her friends at home or at a sporting event


All content by Caroline Kuiper
Inaugural FHC Scholar Day to take place on May 17, 2016

Inaugural FHC Scholar Day to take place on May 17, 2016

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 11, 2016

For the biology students of FHC, springtime was not only the beginning to the end of the school year, but the beginning of a new scientific endeavor. Over the past few weeks, students enrolled in biology...

Advice For When Things Go Wrong

Advice For When Things Go Wrong

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 4, 2016

Coming to the end of my high school career, there's a lot in the rear view mirror. Looking back, I can see tall hills that standing on top of felt like the top of the world. Those days, like the days I...

'The Boss' Beats 18%

‘The Boss’ Beats 18%

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief April 19, 2016

"I really want to see that new Melissa McCarthy movie." "Michael, it gets 18% on Rotten Tomatoes. It's going to be terrible." "Yeah, but I'm kind of in the mood for something stupid." "Fair enough." This...



Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief March 23, 2016

As the end of the year approaches, room 139 has been buzzing with activity centered around one very special project: the Senior Edition. Working on it, the pressure is always on, since the margin for error...

The Team

The Team

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief March 16, 2016

Sitting on my couch on Sunday night, my foot was in a frenzy, shaking nervously as my eyes were glued to the NCAA Tournament Selection Show. Turning to talk to my friend, my head involuntarily snapped...

FHC Hockey falls to Catholic Central in Regional Championship to end season

FHC Hockey falls to Catholic Central in Regional Championship to end season

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief March 7, 2016

As the line of chilly hockeygoers outside the Eagle Ice Center grew, the fans waiting for the 4:45 show time and a chance to be one of 800 let inside were hoping for an exciting game to validate their...

A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief March 2, 2016

There is really no feeling like walking into a classroom and seeing “Movie” scheduled for the next three days. Relief washes over you as you contemplate the amount of homework you will be able to sneakily...

FHU Swim & Dive prepares to take on Conference

FHU Swim & Dive prepares to take on Conference

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief February 24, 2016

For many winter athletes, seasons are coming to an end and the stakes are going up. Their time is now, during the postseason. Championships are on the line, and many are preparing to take a stab at receiving...



Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief February 18, 2016

As a little kid, I never really stopped to ponder voices. Actually, I never really stopped to ponder voices until quite recently. They always just came out of my friends’ and families’ mouths without...

Wuthering Heights: Worth the Trouble

Wuthering Heights: Worth the Trouble

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief February 10, 2016

As far as required readings go, Wuthering Heights was low on my list of ones to look forward to. Sure, I love romances, which the book is, but I couldn’t process the idea that I might actually enjoy...

AP Computer Science Takes FHC By Storm

AP Computer Science Takes FHC By Storm

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief February 3, 2016

On the upper floor of FHC, there lies a seldomly used classroom, filled with desks and computers galore. For those rare outsiders who choose to enter it, they hear the hum of computers working, the clacking...

To Anna Kuiper, and Every Other Eighth Grader

To Anna Kuiper, and Every Other Eighth Grader

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief January 22, 2016

It sounds silly now, but before entering high school, I tried to make myself a bucket list. A sort of checklist of things I needed to complete before I donned a green cap and gown in the May of 2016. Its...

A Review: The Big Game

A Review: The Big Game

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief January 13, 2016

The time: 8:30PM ET. The date: 1/11/16. The event: The biggest college football game of the season. To begin with, the advertising for this particular event was through the roof, and purple and orange...

Ashlyn Fitch Becomes a Part of A Christmas Story

Ashlyn Fitch Becomes a Part of A Christmas Story

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief December 16, 2015

Imagine settling down on a couch in front of a fire as the snow falls gently outside of a nearby window. Add some peppermint hot chocolate and stockings and all of sudden the scene becomes very festive....



Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief December 15, 2015

Life can be a lot of things for a lot of people. It can be happy or sad, subtle or bold, adventurous or low key. But for each person, it is defined by something different. My life is defined by miles....

The Underrated Sports Bar of Grand Rapids

The Underrated Sports Bar of Grand Rapids

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief December 9, 2015

To be honest, we weren’t even supposed to go there that night. We wanted Buffalo Wild Wings, but the wait was so long that we decided to improvise. Two of my friends were totally against the idea, but...

To Whomever It May Concern: I Love You

To Whomever It May Concern: I Love You

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief December 1, 2015

Three little words. The foundation of a holiday, nearly every relationship to ever exist, and of course, all Hallmark movies. They may seem simple, but they hold so much weight. Many people can bear their...

FHC Athletics Enjoys One Of Its Best Seasons To Date

FHC Athletics Enjoys One Of Its Best Seasons To Date

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief November 4, 2015

As the beginning of the school year rolls around time and time again, fall sports teams prepare for another season at the grind. Each hopes for success, but the road to the top is long and grueling; and,...

What's At My Core

What’s At My Core

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief October 28, 2015

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right,” -Henry Ford. In my experience, whether you think you are or think you aren’t, you’re also right. My world history teacher posed...

Playing It Cool

Playing It Cool

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief October 26, 2015

Exhausted after a long day at Meijer Gardens, my friends Stephanie, Wylder and I settled in for a movie to rest our tired feet. Wylder was to be leaving for college soon; and, feeling sad about the many...

Courtesy of FHC Gone Boarding

Dream It, Build It, Shred It: Gone Boarding

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief October 22, 2015

Dream it. Build it. Shred it. As the new Gone Boarding class’ motto advertises, the hands-on course is all about using your creative juices to create anything you could ever desire to ride, and it...

Doing work in Alajuela, Costa Rica in the summer of 2015.

Lifeline: My Literal Lifeline

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief October 14, 2015

“Welcome to Lifeline! How’s everybody doing?” Over the past six years, I have been fortunate enough to hear these words a countless amount of times, and they have grown more near and dear to my...

I Didn't Think I Would Cry

I Didn’t Think I Would Cry

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief October 7, 2015

I didn’t think I would cry. We lined up together, all 10 of us seniors in alphabetical order. We were all wearing the lime green suits of our team and the Ranger green warm ups we have had since freshman...

Is Blood Thicker Than Water?

Is Blood Thicker Than Water?

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief September 30, 2015

“After all, blood is thicker than water.” A saying I hear often in my own home, especially on those occasions where family time is being pitted against going out with friends. For those who aren’t...

Baskin Robbins vs. Culver's

Baskin Robbins vs. Culver’s

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief September 23, 2015

The debate has been going on for ages, at least in my house. My dad leans towards one, my brother to the other. Ice cream or custard. Thankfully, in the Grand Rapids area we have an abundance of both....

Homecoming Parade Route 2015 Announced

Homecoming Parade Route 2015 Announced

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief September 22, 2015

As this year’s Homecoming festivities begin to gain traction, one fact has emerged for sure: the parade route. As Michigan’s biggest Homecoming parade, the route is essential to the overall success...

Why I Stay in the Chlorine

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief September 16, 2015

I have a confession. Right now, I am dead in the middle of my final year of swimming, my tenth season as a competitive swimmer… and I hate it. I have hated it for almost as long as I have done it. Along...

Girls Swim Coach Tim Jasperse to Enter New FHC Athletic Hall of Fame

Girls Swim Coach Tim Jasperse to Enter New FHC Athletic Hall of Fame

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief September 2, 2015

Tim Jasperse has been coaching for 33 years. Since beginning his career in 1982, Jasperse has unlocked the secret to what makes a successful girls swim, which has garnered him a spot in FHC’s new Athetic...

To the 8th Grade Class that Changed My Life

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief September 2, 2015

At the tender age of 13, I enrolled in Challenge Language Arts, a class whose title now seems rudimentary but at the time was the epitome of intellect. My 8th grade self had no idea what would come out...

Head coach Clare Emaus (bottom left) with her 2015 girls team

FHC Track & Field Head Coach Retires

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief June 5, 2015

23 years. Head Track and Field coach Clare Emaus has been coaching for 23 years. But now, the end of an era has arrived with the announcement of Emaus’ retirement as head coach. “My time has come,”...

Underclassmen Honors 2015

On the morning of June 2, FHC held its annual Underclassmen Awards Ceremony in the main gymnasium.  After honoring students in all grades with 3.3 or higher grade point averages, individual honors were...


Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 29, 2015
Check in regularly to read new columns from Editor In Chief Caroline Kuiper's senior column, 'Words of a Water Baby'!

“This one time at Band Camp…”

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 28, 2015

Looking out over the fresh new faces of the marching band, senior Drum Major Hannah Peper steps on to the podium to conduct them in a run through of their halftime show. As the tunes of Blues Brothers...


Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 28, 2015

As he walked the halls of the school last winter, sophomore Jon Pearcy was one of many bleached blond members of the Boys Swim and Dive team. As they pass him in the halls again this year, looking at their...

Coloring the World

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 28, 2015

My whole school goes crazy for it: the Red Game. Everyone knows about it, and for a very good reason. Cancer and heart disorder awareness are most certainly worthy causes for all of the attention we...

¿Por qué?

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 28, 2015

Sitting in Señora Sandberg’s classroom while learning about how to conjugate the word “ser” in the present progressive form, my mind wandered to that night’s journalism homework, and I thought...

Emily Toppen: Junior Drum Major

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 28, 2015

“I was quite shocked, to be honest,” Toppen said. “I didn’t believe it for the first couple of days, and I’m still not really believing it. Being a drum major is something that I’ve always...

Lucy Review

Lucy Review

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 27, 2015

When deciding to watch Lucy with some friends, I expected to be watching a high action film about some young girl who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and had many incredible occurrences...

Goodwillie Environmental School

Goodwillie Environmental School

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 27, 2015

Looking around at her surroundings, senior Courtney VanderWal takes in a breath of fresh air and makes her way onto the school grounds of Goodwillie Environmental School. Walking this path is a familiarity...

For All of Your Hibachi Needs, Choose Fuji Yama

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 26, 2015

Recently, I had the opportunity to dine at Fuji Yama Hibachi Grill for a friend’s birthday dinner. Located at 1501 East Beltline Ave NE, it is a great choice for anyone going out for the night and provides...

Do It For Ranger Pride

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 26, 2015

“Who cares?” The words that every coach dreads, but inevitably hears, during their time with exasperated athletes; whether it be a hard practice, a losing record, or simply no will to go on, everyone...

Cutthroat Kitchen: An Evilicious Enjoyment

Cutthroat Kitchen: An Evilicious Enjoyment

Caroline Kuiper, Editor In Chief May 26, 2015

For someone whose best meal is cereal, I tend to watch a lot of Food Network (it at least makes me feel like I know how to cook). Because of this, I have seen countless competitions, weekly shows, and...

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