Player Profile: Kelsey Toole

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Name: Kelsey Toole

Grade: 10th

Sport: Volleyball

Position: Libero or DS

How would you describe your recent success?

“We’ve been doing great recently, we’ve either come in first or second in our tournaments over the past weekends and we’ve really grown as a team over the summer and make our offense and defense super strong!”

What’s your reason for playing Volleyball?

” I play volleyball cause I really enjoy playing the sport. It also seemed like somewhat easy sport to pick up when I was in 6th grade so I stuck with it!”

Who has been your biggest inspiration in your entire athletic career?

“Definitely my grandpa, he was voted into the hall of fame for Baseball in Michigan. Although as he isn’t with us today, I try to work super hard to make him proud and live up to his expectations. Not to mention I like to make my parents super proud as well.”

What are your upcoming plans with Volleyball?

“I hope to keep playing Volleyball the rest of high school but, with having Soccer so much, I’m not sure I will be able to.”

When did you start playing Volleyball?

“I started playing in 6th grade.”

How long have you been playing Volleyball for FHC?

“I started in 7th grade playing for the school so this is my 4th year!”

“All throughout life make sure you are giving 110%, 100% of the time great success never comes easy.”