Humans of FHC: Abbey Calderwood


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“I went to Camp Barakel [this summer]. It was my first year this year, which was super fun because I’d never been there before so I didn’t know what to expect. I went by myself because I wasn’t old enough to go to high school week with [my sister], Willow. That was kind of frustrating. But that’s okay because I had fun, and I met a lot of new people.

[While at Barakel], me and my friend were out paddleboarding and the second we got out there, it started downpouring. We were both like ‘Um… okay.’ And the water was getting on my [glasses] so I couldn’t see. We were trying to paddleboard but the wind was pushing against us, and we just kind of gave up. We were just sitting on the paddleboards like, ‘Okay… this is awkward.’ We sat there for five minutes, and then it stopped raining, and we paddled back safely. Nobody knew it was going to rain, [so we didn’t get in trouble]. Its fine, like no big deal.”
