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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Eva Harshman

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief

Eva Harshman is a senior who is thrilled to be entering her fourth and final year on staff as Editor-in-Chief. Apart from writing for The Central Trend, she enjoys riding her Thoroughbred, Thirsty, spending time with friends, and watching her favorite TV shows for hours on end. She is also an avid competitor in Odyssey of the Mind alongside her teammates who also happen to be her best friends. Although she tends to stick around the people she knows best, The Central Trend has broadened her horizons beyond compare. Being a part of Room 139 has taught her so much; she has met so many people thanks to The Central Trend.


Favorite type of story: Editorials

Pets: A bunny (Georgie), a dog (Leon), and a horse (Thirsty)

Dream vacation: Tokyo, Japan

Favorite books: The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

MBTI and Enneagram: ENTP-T 8w7

All content by Eva Harshman
Kiera, Addy, me, and Sof on decision day. The four four-year TCT veterans are all going to different colleges :(

A televised edition: finale—peanut butter, dermaplaning, alex g, and being in hundreds of dollars of debt to my sister’s door

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief May 3, 2024

Dear friend that I do not know, Nothing about me is new. I cannot see where I have come nor can I see where I can go. If they were to lift the camera and peek through the viewfinder, they would find...

One of Eva's senior pictures with her horse, Thirsty, that she rides.

[Photo] Senior Eva Harshman has found her home in the words and wisdom of Room 139

Elle Manning, Staff Writer May 3, 2024

One of Eva's senior pictures with her horse, Thirsty, that she rides.

Montaine, a TikToker known for acting like her understands women only so he can get female attention.

Feminism doesn’t need to help both men and women

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief April 17, 2024

At times, people defend feminism by telling those who oppose it that it benefits both men and women and that it’s just about equal rights. It appeases everyone. This undermines the idea of feminism...

Yet another insane and blame-filled claim thrown around by Birdy that tears down feminism.

TikTok user Aurora Bird has been spreading harmful rhetoric under the guise of feminism

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief April 15, 2024

If I didn’t know any better, I would think that this account is rage bait. Everything about the TikTok user Aurora Bird makes my blood boil. Recently, Aurora Bird aka “Birdy” went viral on TikTok...

My sister and I (both neurodivergent) enjoying one of our favorite hobbies together: hanging out with shelter dogs.

Neurodivergent “safe spaces” on social media only bring more discomfort

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief March 25, 2024

I’ve never liked “neurodivergent TikTok” or “safe space for those with ADHD” accounts.  The romanticization of disorders like ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity...

The four products that finally showed me that even my dull skin could look glowy.

COSRX’s snail mucin products are nothing to fear; there’s nothing slimy about them

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief March 20, 2024

Putting a snail’s secretion on my face sounds unpleasant, to say the least. However, people across the world have been using a product called snail mucin for years. One of the most popular companies,...

A sunny November day—I never expect one, but I always hope.

A televised edition: episode 12—weather channel

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief March 15, 2024

The days have been gray for too long. The burnt-out, faint glow of the rounded screen emanates the fog. The voices from the suspiciously benevolent reporter can’t cut through the fog, dissipating...

Rapper Ceelo Green matching with his stylish dog, who is sporting a jacket.

Pet fashion may seem tacky, but it can add to any aesthetic

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief March 14, 2024

Animals are not accessories and should never be treated as such. However, there is no reason that pets should not have their own sense of style that complements the owner’s outfit. My dog, Leon, is a...

Even through there were voices in the air, the night was quiet.

A televised edition: episode 11—silent movie

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief March 6, 2024

I talk a lot. As peers that share lingo with me would say, I’m a yapper. My friends are always telling me to “shhh” and “I’m trying to do my work.” I still talk their ear off whether...

Nex was a well-loved person in many spaces and their loss impacted many.

The loss of Nex Benedict shook the indigenous and LGBTQ+ communities

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief February 28, 2024

Nex Benedict was a 16-year-old who brought a smile to two different communities that face adversity in their home state of Oklahoma. Nex, being both a member of the LGBTQ+ and indigenous peoples communities,...

Chiefs fans flee the scene, the rally being ruined by violence.

The Kansas City shooting was a terrifying tragedy

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief February 22, 2024

It is getting increasingly terrifying to attend any nationally known event, and tragically, these fears are often well-founded.  After a thrilling victory for the Kansas City Chiefs at the Superbowl...

The popular and well-loved Pope Francis waving to an audience.

Pope Francis’s 11 years of papacy have deviated from the norm

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief February 18, 2024

Any 87-year-old who lives in and is the head of the world’s smallest country and has a car named for his position—the popemobile—would be considered legendary in media, but the current leader of...

Donald Trump is still the leading Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

Former President Donald Trump may be out of the race in several states

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief February 6, 2024

As notable as he is, former President Donald Trump may not be making the cut for the Republican primary election ballot in Colorado and Maine. Although Trump is leading the Republican race right now with...

The cookie I was allowed to decorate when I was little; it's supposed to be Ash Ketchum

A televised edition: episode 10—cooking show

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief February 2, 2024

I’m a terrible cook.  No matter how much Chopped, Nailed It!, or Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives I watched when I was little, I still can’t bake, cook, or function in a kitchen. I’m lucky if I can...

Two horses from the racing industry, Thirsty and Monty, who have gone on to live happy and healthy lives. Monty had over 40 starts!

The horse racing industry has its risks but is not abusive

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief January 31, 2024

The Kentucky Derby was an event I looked forward to year-round as a kid. My horse-loving friends and I would sit in front of the TV, cheering enthusiastically for the horse that had the cutest name...

A picture that my friends always use to prove that I do have a phone addiction.

A televised edition: episode 9—advertisement

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief January 22, 2024

My average screen time on my phone alone is longer than the amount of sleep I get per night. That’s not including my computer, which I use about as often if not more than my phone. Sometimes, I use the...

One of the times I actually went out this year with my friends--I do things now!

A televised edition: episode 8—reboot

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief January 10, 2024

I thought the series was going to end in 2013. I was convinced that it would be no more in 2015. Yet, when I was caught off-guard, it went off air in 2020. I was convinced that I’d never be able to change,...

George Santos was ousted from the House after causing a stir with his self-serving actions.

The removal of George Santos from the House calls for a special election in New York

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief December 12, 2023

On December 1st, Representative George Santos (R-NY 3rd District) was the sixth member to be expelled from the House of Representatives. In a 311-114 vote, which exceeds the ⅔ majority needed to oust...

The spikes added to sills and platforms in order to prevent the homeless from sitting there.

Anti-homeless architecture is insensitive and ineffective

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief December 6, 2023

In 2022, the Department of Housing and Urban Development identified 582,000 people experiencing homelessness in the United States. While some people view homeless people as dangerous, dirty, or drug addicts,...

What I had to wear for one of my concerts (Indiana Jones costume). Horrific.

A televised edition: episode 7—music video

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief November 29, 2023

I stopped playing the piano when I was 14. I hated the piano–I hated practicing, I hated performing, and I hated lessons. I hated when my old piano was out of tune, I hated the bench I somehow broke,...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2023: Eva Harshman

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2023: Eva Harshman

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief November 23, 2023

To the TCT staff, for being my everything Kiera, for being one of the most influential writers on our site and also one of my longest-term friends. Saniya, for being both brilliant and outspoken in...

One of the possible explanations for "school air" by a TikTok user.

School air can ruin looks, but there are ways to fight back

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief November 16, 2023

Students of all genders and styles have their looks at the mercy of one thing: school air. No matter how much I style my hair in the morning or perfect my skincare routine, by the time I head to my...

Jenna doesn't let her injuries hold her back but rather uses them to push forward.

Jenna Lowell turns her setbacks into leaps forward

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2023

Injuries can be career-ending, but senior Jenna Lowell’s injuries were the start of hers. When Jenna tore the tendon in her finger and her ACL, she had a long recovery period that required plenty...

Lucy at a camp at the University of Michigan that gave her an introduction to the Ross School of Business.

The class of 2024 passionately takes their first steps into the college application process

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2023

Despite her many AP classes, extracurriculars, and other responsibilities, senior Ashley Schenck is only applying to two colleges. Although she has many accolades to show for her hard work throughout...

A picture of my friends the first and only time I've been to a real haunted house; I didn't stop screaming the entire time.

A televised edition: episode 6—horror

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief November 8, 2023

Everyone around me is covering their ears. I scream when I’m scared, and lately, I’ve been constantly terrified. It’s obnoxious; people are starting to turn away. It’s painfully obvious when...

A memorial for the 18 lives lost in the shooting, proving how the community comes together in support.

Proper gun control could have prevented the tragedy in Lewiston

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief November 3, 2023

Small towns are meant to be peaceful and safe, not the sites of mass shootings. On Oct. 25, Robert Card went on a rampage in Lewiston, Maine, in two different locations, taking the lives of 18 and injuring...

My horse and I dressed up as Mario and Luigi, which are some of my favorite comforting cartoon characters.

A televised edition: episode five—cartoons

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2023

Vivid colors flicker amongst laughter and early 2000s animation. The tones are saturated with a love that modern designs lose in their complexity, a love known only to those who sat in front of the TV...

Some of the cute and well-packed bags, including a bag from The North Face.

Backpacks are not only for school supplies, but also for self care necessities

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief October 18, 2023

Some of my favorite TikTok POVs are those that consist of “girls who have everything in their bags.” I know that these are supposed to be a lighthearted joke about how unrelated their supplies are...

A day when I was pretending to be a tour guide for my friends in a corn field; I was on my own little stage.

A televised edition: episode four—talent show

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief October 11, 2023

My hands are melting. Well, they might as well be; my palms are nearly cupping my sweat. I’m on a stage, thousands of eyes boring into me. My failure is their comedy, and my success is their entertainment....

Homecoming Court Q&A’s 2023

Arpita Das, Publicity Editor October 8, 2023

 c1) What was your reaction when you found out you were nominated? 2) Why do you think you got nominated for court? 3) What’s your favorite breakfast food?  4) What are you most excited for...

Just one of the many examples of sexist children's clothing.

Misogynistic children’s clothing is cracking jokes over legitimate issues

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief October 6, 2023

“I hate my thighs” versus “I’m super.” “I’m ready for my #selfie” versus “boy genius.” Little girls’ clothing versus little boys’ clothing. “No cookies for me, prom is...

Sully's life journey will always be followed by a musical tune.

Sully Lower is the ultimate one-man band

Eva Harshman, Editor-In-Chief October 4, 2023

When junior Sully Lower was a freshman, he had the entirety of his band class staring at him with wide eyes and their mouths hanging open. Prior to this moment, Sully had decided to take up a solo on...

A picture of me and Eva Harshman on one of the many friday football nights

[Photo] Looking at my past, being in my present, dreaming of my future: age 17

Addy Cousins, Editor-in-Chief October 4, 2023

A picture of me and Eva Harshman on one of the many friday football nights

Improv Central 2023 Q&A’s

Arpita Das, Publicity Editor September 26, 2023

"It's a silhouette photo of you in a parking lot at sunset; that's dramatic." -Sofia Hargis-Acevedo

A televised edition: episode three—soap opera

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief September 27, 2023

I constantly convince myself that I am free from the first-world problems that others my age are plagued by, but in reality, a soap opera is continuously spinning around me—I am in the center of the...

The white peach flavor of the ZOA zero sugar drink.

ZOA Energy “rocked” my energy drink world

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief September 22, 2023

To explain my dad in a simple sentence, I’d say this: He will buy anything as long as it’s on sale at Costco. That was how I came into possession of the first energy drink that my parents had voluntarily...

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy frustrated with his fellow representatives.

A government shutdown may be approaching, and the public is unable to stop it

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief September 20, 2023

The phrase “government shutdown” is fear-striking yet highly possible in the U.S. in the coming days. As seemingly dystopian as a government shutdown sounds, it has happened thrice since 2013 with...

The recurring characters of Eva and Co., the sitcom that never existed.

A televised edition: episode 2—sitcom

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief September 13, 2023

“Your life is like a sitcom.” Years ago, an acquaintance told my friend and me this as we were recounting one of our many misadventures. But as I stare blankly at a disconnected, never-flowing,...

Musk assures that he is against anti-semetism and instead pro-free speech.

Elon Musk fights fire with fire by accusing the Anti-Defamation League of defamation

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief September 8, 2023

After killing a controversial but beloved bird, Elon Musk has gone down in history as the man who destroyed Twitter and built up X. Following when he fully acquired the social media app in October of...

New online and AP Psychology teacher, Danielle Redman.

Danielle Redman fits right in at FHC with her talent for connecting with students

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief September 6, 2023

AP Psychology and online teacher Danielle Redman was inspired to become a teacher because of a poster. On her AP U.S. History teacher’s wall was a quote from Howard Zinn reading, “You can’t be...

Sitting in the sunglight rather than the blue light of the television for once.

A televised edition: episode one—pilot

Eva Harshman, Editor-in-Chief August 30, 2023

Per usual, I power the television on. I watch TV every night—I’m not sure if it’s out of enjoyment, habit, or addiction, but I find myself in front of a glowing screen each evening.  I can’t...

Tracy Will and her family, who she will now be able to spend more time with after retiring.

Tracy Will’s 25 years at FHC have helped students grow exponentially

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor June 6, 2023

Math teacher Tracy Will is notorious for three things: her Taylor Swift obsession, her entertaining social media accounts, and her dedication to giving her students the best high school math class experience...

Hailey Beels expresses herself through the lens of videography

Hailey Beels expresses herself through the lens of videography

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor May 31, 2023

Sophomore Hailey Beels is the only underclassman in her FX class. Although she may be the youngest on the crew, Hailey has worked just as hard—or perhaps even harder due to her age—to earn her spot...

The 10 major candidates who have confirmed that they are running for president in 2024.

A plethora of candidates are already gearing up for the 2024 presidential election

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor May 31, 2023

United States presidential elections are like no other—they’ve become a worldwide spectacle and somewhat of a reality series for American and international viewers. As every voter knows, American presidential...

A Scooter's Coffee drive-through: quick and convenient.

Scooter’s Coffee was spirited and speedy

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor May 23, 2023

I am absolutely terrible at time management. Notoriously terrible even, especially in the morning when I’m getting ready for school—I’ll wake up an hour before I have to leave and still be extraordinarily...

Tucker Carlson continues on to Twitter to spread his ideas.

Tucker Carlson’s removal from Fox News hasn’t destroyed his controversial platform

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor May 16, 2023

Tucker Carlson is among the most popular, controversial, and entertaining political talk show hosts--not just of the right-wing--but of all media outlets. He also just lost his main platform. On...

I think I was around nine in this photo, and it pretty much sums up how I still act.

I’m not old enough to be 17

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor May 8, 2023

When I was about 15, I stopped growing. I’ve pretty much maxed out at 5’8. I lost all of my baby teeth pretty early, too—my last ones were gone at around 10 or 11. I think I really was done growing...

Katelynn has used choir not only to learn but also to connect deeply with her peers.

Katelynn Heilman’s musical journey begins a new movement on a bittersweet note

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor May 4, 2023

Senior Katelynn Heilman’s brother will never admit that he’s a talented singer, but Katelynn will confess to this through actions rather than words. Since she was young, Katelynn was raised around...

Some of the pieces that used to be deemed ugly but are not considered fashionable.

From trash to treasure: ugly fashion makes a comeback

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor April 26, 2023

Trends come and go through the decades, but some things are ugly forever. I am never getting on board with jeans under dresses—sorry Y2K fashion. Regardless of my opinions, there are some items of...

The great drink I had and the even better cat I cuddled with.

The Happy Cat Café’s revamp renders it complete

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor April 21, 2023

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been deprived of cats. My dad is severely allergic to cats, so we can’t have any in the house, and very few of my closest friends have any felines. While I’ve...

Donald Trump's indictment  has attracted an abundance of attention from the press.

Former president Donald Trump has been indicted—what exactly did he do and where is he headed?

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor April 20, 2023

For the first time in United States history, a former president has been charged with criminal activity. On April 4, former president Donald Trump was charged with 34 counts of felonies. These pertained...

One of my favorite Sanrio collections, which is the Secret MeloKuro Series.

Sanrio offers comforting characters for all

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor March 22, 2023

Until I was around 15 years old, I couldn’t have cared less about the Hello Kitty franchise. Lying around my house were a few items of Hello Kitty and Mimi stationary, but I didn’t pay much attention...

Steve Martin and fellow cast members prepping to film season three of Only Murders in the Building.

Season two of Only Murders in the Building was engaging yet incomplete

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor March 14, 2023

Mabel Mora (Selena Gomez) has quite possibly the worst luck in the entire murder-mystery genre. The day after she celebrated the solving of her former friend, Tim Kono’s (Julian Cihi), murder, she found...

Juniors Mary Holtgrieve and Eliza Cool having fun in their nursing program.

KCTC opens new doors for all types of students

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor March 13, 2023

Junior Mary Holtgrieve’s most vivid memory from the Kent Career Tech Center, or KCTC, is walking into a room and seeing cadavers. As morbid as this may sound, Mary wasn’t afraid—the purpose of these...

My dog, Leon, all geared up in his harness after a winter walk.

Unleashed dogs are a sign of irresponsible owners and pose an unnecessary danger

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor March 7, 2023

Nothing is more freeing than the feeling of running alongside man’s best friend in an open field without a single restraint. While I’ve only done this in my yard on a much smaller scale, I loved sprinting...

Dylan Mulvaney's long-awaited reveal after her facial feminization surgery.

Dylan Mulvaney is approaching 365 days of girlhood—here’s to a year of her self-discovery

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor February 28, 2023

My TikTok For You Page has always had a wide variety of content on it, ranging from humorous clips to cute dog videos. However, recently, a certain rising star has been popping up more and more frequently:...

Tree Hut shea sugar scrubs are the perfect addition to any routine

Tree Hut shea sugar scrubs are the perfect addition to any routine

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor February 21, 2023

I’ve always been fascinated by inedible things that look extremely appetizing—from erasers to sea glass, I have to restrain myself from popping one into my mouth. During my time on TikTok, I have found...

Tim Xu hopes to work in engineering when he is finished with school.

Tim Xu has an abundance of scientific experience thanks to his family

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor February 16, 2023

Senior Tim Xu found his passion and possible career path in a typical household item: a light switch. The illumination of the bulb at the flip of a switch fascinated Tim since he was as young as he could...

A before and after comparison of laser tattoo removal showing the slow progress of the process.

Permanent tattoos can go against their title, but not without intense removal processes

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor February 14, 2023

“Think long and hard about getting a tattoo because that is a permanent mark on your body.” Many people who have considered getting a tattoo may have heard this caution when confiding in someone...

Khai-Thi works hard at all of her extracirriculars, but debate is one of her frontrunners.

The lessons that Khai-Thi Pham has learned from her extracurricular are undebatable

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor February 10, 2023

Sophomore Khai-Thi Pham fought against another student who had claimed that “racism is just a feeling.” Thankfully, Khai-Thi was in an environment where arguing and getting your point across is commonplace...

The site is so popular that when I checked in several times throughout the day, it was completely full.

ChatGPT proposes a fascinatingly easy route to plagiarism

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor February 7, 2023

GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer 3) is a language generation model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on its training on a massive corpus of text data. ChatGPT is...

Toby and his OM team at state competition in 2022.

Odyssey of the Mind regionals makes a creative comeback to FHC

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor February 3, 2023

Sophomore Toby Cameron’s favorite Odyssey of the Mind memory is sitting in a packed stadium in Iowa. While this alone seems unexpected, Toby’s enthusiasm stems from the thrill he experienced from being...

The ASL students and the elderly meet at the Fine Arts Center.

Signing seniors offers high schoolers a chance to bond with older generations

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor February 3, 2023

Despite the fact that American Sign Language teacher Kimberly Anderson has a talent for working with kids in their high school years, she is well accustomed to teaching people of all ages. From teaching...

The cover photo of the newest Måneskin album titled Rush!.

Måneskin’s Rush! was a boost to the band’s repertoire

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor January 31, 2023

The first time I heard a Måneskin song, which was “Beggin’,” I scoffed. While this was, in part, due to the fact that it was on my dad’s dreaded “New Music Friday” playlist, I was taken aback...

Tuv celebrating 100k followers on Instagram in his classic Earl T-shirt.

Earldoesntexist is a stand-out start-up

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor January 25, 2023

Every time a YouTuber promotes their own brand, I hold down the “5 second skip” button until I get to the actual content of the video. While I enjoy a variety of content creators, I have a hard time...

@dear_brandy on TikTok in the clip mentioned, which she has since taken down.

Millennial and Generation Z conflicts are utterly ridiculous but nonetheless entertaining

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor January 22, 2023

The more I see a 30-year-old and a 16-year-old have a heated feud on TikTok regarding which generation is lazier, or worse yet, which hair part is better, the less I want to ever interact with someone...

One of my favorite YouTubers sporting their spiky septum piercing.

The recent popular piercings are daring and flexible

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor January 10, 2023

I like to think of myself as unique, but in terms of body modifications, I’m essentially as basic as possible. I have my ears pierced (usually with very inconspicuous studs in) and my doubles, yet only...

Andrew Tate posing next to one of his quotes preaching masculinity.

Internet figure Andrew Tate has been arrested after years of accusations

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor January 8, 2023

A 19-year-old climate activist slammed a 36-year-old kickboxer on Twitter for gloating over his car emissions—verbally, of course. Only one of these two have been detained by Romanian authorities, and...

Second Amendment supports rally outside of the State House in Maine.

The phenomenon of gun culture in the U.S. is here to stay

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor December 12, 2022

The United States has more guns than people with a rate of 1.2 guns per capita. This puts it at the highest of any country—not just more-developed countries. Statistics alone don’t speak for this fact;...

Jacob, who is leading the pack of runners during a meet.

Jacob Sanford’s unusual traditions in cross country have brought unity to the team

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor December 5, 2022

Teamwork can come in many forms: in sophomore Jacob Sanford’s case, in the form of running with three shoes for two miles. When a fellow runner lost a shoe during one of the cross country team's meets,...

A gray steed who may have been her ride before he returned to Earth.

The end is not darkness, but rather a glowing warmth

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor December 1, 2022

The softest, lightest, ginger-brown hair gently undulates in the wind. His pale, bare feet are silent as they tiptoe across the stone and twirl onto the soft grass. In the night, it is coated with a thin...

Penny and I dressed up for the event, embracing the cringe together.

The 2022 Grand Rapids Comic-Con was bursting at the seams with entertainment for all ages

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor November 23, 2022

I was very nearly going to miss one of my favorite events in the entire world. For three days only during a single weekend in November, the Grand Rapids Comic-Con comes to DeVos Place. This year, from...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2022: Eva Harshman

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2022: Eva Harshman

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor November 23, 2022

Kiera and Addy, for just “getting it” When I say you “get it,” I mean that in more than one way. I can no longer imagine not having you two by my side at every milestone we’ve been through...

The two Georgia Senate runoff candidates, Democrat Warnock and Republican Walker.

The 2022 midterm elections flipped seats and turned tables

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor November 17, 2022

Since 2016, it seems that during each and every election, more and more is at stake. This is certainly true for presidential elections, but increasingly, midterm elections are rising in importance for...

Charlie reading his poem aloud to the gymnasium as veterans, students, and staff listen attentively.

The Veterans Day assembly unites students and alumni in honor and remembrance

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor November 15, 2022

The proud notes of a bagpipe reverberate through the halls of FHC on Nov. 11, 2022. This is certainly a special occurrence—as it should be. In order to properly honor those who have served, the FHC Veterans...

The long-awaited video in which Dream finally revealed his face.

Dream’s face reveal revolutionized the future of his channel

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor November 8, 2022

From around the ages of eight to thirteen, I was always perpetually upset by the same thing: not being a Minecraft kid like all of my friends were. I didn’t have a laptop or PC to play it on, so I was...

Emalea combining her two favorite aspects of fashion, layers and popping colors, into one stylish look.

With Emalea Rooke’s fashion, creativity has never looked so good

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor November 4, 2022

Emalea Rooke went into an antique shop seeking out some necklaces and left with one of her favorite clothing items of all time. This unplanned experience is one of Emalea’s fondest memories of her passion...

Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, former members of the band One Direction, who have had a strained friendship due to fans insisting that they were a couple.

Celebrities are not toys for entertainment, but living people

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor November 3, 2022

Several months ago, I was attempting to explain the Sanrio and Hello Kitty franchise to my mom, and her means of understanding it was by saying to herself, “oh, so she’s like a Kardashian.” She is...

The poster of the movie directed by Yelena Popovic, Man of God.

Man of God provoked an unexpected positive reaction

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 25, 2022

Despite the fact that my family is fairly religious—I grew up in the Eastern Orthodox Church all of my life—I haven’t been exposed to religious media as much as I have through traditional manners.  Since...

A brief comparison of gold and silver jewelry, each reflecting differently based on the wearer.

The traditional battle of the millenia: gold or silver?

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 20, 2022

I was a tomboy growing up, much to the chagrin of my grandmother who always wanted to put me in fancy clothes and accessories. My best friends were boys, I liked being outside all of the time, and most...

Misty uncomfortably moving away from a creepy old man in a situation that is supposed to be amusing.

The sexualizing of women in kids’ shows is inaccurate and unnecessary

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 12, 2022

I distinctly remember being about ten or eleven years old—about the same age as the protagonists—watching Pokémon: Indigo League in my living room during the long days of the summer when both of my...

Anderson enthusiastically refereeing a gladiator fight, which is one of the hands-on activities that he does.

FHC teachers create a positive learning environment through unique teaching styles

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 9, 2022

It’s not a typical sight to see leaders of several countries meeting in a high school classroom, but that’s exactly what can be found in history teacher Brad Anderson’s classroom during a certain...

The cover that perfectly portrays the uniqueness of Gemini Rights.

The wavering pool of Gemini Rights was crystalline creation

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 6, 2022

 In all honesty, it’s a bit embarrassing to explain how I fell in love with Steve Lacy. However, because of my dedication to both The Central Trend and Lacy, I’ll expose myself: I was listening to...

A stack of notes I found in the first three chapters alone from the previous owner of one of my textbooks.

The tablets have only my mindless scrawls

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 6, 2022

Day in, day out. Read the textbook, fill out a paper and turn it in for a completion grade. Get tested on these exact terms three days later without remembering a single word. Each time the words are written...

A cute, hands-on stacking lesson we had to do at home for my 8th grade science class while in quaratine.

At-home studying doesn’t have to be endless textbook pages

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 5, 2022

It’s all too easy to blame shortcomings in school on teachers and outside influences, such as instruction methods that aren’t preferred and clashing personalities. However, lots of learning takes place...

Beckett is the new AP Seminar, English 10, and English 9 teacher at FHC and brings her worldwide experience to the classroom.

Morgan Beckett brings foreign experience to the English department

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 4, 2022

It’s not uncommon for FHC teachers to be from Grand Rapids or surrounding areas, but very few have had the international teaching experience that English teacher Morgan Beckett has had. Although Beckett...

An example of hands-on learning in which my group mates and I created a poster based on our assigned book for a class contest.

Tried and untrue: traditional teaching methods desperately need a revamp

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 4, 2022

Most teachers in the current educational system in the United States teach in a manner that leads to about a 30% information retention rate for students. With several alterations, students could be retaining...

Investigative series: Eva Harshman - Hands-on over hands-out

Investigative series: Eva Harshman – Hands-on over hands-out

Eva Harshman, Copy Editor October 3, 2022

I used to be able to skim my textbook, call it studying, take the test, and scrape by. This worked for me for a long time, until it didn’t. School got harder, and I needed to up my game. Now that I have...

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