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  • January 312/8: Winterfest
The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

All content by Lejla Tukelija
Morgan Wildman expresses her true passion through helping people with special needs

Morgan Wildman expresses her true passion through helping people with special needs

Lejla Tukelija, Staff Writer December 18, 2018

For junior Morgan Wildman, helping people with special needs is not charity work but is a story waiting to be told. By helping special needs children, Morgan views it as a way of using her gift to help...

Belladonna Salon & Spa brings back a sense of happiness in your hairstyle

Belladonna Salon & Spa brings back a sense of happiness in your hairstyle

Lejla Tukelija, Staff Writer December 7, 2018

I’ve been feeling a sense of dissatisfaction when it comes to the length of my hair. I’ve always been the person who has enjoyed changing up my style, from clothes and lifestyle to the way that I...

Billie Eilish's new song "come out and play" is the beginning of a new era for Eilish

Billie Eilish’s new song “come out and play” is the beginning of a new era for Eilish

Lejla Tukelija, Staff Writer November 30, 2018

Engaging music has always been the key to happiness for me, and I know the same can be said for many others. However, for me, playing the same songs over and over often becomes too repetitive, degrading...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2018: Lejla Tukelija

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2018: Lejla Tukelija

Lejla Tukelija, Staff Writer November 19, 2018

Amanda Bartolovic and Sharon Parmar - I first want to start by thanking my best friends. You two have been there through thick and thin, and I can never thank you enough. All of my favorite memories...

A letter to myself: where my future takes me

A letter to myself: where my future takes me

Lejla Tukelija, Staff Writer November 13, 2018

Dear Lejla, Every day, I think about my future. I think about where I will be one day. I always question where I'm going in life. That's where I begin falling down a deep hole full of messy thoughts,...

Joji copes with pain through music in his new album Ballads

Joji copes with pain through music in his new album Ballads

Lejla Tukelija, Staff Writer November 9, 2018

When you listen to amazing music, you get a feeling of true happiness. That happiness makes you wanna get up and dance, even when people are around. That happiness brings comfort. During many nights, I...

Boys varsity tennis vs Northview – September 11, 2018

Lejla Tukelija, Photographer/Staff writer September 12, 2018

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