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  • January 312/8: Winterfest
The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Alex Yang

Alex Yang, Staff Writer

Alex Yang is a Senior at Forest Hills Central and is in his first year as a staff writer. Alex enjoys reading, music and reading his bible. He also enjoys taking care of his youngest brother, Christopher Jack who turned two this year. His parents own a restaurant in Lowell that serves a mix of Thai and other Asian cuisines. Alex is excited as enters this new year with new ideas for the team. Favorite Thing about Being on Staff: Giving everyone a voice Favorite Type of Story to Write: Reviews/Columns Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing, movies, and video games. On a Friday Night, You’ll Probably Find Alex: Working at Mynt Fusion, his parent’s restaurant

All content by Alex Yang
Doctor Strange: The Way of the Weird gives us a magicless Sorcerer Supreme

Doctor Strange: The Way of the Weird gives us a magicless Sorcerer Supreme

Alex Yang, Staff Writer May 14, 2018

Right now, everyone is raving about the newest addition to the Marvel movies: Avengers: Infinity War, the movie that beat Star Wars Episode VII’s opening weekend. If you haven’t seen the movie, go...

The Central Trend's successes are represented by 17 MIPA awards.

The Central Trend’s successes are represented by 17 MIPA awards.

Alex Yang, Staff Writer May 10, 2018

On the 23rd of last month, the Michigan Press Association (MIPA) announced the results of their statewide contests. MIPA’s annual contests recognize students for their individual work and the collective...

Playtime - Filmfest Preview Q&A

Playtime – Filmfest Preview Q&A

Alex Yang, Staff Writer May 8, 2018

Film: Playtime Producers: Matt Wilson and Dylan Matry *Quotes by Matt Wilson* 1. What’s your film about? "Our film is about a group of guys going up north for a cottage weekend." 2. What’s...

Future decisions can be scary

Future decisions can be scary

Alex Yang, Staff Writer May 4, 2018

Everyone wishes that they could be a kid again-- to be so carefree and able to rely on adults to provide for you. You never have to think about how you are going to make money or who you want to be. One...

Humans of FHC: Stacy Steensma

Humans of FHC: Stacy Steensma

Alex Yang, Staff Writer April 26, 2018

"I love graduation. I really enjoy watching the seniors grow, from the time they are freshmen [upt to when] they are seniors because I have a lot of the students in physical education. While teaching Global...

Eastern Cooking Meets Fast Food At Wok & Mortar

Eastern Cooking Meets Fast Food At Wok & Mortar

Alex Yang, Staff Writer April 20, 2018

My lack of transportation and limited schedule makes it difficult for me to eat out. But when I can, I do enjoy finding hidden gems with my friends. We did a little searching and found a small Asian...

Incognegro tells a historical fiction story in a great fashion.

Incognegro tells a historical fiction story in a great fashion.

Alex Yang, Staff Writer March 23, 2018

When it comes to reading graphic novels for the first time, it seems pretty overwhelming because it is almost as if it is a foreign medium. It's like never seeing a movie and saying, "Where should I start?"...

Humans of FHC: Brennen Bomua

Humans of FHC: Brennen Bomua

Alex Yang, Staff Writer March 20, 2018

"This year has been a great year. It's cool to play for George's last season, and not only coach George, but the whole coaching staff. We have four coaches retiring this year and it was really one of the...

The walkout is a start to change

The walkout is a start to change

Alex Yang, Staff Writer March 16, 2018

My intention of this article is not to be political. I want it to be far from that. I'm tired of people fighting each other about right and wrong and using it to divide the nation. I don't care if you...

Netflix's new Fullmetal Alchemist is a decent live action movie

Netflix’s new Fullmetal Alchemist is a decent live action movie

Alex Yang, Staff Writer March 2, 2018

Scrolling through Netflix’s new releases, I saw that they had recently uploaded a highly anticipated, live-action adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist in a movie. Fullmetal Alchemist has had several adaptations...

Humans of FHC: Charlie Brewer

Humans of FHC: Charlie Brewer

Alex Yang, Staff Writer February 27, 2018

"Our hockey season has been amazing. The varsity team started with losing the first seven games. We didn't care too much, but our coaches got mad and pushed us to never to give up. Because of that, we...

Keep moving forward

Keep moving forward

Alex Yang, Staff Writer February 26, 2018

Do you have a five-year plan? When I'm asked that question, I just make something up. But if I was serious about the plan, would I follow through? Probably not. Some people do know who and what...

Your Lie in April brings color back into the classical genre

Your Lie in April brings color back into the classical genre

Alex Yang, Staff Writer February 12, 2018

Your Lie In April is a Japanese cartoon that inspires to keep moving forward through your tough moments. In YLIA, piano prodigy Kousei Arima is abused by his mother to become the "human metronome,a��...

Palmer Anderson is ready to learn new things

Palmer Anderson is ready to learn new things

Alex Yang, Staff Writer February 7, 2018

Figuring out who you are can be the most difficult thing in the world. Senior Palmer Anderson admits that he is still is on a journey to figure out what he wants by trying new things. He enjoys things...

Humans of FHC: Jack Lorenz

Humans of FHC: Jack Lorenz

Alex Yang, Staff Writer January 30, 2018

"On the first week of freshman year I had Mrs. Demeester sixth hour, and I forgot where her class was so I walked around the school for the class for fifteen minutes. Then I just hid in the bathroom because...

Humans of FHC: Chloe Grooters

Humans of FHC: Chloe Grooters

Alex Yang, Staff Writer January 19, 2018

"My life revolves around sports. I plan my week around practices, games, meetings, and team bonding. Although this can get tiring sometimes, I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of multiple...

Stand up for your beliefs

Stand up for your beliefs

Alex Yang, Staff Writer January 16, 2018

When you hear "I Have A Dream," you probably have an image of Martin Luther King Jr. speaking confidently in your head. But did you know that was not originally in Martin Luther King's speech? In one of...

There's no need for FOMO

There’s no need for FOMO

Alex Yang, Staff Writer January 6, 2018

A friend of mine went to visit his uncle's farm for a family gathering. At the farm, my friend's uncle had an electric fence to keep his cattle from escaping. To test if the fence was on, they would grab...

The Last Jedi is more than your typical Star Wars movie

The Last Jedi is more than your typical Star Wars movie

Alex Yang, Staff Writer December 19, 2017

When Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer was released in 2014, I was really excited for Disney to continue the franchise. To be honest, I did not think the movie was amazing because I had felt like it...

Monica Noonan loves improving the Media Center

Monica Noonan loves improving the Media Center

Alex Yang, Staff Writer December 15, 2017

Some people go to the media center to find new book recommendations, and others only go in to print off their paper due next hour. FHC's Media Clerk Monica Noonan makes sure that the library has a collection...

The book The War That Saved My Life shows that you are not defined by your weakness

The book The War That Saved My Life shows that you are not defined by your weakness

Alex Yang, Staff Writer December 14, 2017

The War That Saved My Life is a heartwarming story of an abused nine-year-old girl named Ada who finds confidence and worth in herself. The author, Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, sends Ada to find a new family...

Humans of FHC: Amy Stone

Humans of FHC: Amy Stone

Alex Yang, Staff Writer December 13, 2017

"My husband and I were newly married and we were flying to Mackinac Island. My husband is a pilot and flew us there. We got about to the Petoskey area when our engine quit. There was a small fire in the...

Learning to live in the moment

Learning to live in the moment

Alex Yang, Staff Writer December 5, 2017

Every Wednesday, I go to my church to help supervise elementary grade level children. After spending time with them, I wondered how long their attention was. I did some research and found that they could...

Hands on a globe --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Global Fair, though pushed back, will bring the community together

Alex Yang, Staff Writer December 1, 2017

FHC's Global Fair, inspired by Forest Hills Northern, is used to create awareness of other cultures. Vicki Felton, teacher and adviser of the Global Learner's Initiative's Club, took over the responsibilities...

Nick Agrillo has ambitions that make him unstoppable

Nick Agrillo has ambitions that make him unstoppable

Alex Yang, Staff Writer November 21, 2017

Senior Nick Agrillo is known for meeting every physical challenge presented to him. Recently, after finishing his cross country season, Nick ran his first marathon. Nick recently participated in the...

Humans of FHC: Dylan Matry

Humans of FHC: Dylan Matry

Alex Yang, Staff Writer November 17, 2017

"One day during the summer, my friends and I were hanging out, and I asked Eric, 'What are the chances that you let me dye your hair blonde?' Our friend Paige and I ended up convincing him, so we went...

Bullet journaling is great therapy

Bullet journaling is great therapy

Alex Yang, Staff Writer November 14, 2017

When I need to get something done, I forget about it unless I do it right away. It helps me to write things down to get my thoughts in order. I've made journals and to-do lists but never been dedicated...

TCT's The Countless Thanks: Day 8 a�� Alex Yang

TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Day 8 a�� Alex Yang

Alex Yang, Staff Writer November 10, 2017

Emma Brainard - for caring about everyone Not many people would choose to go out of their way to find love for someone who is lonely. It doesn't benefit them anything. When I thought that nobody cared,...

Noises Off Q&A: Amanda Riffe

Noises Off Q&A: Amanda Riffe

Alex Yang, Staff Writer November 7, 2017

Name: Amanda Riffe Grade: Senior Role: Belinda Blair/Flavia 1.) What are you most excited about? "I am so excited to see the whole play come together. This show has a lot of moving...

The Road to Memphis gives the perspective of an African American teenage girl

The Road to Memphis gives the perspective of an African American teenage girl

Alex Yang, Staff Writer November 7, 2017

Although I've been privileged with a great school and amazing family, I easily take things for granted. Sometimes, in order to appreciate what we have, we have to expand our perspective of the world. The...

Big Mushy Happy Lump is sweetly funny and moving.

Big Mushy Happy Lump is sweetly funny and moving.

Alex Yang, Staff Writer November 3, 2017

I love reading comics and graphic novels. When I was first getting into comics, it was quite hard because most comics follow a continuous story like a television series. The second of the Sarah's Scribbles...

I've learned to grow from my mistakes

I’ve learned to grow from my mistakes

Alex Yang, Staff Writer October 27, 2017

When I was in the sixth grade, I had to write a book report on the book Hatchet. When I wrote my essay, I was not fluent in my speaking or writing. I ended up getting an awful score because I had completed...

NHS celebrates its new members for their excellence

NHS celebrates its new members for their excellence

Alex Yang, Staff Writer October 26, 2017

The National Honors Society is built on four pillars: character, scholarship, leadership, and service. These four platforms lead hundreds of students across the country to join NHS because they want to...

Learning does not equal memorizing

Learning does not equal memorizing

Alex Yang, Staff Writer October 20, 2017

Every day, I wake up at 6 a.m. to the rhythm of loud, obnoxious beeps playing two times a second. Immediately, my hand slams on the snooze and back in my bed. Sometime around 6:30, I wake up drowsy and...

Y: The Last Man leaves the fate of humanity in the hands in Yorick Brown

Y: The Last Man leaves the fate of humanity in the hands in Yorick Brown

Alex Yang, Staff Writer October 18, 2017

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were the last of your kind? Brian K. Vaughan explores this in his comic book series Y: The Last Man. Every male has died mysteriously except for one named...

Ryan Snow believes his passions will inspire others

Ryan Snow believes his passions will inspire others

Alex Yang, Staff Writer October 17, 2017

Freshman Ryan Snow grew up watching all sorts of animation such as Pixar and Japanese animations. He has an extreme fascination for becoming an animator. Ryan soon began to grow an interest for the Japanese...

Humans of FHC: Katie Frazer

Humans of FHC: Katie Frazer

Alex Yang, Staff Writer October 11, 2017

"When I was a freshman, we had a track meet on a really cold day, and we had to wear our tank-tops. I was running the 300m hurdle run; on the last hurdle, I tripped. I had broken [a bone] right underneath...

I'm not sorry for myself

I’m not sorry for myself

Alex Yang, Staff Writer October 8, 2017

As a young, growing boy, I would always play pretend with my siblings. I pretended to be a pirate plundering a village, a superhero saving the day, or an astronaut exploring the galaxy. Fantasies kept...

Humans of FHC: Kimberly Herr

Humans of FHC: Kimberly Herr

Alex Yang, Staff Writer October 3, 2017

"The most random thing to happen to me here in 27 years was after coaching when everyone was gone, I went out to the back parking lot to get my car and go home. I walked out the back doors, and my car...

helping hand with the sky sunset background

Let’s help one another

Alex Yang, Staff Writer September 29, 2017

Children can be a handful at times. If you've ever taken care of children, you might know what I mean. Every Wednesday after school, I volunteer at church to help take care of kids from kindergarten to...

Donald Alm shows how sports can be beneficial for our habits

Donald Alm shows how sports can be beneficial for our habits

Alex Yang, Staff Writer September 27, 2017

When senior Donald Alm first came to FHC in the fifth grade, it was not hard for him to find his own place. Wrestling has built him a community ever since he was young. Donald has been wrestling for...

TCT is excited to present at MIPA

TCT is excited to present at MIPA

Alex Yang, Staff Writer September 25, 2017

Once again, TCT adviser Ken George and the TCT staff are ready to head out to the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association conference in Lansing. The TCT staff has been attending MIPA for about fifteen...

Why we need to spread out our school vacation days

Why we need to spread out our school vacation days

Alex Yang, Staff Writer September 19, 2017

The life of a typical high school student is stressful and busy. Many students have band practice, athletics, clubs, or other responsibilities to take care of after school. Being occupied with various...

The secret life of a janitor will amaze you

The secret life of a janitor will amaze you

Alex Yang, Staff Writer September 15, 2017

In a world where everyone is moving so fast and furious, it is difficult to slow down and get to know anyone anymore. We walk in the same whitewashed walls together day in and day out, but do we really...

In The Autumnlands Zootopia meets Conan in a magical way

In The Autumnlands Zootopia meets Conan in a magical way

Alex Yang, Staff Writer September 12, 2017

If I were to describe this series to you in three words it would be animals, barbarians, and wizards. The Autumnlands: Tooth and Claw will make you wonder why a story like this hasn't been done before....

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