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  • March 94/3: Spring Break
The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Ellerie Knowles

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity

Ellerie Knowles is a junior entering her third year on The Central Trend. She is on the FHCVDT and dances outside of school as well. In her free time, she likes to read books, go to the beach, spend time with friends and family, and hang out with her dog Mocha. She joined the Writing for Publication class her freshman year and decided to continue with her writing adventure into her next years of high school. She loves traveling, and her favorite place she has traveled to that she remembers is Florida—even though it’s basic. One other random fact about her is that she loves sunsets and has made her mom practically stop the car just to take a picture of it. 

Favorite Color: any shade of blue

Favorite food: Grapes

One place she wants to travel to: the coast of Greece

Favorite scent: Anything tropical or lavender

All content by Ellerie Knowles
A picture I took when studying recently at Starbucks.

A considerate guide to test taking and preparing

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity March 21, 2025

In my opinion, tests are arguably the most stressful part of school. The anticipation leading up to and anxiety during them leave me upset and worried even after the test is done. But what can help ease...

A picture I find beautiful because of how the sun shines through the plants.

A journal of short, discrete thoughts

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity March 21, 2025

I long to live in a different decade. Walk into a diner decorated with bright colors, sit at a bar with round, backless stools, and order a milkshake in an overly tall glass that widens as it reaches the...

Two pictures of Evelyn with her loving dogs, Hatty, and Griffin.

Evalyn Linnert’s life is enhanced daily because of her dogs

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of publicity March 21, 2025

Junior Evalyn Linnert definitely lives in an animal household. When including her pets in the count, they cause her family size to double. She has two dogs and two cats, and they not only shape her life...

A photo of a gift basket from Pinterest that perfectly represents an inspiration of what to give people

A thoughtful guide to gift-giving

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of publicity March 4, 2025

I hate giving gifts. It makes me sound like a horrible person, I know. I love giving gifts when I know exactly what to get them, and I love when people enjoy and use what I give them, but overall the entire...

A picture from my childhood, that I really do not remember, but is still important to me

Memories of my memory

Ellerie Knowles, Managing editor of publicity February 27, 2025

The simplicity of sitting in a coffee shop one average afternoon, drinking a frilly drink and eating a croissant, may as easily be forgotten a week later.  The views of a stunning sunset over the horizon...

A picture from an airplane a few days ago.

My admiration for airports

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity February 21, 2025

I adore airports.  There is something about them that makes me feel so happy and excited that I can’t get enough of them.  My family has been an average traveling family since I was young, but...

A screen shot of part of my personal life bucket list

How to construct a life bucket list

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity January 30, 2025

Sometimes, I ponder what is important in life. If I only had 100 days to live, what would I want to do or experience in that timeline? There are obvious momentous life moments, maybe marriage, kids, etc.,...

A photo from my most recent trip to Disney World.

The places where I can breathe

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity January 17, 2025

The feeling of overwhelming anxiousness is present in nearly every waking moment of every day. The breath of relief that follows the stretch is comparable to a breath of fresh air after swimming underwater...

A picture of an airport in North Carolina where I was waiting for a flight

How to enjoy your airport experience

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity December 6, 2024

As the holiday season starts, I feel like it brings a beginning to the travel season as well. With holiday breaks from school or work and cold weather, airports are jam-packed with travelers. Even when...

A photo I captured from the fascinating sand village at the beach.

The awareness of moments

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity December 4, 2024

Being aware is inspiring.  The beach. Walking adjacent to a blue metal bar, on the other side is a water tunnel, flowing to its next destination. The breeze blows in a scent, probably of fish and moist...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2024: Ellerie Knowles

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2024: Ellerie Knowles

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity November 28, 2024

There are too many things to be thankful for. My glorious life, my feelings, the people that surround me and change me, the experiences I gain, and so much more. Writing this makes me anxious because I...

A picture of the Mean Girls 2024 poster that gave a lot of people hope

A movie sequel guide: what to expect and which ones are worth your time

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity October 31, 2024

Hearing that a sequel or adaptation of one of your favorite movies is coming out is one of the best feelings. The worst feeling that commonly goes along with it is finding out the movie was not what you...

A picture I took, but don't remember taking.

The real life that may not be real

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity October 30, 2024

If you have never read "The Allegory of the Cave," read it. I read it, and I still am intrigued. Instead of being bored by the long, assigned reading passage, I read it as if my mind was being fed its...

A perfect example of the trending fall styles

Tips to add some spice to your style this fall

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity October 4, 2024

When the leaves start to resemble a light orange or a light red, that’s when you know that it may be time to transition some of your outfits from swimsuits and shorts to something slightly warmer. There...

A sunset that I was able to capture.

Relaxed until the next time

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity October 3, 2024

Suppose you can imagine a large black shadow hovering over you, constantly whispering curses of the future while also dropping large stones into the pit of your stomach. In that case, that is the omnipresent...

Dave Fortino and his daughter Lindsey on the sidelines.

Dave Fortino is starting new beginnings while maintaining old roles as a new teacher and coach

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity September 22, 2024

Coach and math teacher Dave Fortino has a big year ahead of him. Not only is he the newest head football coach, but he also is starting a new chapter as a math teacher here at FHC.  “It was a combination...

the Rare Beauty versus the Elf blush

A few tips to all things dupes

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity September 13, 2024

I would love to have a bougie and impressive wardrobe and supply of items, but that is far out of my reach. I can’t realistically have Lululemon’s entire collection or 15 Yves Saint Laurent bags. Sometimes,...

A photo of a bonfire that was altered when a photo was taken.

A reminder to live in the moment

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity September 6, 2024

A click of a camera can never capture the real beauty and elegance of life.  The colors won’t appear the same, the depth will be crushed into a single line, and the small details will be smudged...

A view from my early morning sunrise in Myrtle Beach.

The beauty of an immemorable sunrise

Ellerie Knowles, Managing Editor of Publicity August 29, 2024

The sun rises 365 times a year. Many of those times are spent in deep sleep, covered by clouds or buildings and trees blocking the sun and its framing colors.  Even when it isn't seen, the sun rises...

A picture of Mr. Anderson on a trip, which is something he hopes to do more of.

Calvin Anderson has used his diverse experience to become the best teacher and person he can be

Ellerie Knowles, Copy editor June 5, 2024

Teacher Cal Anderson has surprisingly taught a wide array of subjects, along with coaching sports, and assisting with clubs.  “I’ve taught for 31 years, 29 here [at Forest Hills Central],” Anderson...

a cute sun drawn into the sand

The trending trends of summer

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor June 5, 2024

After returning from spring break, the only thing on my mind is the upcoming summer. I fantasize about the school-free time, filled with adventures and warm air. I nearly obsess about what I will be doing,...

Me at the beach during memorial day weekend

Change’s conflictions: change and goodbyes for now

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor May 31, 2024

In elementary school, I loved school. I would wake up every morning, find an outfit, eat breakfast, and race out the door to meet the bus. I loved the bus. I would get to school and enjoy the entire day,...

A picture of my bee friend after I was crying

The underappreciated life of a Bee

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor May 27, 2024

It makes sense that early communities believed that the sun, stars, and moon revolved around the earth. From our point of view, it appears that way, but we almost always form our views as if the universe...

One of the many rom-coms that I enjoy to watch

My top five rom-coms for a great movie night

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor May 23, 2024

My favorite genre of movies is romantic comedies (rom-coms). They have formed a comfort genre for me. They are perfect for when I need to laugh or cry, and they will always make me feel better.  There...

A flower from my recent vacation

Ubiquitous symbols in my life

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor May 23, 2024

I seem to notice symbolism popping up in day-to-day life. I wonder if it is symbols within my mind that are sometimes not truly tangible. They stand sometimes like a moose in a desert and other times like...

A stunning photo of Sofia from her senior photos

In a bittersweet way, Sofia Hargis-Acevedo is closing this chapter of her life to open a brand new one

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor May 3, 2024

Senior Sofia Hargis-Acevedo is about to close a monumental chapter of her life: high school.  Her senior year has flown by and now she is about to begin a new chapter of her story, but not without...

a clock, ticking and ticking and ticking

Change’s Conflictions: the ticking time bomb again

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor May 1, 2024

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Once again, the ticking time bomb is back. It is like it is a haunting ghost that simply can’t get enough of me. It comes back to continue the...

A picture of fountains, possibly like my own at times

Change’s conflictions: my fountain

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor April 26, 2024

I remember reading a profile of someone last year who said they were nervous about running out of things to write about. I didn’t think it was a reality for me, personally; now, I am beginning to think...

A picture I found on Pinterest of a great example of romanticizing your life with your environment.

Romanticize your life and improve your outlook on it

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor April 24, 2024

Recently, my life has been a complete train wreck. I have missing assignments, upcoming tests, and exams, and surely not enough time to accomplish it all. In this deep hole that I’ve dug myself, my solution...

A photo of Quinn sculpting on the wheel.

Senior Quinn Hane has found a love for ceramics through the school art classes

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor April 19, 2024

Senior Quinn Hane has always had a love for art, but she never considered herself adept at most things. Things such as drawing and painting never came easy to her, but she loved art nonetheless. As she...

A picture from spring break in Cabo.

Change’s conflictions: a glimpse of escape

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor April 17, 2024

Vacations are my favorite.  Cabo. Key West. Orlando. Charleston. Cape May. I strive for the times when I can pack a bag or two and escape from my regular life for a few days or even...

a picture from spring break recently

Change’s conflictions: once upon a dream

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor April 15, 2024

Some things come and go that can not be remade or replaced. They can be objects, moments, people, or even memories. When on planes, I accidentally designate time to get lost deep in my thoughts. On...

A recent photo from spring break

A short guide line to the perfect photo to post

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor April 11, 2024

My entire family hates me for my Instagram photos, but they’re my favorite thing.  I know they aren’t always the best photos, and the majority of them don’t get posted anywhere. Instead, I use...

A poster from the tour.

Olivia Rodrigo’s GUTS tour has many integral moments and things to note

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor March 27, 2024

Taylor Swift changed concerts forever with her three-hour, non-stop Eras Tour, which incorporates all of her albums into one show.  Now that all concerts have the Eras Tour as a competitor, it is hard...

My brother and I before this year's homecoming

Change’s conflictions: what siblings are truly for

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor March 25, 2024

If there is one person I could go to in the situation of something happening in my life, it is my brother.  I’m super close with my grandma, mom, dad, and friends, but through everyone, my brother...

A picture from my most recent flight before a vacation

With spring break on the horizon, it’s time to find what’s in style this year

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor March 14, 2024

Whether you’re traveling to tropical Hawaii or frigid Niagara Falls, it is integral in this day and age to have the perfectly sculpted outfit and hair for all possible photo opportunities.  Spring...

a picture from the boat this summer, when school was long out of thought

Change’s Conflictions: The letters that form events

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor March 6, 2024

Certain things have always come easy to me. Certain things still are. School, I don’t think, can fall into that category.  I have never had to try hard to achieve high in school, but that route is...

A picture of Bridget Mendler

Bridgit Mendler is surprising the media with her various overseen accomplishments

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor March 4, 2024

So much of today’s media is focused on the “big” people of today. Of course, these people have reasons for being influential and have many achievements of their own, but it becomes a point where...

A collection of pictures from my childhood with a variety of people

Change’s conflictions: the people’s impact

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor March 4, 2024

The closer people are to me, the quicker they seem to leave my life. All of my best friends have moved away or changed schools at integral times and just when they are the most important people in my...

A candid picture from my camera taken at a character breakfast in Disney World

Change’s conflictions: a forgotten camera

Ellerie Knowles, Copy editor February 7, 2024

I am not sure what I want to do with my life; however, as a child, I was convinced that one day I would become a photographer. Somewhere along the way, I acquired my grandma’s friend's camera. It was...

The Barbie poster and an Oscar review

The public claims the Barbie movie was snubbed for The Oscars, and they may be right

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor January 31, 2024

The Barbie movie was highly anticipated, and it is now highly praised for the exemplification of women and their role in society and the appreciation and credit that they are not given. In the months following...

I picture from a competition where I competed my first duo

Change’s conflictions: the evolution of dance

Ellerie Knowles, Copy Editor January 29, 2024

I’ve always been awed by fascinating dancers. Since I was young, I could be easily entertained by sitting and watching girls dance and dreaming of being just like them. It is an art that is nearly impossible...

The last sunset of 2023 in Key West, Fl

Change’s conflictions: change in a year

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer January 11, 2024

So many significant and fantastic things can happen in a year. I experience all the holidays, months, birthdays, school activities, and many opportunities.  A lot of people I have talked to told me...

The Family Promise logo

With Family Promise, we are achieving accomplishments that go beyond our school

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer December 19, 2023

Most fundraisers at FHC return the profits to the school for activities such as dances, sports, and new furniture or resources. A unique fundraiser is the annual Family Promise fundraiser, in which profits...

A few of the 2023 fashion trends that we have seen

A recap of 2023’s fashion crazes

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer December 19, 2023

Fashion is a constantly changing industry; one day someone posts that she loves her outfit and the population is buzzing over it, and the next someone else bashes the outfit and it becomes uncool to wear....

Me, my brother, and my dog at Christmas when I was in third grade

Change’s conflictions: season of speed

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer December 14, 2023

A while ago, probably around fifth grade, I was at my grandma's house for Christmas Eve. I am always comfortable at her house since I lived there for a year when I was younger and always found myself there...

The Haunted Mansion movie poster

The Haunted Mansion is hauntingly fantastic

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer December 14, 2023

Years ago, while snooping through my grandma’s movie cabinet, I found the Haunted Mansion movie. Before discovering it, I hadn’t even known that it existed. The movie was quite dull, with no clear...

examples of the warm aesthetic and the cold aesthetic for Christmas

The similarities and differences of the cold and warm Christmas aesthetics

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer December 5, 2023

Everyone enjoys different things, and different things bring different people joy. There are the universal things that bring the majority of people that so-called happiness, some of which may include puppies...

A collection of Mocha

Change’s conflictions: the troubles of a treasured dog

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer November 21, 2023

A landscaping truck.  That is all it took for my energetic, chaotic puppy to become a struggling, aged dog.  Two years ago, when my dad took my dog Mocha for a walk, she lunged at the road and...

TCT's Countless Thanks 2023: Ellerie Knowles

TCT’s Countless Thanks 2023: Ellerie Knowles

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer November 21, 2023

There are so many people that I wish I could tell how much I appreciate them. There are so many that I could write a book about all of them and the reasons. But now is not the time for that, instead, a...

A collection of Christmas activities for the season

Festive activities to fulfill your desire to experience Christmas to the fullest

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer November 16, 2023

The first of November is the Christmas season.  At least, it qualifies as the Christmas season for me.  Annually on Halloween, I watch a Christmas movie to initiate the year's festivities once...

A dark clock, probably ticking

Change’s conflictions: the anticipation of a ticking time bomb

Ellerie Knowles, Staff writer November 9, 2023

Life will end, which is inevitable.  You won’t know when, or how, but it is slowly creeping up from behind.  Death, luckily, is near the bottom of my list of worries, yet other things that have...

A picture of some of the new tables in the cafeteria

FHC’s cafeteria is undergoing new changes to make an improved, relaxing space

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer October 13, 2023

Monday through Friday, students at FHC are given an average of 30 minutes a day in the cafeteria. This time is reserved mostly for socializing and eating. This time is sacred to many students and teachers...

The blue French tip style with an oval shape

Nail styles are being unveiled with the fall season and festivities

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer October 12, 2023

With recent homecoming festivities, a fraction of teenage girls' preparations are commonly nails. Whether it is acrylics, dip, or classic paint, the majority of them are decked out in various sparkles,...

A unique, upside down nature photo

Change’s conflictions: the minuscule changes

Ellerie Knowles, Staff writer October 6, 2023

I get headaches daily.  I’ve asked doctors and tried medication, but nothing resolves the problem. I have adapted to the solution of ibuprofen, caffeine, chocolate, showers, and ice packs as my DIY...

Taylor Swift rocking her black gown at the 2023 VMAs

Taylor Swift added to her Reputation at the 2023 VMAs

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer September 29, 2023

On September 12th, the annual MTV VMAs occurred.  The VMAs are always highly anticipated and are arguably one of the most significant nights for pop culture. The events are discussed for months before...

Jae enjoying the beautiful beach

Jae Painter is creating new experiences after transferring to FHC

Ellerie Knowles, Staff writer September 27, 2023

From sports to dances, senior year captivates so many memories. It is an experience with memories that will last a lifetime. Senior Jae Painter is able to capture these memories from a different point...

A dark, foggy road

Change’s conflictions: weather’s metaphor

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer September 22, 2023

September 21, 2023 The day started out frigid with a dense fog hovering from the nearby Thornapple River. Sitting on the bus, I felt motivated; something about the hazy air made me feel like I was a...

The Newest Staff members of FHC

Arpita Das, Publicity Editor September 19, 2023

The Newest Staff Members of FHC: Jessi Dykstra

The Newest Staff Members of FHC: Jessi Dykstra

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer September 20, 2023

1.) What subject do you teach? English 9, Creative Writing, Senior Lit - I'm also directing the fall play & spring musical! 2.) Is this your first year teaching Nope! I used to teach at a...

The purple GUTS album cover

Olivia Rodrigo’s second album perfectly exhibits her musical talent and left me in awe

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer September 15, 2023

I began listening to Olivia Rodrigo’s second album, GUTS, with somewhat low expectations. Don’t get me wrong, I adored her first album, but I was unsure of what to expect and didn’t know if she...

A few pictures of outfits from the past few months

Five steps to unlocking your closet’s whole potential

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer September 13, 2023

Every morning, my friend sends me a picture of her outfit for the day, and every time—regardless of the season—she has the most adorable outfit. They always vary from each other and each one is...

My beginning of autumn, as the leaves turn and fall.

Change’s conflictions: as the leaves turn

Ellerie Knowles, Staff writer September 8, 2023

Our world will always be full of constant reminders of time, coming in the form of changes of growth and movements. I always feel the seasons are the most consequential of them all.  Summer is undoubtedly...

Me at a constantly changing sunset

Change’s conflictions: the positives and the negatives

Ellerie Knowles, Staff Writer September 1, 2023

The population is constantly changing. Every eight seconds someone is born, every eleven seconds, someone dies. From the time those people are born until the time they die, billions of things will change...

Looking back at the memories I miss

Looking back at the memories I miss

Ellerie Knowles, Junior Writer December 7, 2022

When most kids wanted to grow up, I was the kid that never wanted to. I wanted to live in Neverland and stay young with my childhood–and still do.  Many of my fondest childhood memories are the ones...

Movie poster for the movie

Christmas on Mistletoe Farm was a waste of time

Ellerie Knowles, Junior Writer November 30, 2022

Christmas on Mistletoe Farm was unenjoyable except for a single hilarious character. Without them, I would have stopped watching.  The movie is a new Netflix original movie. Netflix tends to be hit...

The ads in today's media negatively impact the happiness of consumers

The ads in today’s media negatively impact the happiness of consumers

Ellerie Knowles, Junior Writer November 23, 2022

According to Zippa, the average person sees between 4,000 and 10,000 ads each day. Although this seems exaggerated, it makes sense when you think about all the places you see ads in day-to-day life. There...

TCT's countless thanks 2022: Ellerie Knowles

TCT’s countless thanks 2022: Ellerie Knowles

Ellerie Knowles, Junior Writer November 23, 2022

To my dog- You are my favorite animal on the planet. I would choose you over anything. You are my therapy dog for all the times that I get anxious or upset or worried and I wish I could bring you everywhere....

Driving during a sunset

The pieces slowly fall

Ellerie Knowles, Junior Writer November 16, 2022

Sometimes, I feel like I’m having an exceptional day, and I’m in a marvelous mood, and then, a minuscule thing happens and my day is turned into the worst of my life.  Situations like this happen...

Two movie posters from prior projects

The History vs. Hollywood end-of-semester project gives students the opportunity to learn about history in a creative way

Ellerie Knowles, Junior Writer November 11, 2022

History vs. Hollywood teacher Kyle Carhart’s class is usually taken by upperclassmen as a relaxing class to watch movies and do very little work. So, when faced with a project, he has to make sure it...

Tom Odell's most recent album is a musical masterpiece

Tom Odell’s most recent album is a musical masterpiece

Ellerie Knowles, Junior Writer November 9, 2022

During the COVID-19 shutdown, I was constantly bored. I would do just about everything and anything possible to keep me busy. One thing I did a lot of was listen to music. I would scroll through my phone,...

The comforting cadence of rain

The comforting cadence of rain

Ellerie Knowles, Junior Writer November 2, 2022

It was a dark and stormy night—one of the classic starts to a horror story. Practically an omen of fear and darkness, yet it is one of the things that comforts me the most.  I consider myself somewhat...

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