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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Lily Bouma

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer

Lily Bouma is a senior entering her first year on The Central Trend. Since she was young, Lily has held an intense fascination with two things: music and words. She has spent her life singing and listening to music, and writing has always come easy. When she isn’t writing, singing, or working, you can find Lily spending time with her friends and family. Lily goes about her life with a sense of compassion and love. She loves anything that has to do with nature, especially flowers. She enjoys making other people smile, whether it be with her jokes or cracking out her horrible Eric Cartman impression. She is thrilled to spend the last of her high school career on The Central Trend and cannot wait to see what this school has in store for her.

Favorite movie: Tangled

Car: 2003 Ford Focus named Nancy

Favorite song: Mirrorball by Taylor Swift

Favorite Flower: Lily of the Valley (Ironic)

All content by Lily Bouma
a senior picture of me

The world around her: saying goodbye

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer May 1, 2024

The world around me that I once knew is about to be completely different; the faces I surrounded myself with will change.  The last 12 years of my life have been dedicated to learning new environments,...

Me, Meghan Bonney, and Berkleigh Blackport on our way to the dance.

This is what to do—and not to do—for school dance makeup

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer April 30, 2024

After my three years of going to school dances, I have come upon many different tips and tricks for makeup. For this most recent prom, I compiled all of these techniques in order to make my face the best...

Senior Lily Bouma will forever cherish her memories in room 139.

[Photo] Lily Bouma’s lifelong passions for ASL, choir, and writing have indefinitely impacted her future

Maylee Ohlman, Staff Writer May 1, 2024

Senior Lily Bouma will forever cherish her memories in room 139.

Me on a slide in elementary school

The world around her: school days

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer April 25, 2024

I used to have everything handed to me. Walking into the halls of Ada Elementary School, I was at the age of five and believed everything in the world was perfect. Little Lily loved school so much...

The sunset on a beautiful night at the lake.

The world around her: changing

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer April 18, 2024

Everything is about to change, even more than it already has. Soon, I’ll be leaving to somewhere bigger and brighter, but will I be able to change? Will I be able to keep up with those around me? I...

Aveda's whole Botanical Repair hair line.

Aveda’s Botanical Repair treatment has done wonders for the health of my hair

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer April 15, 2024

I was previously told I couldn’t apply any bleach to my hair until I did Aveda’s Botanical Repair treatment; It’s safe to say that it is worth every penny. For the roughly 30 minutes it took to...

Little me creating my first monkey stuffed animal.

The world around her: a stuffed monkey

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer April 15, 2024

If I could be any animal in the world, I would choose to be a monkey. A stuffed animal monkey lays in my grasp every night, giving me a sense of comfort that nothing can compare to. I can’t fall asleep...

The products that I apply morning and night.

When on the search for acne skincare, these products have proven themselves efficient

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer March 27, 2024

Ever since I can remember, I have suffered with horrible skin. For years I have tried to find a way to make it not as bad, and I only recently figured out a near solution. As pushed by many people on...

Central Singers after our "secret-singers" party.

The world around her: a place like home

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer March 27, 2024

Joining Central Singers is the worst decision I have ever made. Almost every day I get to school at 6:45, an hour before most others. I spend the first two hours of my day singing. I hate it so much,...

Me in my current pair of glasses.

The increase of eyewear has added more inclusivity and options for those with a prescription

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer March 6, 2024

The other day, I walked into work and was told “Hey Lily, Your glasses look like something people would’ve worn in 2014!” I honestly didn’t know how to react to that. A lot of people nowadays...

Me and Bre at our sister's wedding.

The world around her: my twin flame

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer March 4, 2024

I think we have been sisters in every lifetime.  My best friend, my twin flame, my soul tie, my beautiful sister: these are only some of the words that I can use to describe Bre.  Everyone has...

Logan skating at Rosa Parks Ice Circle with Ian and Kayla

In the presence of friends, Logan Tiggleman lives his life through adventure

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer February 21, 2024

Whether it be by going out to eat or just hanging out while watching a movie, junior Logan Tiggleman finds solace in the presence of his closest friends.  “I love going to Culver's with my friends...

The best new lip products

I utterly adore the “lippies” craze

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer February 21, 2024

Whether it be through the Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm, Dior Addict Lip Glow Oil, Tower 28 ShineOn Lip Jelly, or Lanolips 101 Ointment, people all over the world are taking lip care to the next level. There...

Lillian Joyce Brown, in all her beauty

The world around her: my namesake

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer February 20, 2024

Every day, I am becoming more and more like the woman from whom I’ve received my name.  I find myself interested in the same things as she: singing, helping others, and caring about the little things...

Bob's Burgers never misses with their new releases

Bob’s Burgers never misses with their new releases

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer February 7, 2024

For as long as I can remember, I have loved the show Bob’s Burgers. No matter what mood I may be in, this show has always been there for me, and this feeling has definitely continued onto the release...

The view outside of my cruise cabin balcony

The world around her: shattered

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer February 7, 2024

All at once, my life shattered into something I never thought I’d know: the feeling of being alone.  One seemingly normal Thursday morning slowly turned into a night of unbelieving agony. My heart...

Noah Oppenhuizen performing at School of Rock

Students at FHC have found expression in the form of music

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer February 1, 2024

Music surrounds students every day, whether it be in a music class or just by listening to it on one's own. Some people listen to music, some people play music, and some people even make their own music. For...

A display of how Elf's Camo Liquid Blush appears on different skin tones.

Elf’s release of their Camo Liquid Blush has a lot to leave to the imagination

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer January 24, 2024

With the craze of liquid blushes at its peak, Elf has decided to strike again with yet another famous duplicate: the Elf Camo Liquid Blush. It has been unclear as to which popular liquid blush Elf has...

Me, posing with my beautiful mother in my childhood home.

The world around her: the women that raised me

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer January 22, 2024

I wouldn’t have my femininity without the women who raised me; they showed me what it means to be a girl living in this world. From my personality to my figure, I am my mother’s daughter. My mom...

Nolan Breckon's love for music has changed him into a new person

Nolan Breckon’s love for music has changed him into a new person

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer January 16, 2024

For junior Nolan Breckon, music has been a constant source of inspiration and comfort for as long as he can remember. No matter what emotion he may be feeling, Nolan has a playlist to go along with...

blooming pink lily field on morning

The world around her: in a flower field

Lily Bouma, Staff Writer January 12, 2024

I look around, surrounded by flowers, but there is one that stands out: a lily.  I have many things in common with a lily, not just in namesake. There are many versions of lilies, each one different...

These are the products that have transformed the health of my hair

These are the products that have transformed the health of my hair

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer December 13, 2023

A lot of people tend to fixate on their skincare or makeup instead of taking care of their hair. Although I do enjoy caring for my skin and doing my makeup, I have spent years trying to heal my hair from...

Faith Hubbard's experience with ASL has shown her how to be a more expressive person

Faith Hubbard’s experience with ASL has shown her how to be a more expressive person

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer December 11, 2023

Senior Faith Hubbard has felt an immense connection with the expressive language of ASL since she was very young.  She has been intertwining facial expressions, hand movements, and creative storytelling...

The Wellness Club has brought a way to relieve stress for students at FHC

The Wellness Club has brought a way to relieve stress for students at FHC

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer December 5, 2023

Whether it be walking through the park or doing sessions at a hot yoga studio, the Wellness Club has made relieving stress so much easier for busy-body students.  With the intention of informing students...

I have seen the seas

I have seen the seas

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer December 5, 2023

I spent much of my early childhood years with the water. I have sailed across many seas and visited numerous foreign lands; not many people have the ability to say they have visited more countries than...

Disney's re-release of the Oswald the Lucky Rabbit series has been one of their best ideas

Disney’s re-release of the Oswald the Lucky Rabbit series has been one of their best ideas

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer November 29, 2023

Back in September, Disney decided to re-release the original episodes of the “Oswald the Lucky Rabbit” series, originally created in the 1920s.  The re-release came with two episodes, “All Wet”...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2023: Lily Bouma

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2023: Lily Bouma

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer November 20, 2023

My family- for getting me where I am today Mom- Thank you for being there to help me whenever I am stressed. You have always been there whenever I needed you; you always comfort me when something happens....

Elf's Glow Reviver Lip Oil has surpassed its inspiration by many factors.

Elf has beat out the competition with yet another product

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer November 8, 2023

The other day, I was scrolling through TikTok and came across an ad for the new Elf Glow Reviver Lip Oil. The brand has experimented with duplicating many famous products, their new one being the Dior...

Addison Moore finds happiness in her participation in snowboarding.

Addison Moore fights her arthritis with snowboarding

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer November 6, 2023

Since she was around the age of four, junior Addison Moore has been dealing with arthritis, a disease targeting pain in the joints.  As time went on, she realized that every other sport she indulged...

The children would sit on the docs, staring out at the water.

The cabins in the woods are my home

Lily Bouma, Junior Writer October 30, 2023

Up on Central Lake is where the children always seem to laugh and play. The children would run around for hours, stopping only for small snacks and to slurp juice boxes. Times were spent on the water–kayaking,...

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