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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Savannah Elenbaas

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer

Savannah Elenbaas is a senior entering her second year on staff for The Central Trend. You can find her freefalling into her love of driving in the middle of nowhere while blasting music or working out. While her hidden passions in life lie in music, specifically singing and theatre and she is on the varsity track and field team. She’s traversed across the world two times to visit her birthland of China.

Favorite genre(s) of music: Country and rap

Secret fun fact: She works as a server at a retirement home

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Favorite type of story: Columns and reviews

Obsessions: Candy and makeup

All content by Savannah Elenbaas
A Michigan spring sunset in my side mirror

The root of her happiness is him

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer March 15, 2021

My mind spirals back and forth trying to grab the exact date we met, but you don’t seem to have a clue either. Maybe our minds have hidden the truth from us because it isn’t important, Not at...

Me sitting at the hostess stand at my work, Sentinel Pointe retirement community.

Their home is where I’ve befriended them

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer March 8, 2021

I work at a retirement home, and I have been lured in by their way of life, for I am just a visitor; I am just a helper inside their home. I tend to their dietary needs, for I am a person they come to...

My dog Tia wearing a unicorn costume.

The sprinkles of the little things in my life

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer March 1, 2021

I wonder sometimes what I would live my life as if I didn't have my little things—if I didn't have my friends, my family, or my hobbies. If I take all those things away, would life even go on as life? I,...

Courtesy of COVID-19, here's a picture from my 17th birthday!

Eighteen marks the beginning of my adulthood

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer February 22, 2021

Eighteen years of family, Eighteen years of experience on Mother Earth,  Eighteen years of memories, And eighteen years of emotions and feelings. Dare I say—uncoincidentally—I miss the...

My best friend and I caught toads and frogs which we put in a bucket.

When I reminisce about the fleeting of spring

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer February 15, 2021

When I reminisce about Spring, I think of fresh, wet, and lime-green sprigs of grass. My heart grows warmer as flowers bloom within my heart, creating the spring hearth I bear. I wish to flow...

The sun is high in the sky with the beach as the setting.

The thought of you is what keeps her living

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer February 8, 2021

Maybe you could see the hope in her eyes—the ones that glistened with a million dreams—  Maybe you could see her aura light up as soon as she saw you.  Maybe you keep her up at night because...

Katie Romijn decorates her laptop with a motley of stickers

Throughout these unknown times, students have found a creative outlet of self-expression

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer February 3, 2021

Sophomore Katie Romijn’s decision to cover her laptop with an array of stickers dwells from a place of memories and interests. She feels as though using stickers, pins, or car stickers creates a window...

My friend Kate and I take a picture in good lighting.

My symbolic sardines are what make me who I am

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer February 1, 2021

Every once in a while I enjoy sardines —  I consume them—   but they also are a symbol that sets me apart from some people.  Surely, not many human beings share the love of eating sardines...

A peaceful drive as the sun sets ahead of the car.

I do not wish to become prey to my captor

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer January 25, 2021

I’ve held eyes with something that had encapsulated my attention.  It unfurled my senses, it chased me away from my fears, and it created an opening that would never encase itself.  I only wish...

Frozen paranoia has been cultivated

Frozen paranoia has been cultivated

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer January 18, 2021

It could’ve, perhaps, been the putrid pale smell that seeped into their senses, or it could have, perhaps, been the reveled scene in their midst.  But they could’ve sworn it wasn’t present...

Rain droplets are scattered and reflected with lights across the windshield

The tornado of dew droplets that are trapped

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer January 11, 2021

The sharp droplets of water scantily scatter themselves upon my window as my gaze lingers upon them.   I loathe and praise them because they are like me, they are trapped like me, and...

A mother coddling her child as she kisses her baby's cheek.

The fatality of a father

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer January 4, 2021

My feet found their way around the garden as I clutched onto her, feeling as though she's my last light of hope. His spirit had left the world about last month, and every day, I ventured outside with her. The...

The Hopeless Fountain Kingdom part two

The Hopeless Fountain Kingdom part two

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 14, 2020

Recap: Our two lonely souls are parted now. Luna sits back at Aurem, and here I sit in Angelus. My mind draws me out to stare wistfully at the peak of Aurem's red castle. My lips turn upwards and a smile...

Alex Hurt utilizes the expression of art to color his world

Alex Hurt utilizes the expression of art to color his world

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 9, 2020

The skill of evoking emotions from art is what junior Alex Hurt strives to attain in his artwork. The involvement of art is what creates a euphoric and comforting feeling for Alex. Art is a safe place...

The Hopeless Fountain Kingdom

The Hopeless Fountain Kingdom

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 7, 2020

They had never dared to declare war against us until now. They think Aurem is taking too much control. Esoteric's are very knowledgeable, and their group is tiny because very few people understand...

The house that used to haunt me

The house that used to haunt me

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 30, 2020

You could call that blue house next to us abandoned, but it's not. The old man who lives there is in his 90's but only comes there for a week every summer. He lives in Wisconsin, so that blue house...

TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Savannah Elenbaas

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 25, 2020

Liberty Cook: for being my other half for seven years There are not enough words to compare how much you mean to me and how much I yearn to say about you. You have been with me through my journey of...

The impact and outlook of required reading in school

The impact and outlook of required reading in school

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 17, 2020

"You are all required to have the book Things Fall Apart by next week Wednesday. We will start reading that book for our next unit; I have the reading schedule of what you are supposed to read by each...

A disguised meaning to astrology and spirituality

A disguised meaning to astrology and spirituality

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 16, 2020

I'm a sensitive water sign. My personality could be intuitive, compassionate, creative, and I am a hopeless romantic. Can you guess what my main sun sign is? I'm a Pisces; my sign represents a fish....

Lauren Brace's early start of chasing many extracurricular activities has created a positive high school experience

Lauren Brace’s early start of chasing many extracurricular activities has created a positive high school experience

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 13, 2020

Sophomore Lauren Brace has immersed herself in a motley of diverse extracurricular activities and passions that have shaped her life. “Ever since I was little, I’ve loved to sing," Lauren said....

Linus Kaechele

Linus Kaechele

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 10, 2020

Name: Linus Kaechele Grade: 12 Role(s): Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel, Dwarf 1, Wicked Stepsister 2, and the Birds 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having a smaller cast compared to...

The art of stowing my camera roll in storage

The art of stowing my camera roll in storage

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 9, 2020

My favorite memories fizzle out like melting snowflakes in the wake of spring. They mold, fold, and wrap around my mind in twigs of vines; they constrain my once lively and happy mind. Yet, they slowly...

The power of physical nostalgia

The power of physical nostalgia

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 2, 2020

Certain things feel like home. Whether it's when I feel something, see something, have someone, or go somewhere, I always have that 'at home' feeling. It brings me comfort, joy, or maybe even love. Euphoria...

My addictions as colors

My addictions as colors

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer October 27, 2020

When I was younger, my mindset had thought addiction(s) was a negative happening in life. But, there were various paths and ways for me to avoid it as if it were poison. As my feeble and newborn mind grew,...

Homecoming Court Q&As: Mina Siebert

Homecoming Court Q&As: Mina Siebert

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer October 20, 2020

1. What was your reaction when you heard your name called? "I was definitely very surprised! It was exciting and stressful to hear my name being called because I was so far away from the field I ended...

Change is the only constant in life

Change is the only constant in life

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer October 19, 2020

Change is something in my life that I never asked for, but alas, in the end, it always wedges its way into my life. The distorted sculpted figure takes different forms in different situations, creating...

The interlocking of the stream

The interlocking of the stream

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer October 12, 2020

*Disclaimer: The "her" POV of this will not be italicized, and "his" POV will be italicized.*   The stream isn't far behind me, with ripples across its face, although no paths have been...

Happy Holidays and Christmas background word cloud, holidays lettering collage

Holidays in rewind

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer October 6, 2020

What makes a holiday? The traditions or the things received? Is it possibly be the atmosphere or the people within the atmosphere? Is it the home-like feeling received when I'm in the atmosphere with...

Mickey Guyton's album Bridges brings me back home with a soulful and pop-country sound

Mickey Guyton’s album Bridges brings me back home with a soulful and pop-country sound

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer September 30, 2020

When I was younger, my music palette consisted of pop and Disney tunes; as I got older, my music palette aged with me. The screen was pulled back for me from my many choir classes, and I discovered other...

How the FHC choir department is handling practicing their music within the confines of the COVID-19 restrictions

How the FHC choir department is handling practicing their music within the confines of the COVID-19 restrictions

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer September 30, 2020

Community, friends, and music: three simple things that are found in choir teacher Sean Ivory's room. Due to COVID-19, the 2020-2021 school year is a notably different looking year with the hybrid schedule,...

Improv Q&A: Gavin O'Meara

Improv Q&A: Gavin O’Meara

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer September 25, 2020

Name: Gavin O'Meara Grade: 11th  1. How did you get into improv? Why did you decide to try out? "Last year Mrs. DeMeester told me that I didn't have a choice and that I had to try out for improv,...

Trying to chase the last nostalgic moments of summer

Trying to chase the last nostalgic moments of summer

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer September 21, 2020

“Don’t linger in the past too much; focus on the present.” A phrase that has drowned my ears for years; it’s like a vintage cloth that has been of use for quite a while.  My mind can interpret...

Felly's album Mariposa conveys a comforting feeling through short retro beachy tunes

Felly’s album Mariposa conveys a comforting feeling through short retro beachy tunes

Savannah Elenbaas, staff writer September 15, 2020

The term "one size fits all" has been passed around verbally for years, creating a commonly used and heard phrase. This term is usually used when speaking in terms of clothing, but can never be used to...

The perquisition of homeschooling

The perquisition of homeschooling

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 25, 2019

As I stretch my arms, the white, bright light of nature shines through my window. I desperately want to fall back asleep, just as a bear would in hibernation. The time "9:00" is expressed on my phone as...

Taylor Swift's album Lover shows her playful innocence and dauntlessness

Taylor Swift’s album Lover shows her playful innocence and dauntlessness

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 24, 2019

Singer and songwriter Taylor Swift threw innocence and a dash of color into her new album, Lover. I have found that in recent albums, artists show two different sides of them through their songs, almost...

Don't attack me, please

Don’t attack me, please

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 19, 2019

It should not affect you It is the littlest of concerns They are your friend, yet you already feel like you have coalesced And I promise you it is not toxic I swear that It is just one little...

Camila Cabello's pristine album highlights a high point of sophistication in her music career

Camila Cabello’s pristine album highlights a high point of sophistication in her music career

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 13, 2019

They often say the types of things you pen are an extension of you. They make you up; they replicate the image of you to others. Camila Cabello's new album Romance reflects that exact image. She utilizes...

Rheumatoid arthritis has shaped Abby Stachowiak into a stronger version of herself

Rheumatoid arthritis has shaped Abby Stachowiak into a stronger version of herself

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 11, 2019

Rheumatoid Arthritis: a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks itself causing the joint tissue to thicken and cause a blockage.  Senior Abby Stachowiak has experienced this her whole life....

Why I love driving in the absence of light

Why I love driving in the absence of light

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer December 6, 2019

The thrill of driving nowhere with a blanket of darkness surrounding you is like a rush of adrenaline.  The satisfying feeling of the absence of light while driving is comforting. For a while, I never...

Florida Georgia Line’s new album Acoustic Live Sessions create an intimate connection with the listener

Florida Georgia Line’s new album Acoustic Live Sessions create an intimate connection with the listener

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 22, 2019

I feel like all songs try to create a story; artists try to create imagery in their songs in order for listeners to understand it. In Florida Georgia Line’s album of Acoustic Live Sessions, the songs...

Senior Natalie Sweeney's career path suddenly changes

Senior Natalie Sweeney’s career path suddenly changes

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 17, 2019

Blonde, purple, and blue are just a few colors that senior Natalie Sweeney has dyed her sister's hair.  Natalie's career path had been set in the direction of cosmetology ever since her freshman year...

Halsey's new song clementine paints a vulnerable picture of her

Halsey’s new song clementine paints a vulnerable picture of her

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 15, 2019

Vulnerability is a new theme in Halsey's new songs.  Based on this song, it is clear that her new album shows a different, softer side to her that will broaden her audience. The soft beat behind her...

Teens and sleep deprivation don't go together

Teens and sleep deprivation don’t go together

Savannah Elenbaas, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

Six o'clock. Bright and early. High schoolers are at a weird stage in their life when they are figuring everything out: college, their future, relationships--the list goes on. It doesn't help that...

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