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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Emily Obermeyer

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media

Emily Obermeyer is a senior entering her second year on staff. Her favorite type of story to write is reviews. Emily plays basketball and loves going to concerts. When Emily isn’t at practice or working, you most likely will find her watching Netflix or listening to new music.

  • Favorite thing about being on staff: Meeting and becoming closer with people from all grades
  • Favorite type of story to write: Reviews
  • Hobbies/Interests: Basketball, listening to music, and concerts
  • Favorite Book: Insurgent by Veronica Roth
  • It’s a Friday night and you will find Emily: In the student section at a sports event
All content by Emily Obermeyer
Maps + Goodbyes

Maps + Goodbyes

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media May 21, 2018

The map of Forest Hills has been engraved in my brain. My whole life, I've lived in the same house, I've walked down the same streets, and I've grown up here. If someone asked me to, I could probably draw...

Amanda Riffe ends her year with the release of her debut album

Amanda Riffe ends her year with the release of her debut album

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media May 18, 2018

As the seniors of 2018 embark on the last few days of their final chapter, many try to leave their mark. For senior Amanda Riffe, she has been embarking on a journey that is different from most. Her senior...

Humans of FHC: Caroline Whyte

Humans of FHC: Caroline Whyte

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media May 15, 2018

"I'm very excited [to go to University of Miami]. I have my roommate, and she's very nice. I've met a lot of really cool people. It's kind of surreal that I'll be in Florida. I'm very excited for this...

The Campaign - Preview Q&A

The Campaign – Preview Q&A

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media May 10, 2018

Film: The Campaign Producers: Jace Thornton, Matis Butlevics, Grant Bardelli, and Linnea Eastburg *Quotes by Jace Thornton* 1. What’s your film about? "Our film is about two high school seniors...

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: "Saturday" & "This Is America"

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: “Saturday” & “This Is America”

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media May 8, 2018

I am an avid fan of Saturday Night Live. When it was announced that actor and rapper Donald Glover would be hosting and performing on SNL, I was ecstatic. Upon watching the episode, I was shocked when...

Humans of FHC: Ashley Jenkins

Humans of FHC: Ashley Jenkins

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media May 4, 2018

“I’m going to Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. It was really hard for me to make a decision. I was between somewhere close and somewhere far, and I think that [Point Loma] offers me something...

Graduates cheer along with the MSU fight song at the university commencement ceremony on Friday May 6, 2011.

Students and parents should not be sad about graduation

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media May 1, 2018

As the clock winds down for the Class of 2018, the anticipation for graduation grows. And as this feeling of excitement, uncertainty, and happiness grows, so do the number of questions. For the past few...

Bryn Yoder takes on two spring sports while helping others

Bryn Yoder takes on two spring sports while helping others

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media April 10, 2018

Balancing school and a sport can be challenging. However, imagine playing two sports at once while taking on school and caring for others with composure and grace. For sophomore Bryn Yoder, she is currently...

Adults need to learn how to use social media responsibly

Adults need to learn how to use social media responsibly

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media March 20, 2018

Words have power. People often underestimate the impact that their words have. But, in the turn of a century, words have become more accessible than ever before. Today, people have the ability to build...

Senior Isabel Varghese prepares for her future through research and public speaking

Senior Isabel Varghese prepares for her future through research and public speaking

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media March 17, 2018

Every high school student wishes they had more free time. But for senior Isabel Varghese, she craves the dedication involved in having a full schedule. Between Debate, Forensics, volunteering, and personal...

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Skin&Earth

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Skin&Earth

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media March 13, 2018

Sometimes, people tend to have a bit too much faith. People get tattoos of boyfriends that don't work out, people get married after a week, but for musician Lights, she legally changed her name on a whim...

Humans of FHC: Jack Ziegler

Humans of FHC: Jack Ziegler

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media March 9, 2018

"It sounds really typical, but [the musical] is one of those things where you go, 'oh it's senior year, why not do it?' I'd always talk to my sister about doing it, and she said, 'it's one of the biggest...

What the Central Michigan shooting taught me about school safety

What the Central Michigan shooting taught me about school safety

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media March 7, 2018

You never think it's going to happen to you. You never think you'll be involved. You never think it could happen in your world. Until it does. School shootings have become frighteningly normal in the...

A group of junior girls form a book club at FHC

A group of junior girls form a book club at FHC

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media March 2, 2018

A book opens. The limited time and business of life are suddenly put on pause. A new story is created, unlike anything else. Every Tuesday, the newly created FHC Book Club is hoping to provide people with...

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Broke Royality

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Broke Royality

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media February 27, 2018

There's always something intriguing about finding a new local artist. After performing at ArtPrize and in areas in Detroit, Flint Eastwood has established themselves as a more nationwide artist. Flint...

Humans of FHC: Clara Mosentine

Humans of FHC: Clara Mosentine

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media February 23, 2018

"Build season [for Robotics Team] just ended on Tuesday this week, and so what that means is we've spent the last six weeks building a robot. Then we put it in a bag, and we can't touch it again until...

Sutton Steensma takes on life with grace and the support of other humans

Sutton Steensma takes on life with grace and the support of other humans

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media February 16, 2018

With the power of humans, she is ready to make an impact. On others, her community, and the FHC theater program, she radiates positivity. Through student council, her church, and theater, junior Sutton...

Humans of FHC: Olivia Enbody

Humans of FHC: Olivia Enbody

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media February 14, 2018

"[Jared Deming and I] were in sign language together. He wasn't doing so well, and he was like, 'You're a really good signer. Do you mind helping me out?' I was like, 'Oh sure.' I was his tutor, and then...

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: To Imagine

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: To Imagine

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media February 13, 2018

One-hit wonders are a bit of a mystery. For many one-hit wonders, one song will get radio play, and then the artist will disappear off the face of the earth. Some of these artists manage to gather a small...

Action needs to be taken to get girls involved in STEM

Action needs to be taken to get girls involved in STEM

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media February 6, 2018

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" In elementary school, kids are constantly asked this question. Most kids have the feeling that they can be anything when they grow up. They could be a doctor,...

Lily Martin experiences high school through leading and helping others

Lily Martin experiences high school through leading and helping others

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media February 2, 2018

"I've always been naturally a leader," junior Lily Martin said. "I feel like kids think they need adults to accomplish something, but kids are just as good of leaders and can accomplish a lot of things...

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Entertainment

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Entertainment

Emily Obermeyer, Managing Editor of Social Media January 30, 2018

Often times, I hope that the sequel is just as good as the original. Whether it be movies, books, or albums, many sequels tend to disappoint me. For the new band Waterparks, their first album has become...

Humans of FHC: Taylor Reid Williams

Humans of FHC: Taylor Reid Williams

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media January 26, 2018

"I feel like [senior year] has been a lot more work than I anticipated and a lot more work than the grade before us had alluded there to be. I don't know if it's because I decided to royally mess myself...

Stop using senioritis as an excuse

Stop using senioritis as an excuse

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media January 19, 2018

"I have four tests today, and I haven't studied for any of them." "I haven't done any of my homework from the past three weeks." "All I did after school was take a nap; I didn't even open my backpack." "I...

Students and teachers set New Year's Resolutions to promote improvement

Students and teachers set New Year’s Resolutions to promote improvement

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media January 16, 2018

The clock slowly winds down. Every second seems to pass slower than the previous. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1a�� Happy New Year!" People all over the country celebrate in unison. Everyone is ecstatic for this new...

Katie Hicks pursues dreams of a future in theater

Katie Hicks pursues dreams of a future in theater

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media January 12, 2018

"I love performing," senior Katie Hicks said. "I love making people laugh. I just love getting an audience's reaction, and I love being on stage." From improv to plays to musicals, Katie has done it...

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Vesperteen

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Vesperteen

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media January 9, 2018

For fans of Twenty One Pilots and The xx Could the drummer of a band ever be the lead singer at the same time? For one man solo project Vesperteen, the answer is yes. When I saw Vesperteen as an opening...

Sydney Kushak has overcome many obstacles and gained many opportunities from high school

Sydney Kushak has overcome many obstacles and gained many opportunities from high school

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media December 30, 2017

Whether it be hitting the slopes or jumping in the pool, freshman Sydney Kushak is always active by excelling in swimming, water polo, and skiing. Ever since a young age, Sydney has been involved in...

Humans of FHC: Rebecca Shull

Humans of FHC: Rebecca Shull

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media December 27, 2017

"Sugarplum is the biggest role in The Nutcracker. I'm excited to perform it, but I'm also a little bit nervous. It's a lot to do, but it's really cool that I get an opportunity to be such a big part of...

Humans of FHC: Kyla Souza

Humans of FHC: Kyla Souza

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media December 22, 2017

"I love the greenhouse; we just put bottles on the plants to keep them warm in the winter. Also when it's snowing, we have to go out and water the plants. We had to go outside [one day], and I was sinking...

FHC must change the college visit policy

FHC must change the college visit policy

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media December 19, 2017

Imagine this: a student walking around on a future college campus. They see all the academic buildings and dorms, they meet with advisors and future students, and they try to see if that college can suit...

Students create boards and memories in Gone Boarding class

Students create boards and memories in Gone Boarding class

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media December 15, 2017

Surfing on Lake Michigan. Paddleboarding down the Grand River. Wakeboarding at Action Adventure Park. This does not sound like a typical classroom, but in Gone Boarding, the world is the classroom. "There...

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: Atlas: Space

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: Atlas: Space

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media December 12, 2017

Sometimes an album can contain so much more than just songs. The recent re-release of Atlas: Space by the one-man project Sleeping at Last is a collection of not only tracks but also a collection of in-depth...

Life isn't fair

Life isn’t fair

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media December 5, 2017

"Hard work always pays off." No, it doesn't. As tragic as it is, life isn't fair. No matter what you do, you can never do anything to guarantee the outcome you want. There is no way to ever predict...

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: Lovely Little Lonely

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: Lovely Little Lonely

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 28, 2017

For Fans of The 1975 and Fall Out Boy Indie music. Today, people don't seem to understand the definition of indie music. Did you know that indie is short for independent? Technically, all artists that...

Girls sports need equality

Girls sports need equality

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 24, 2017

I can still remember in 6th grade when my gym class was split by gender. The boys got to play basketball while the girls had to learn gymnastics. At the time, I wanted nothing more than to play my favorite...

Audrey Tubbs and Ashley Jenkins create the Outdoor Adventure Club

Audrey Tubbs and Ashley Jenkins create the Outdoor Adventure Club

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 21, 2017

Ice climbing, bouldering, backpacking, high ropes courses, and hiking. These are just a few of many activities the brand new Outdoor Adventure Club will be offering to students. While this club may...

Victoria Wagner's perseverance has led her to excel in art

Victoria Wagner’s perseverance has led her to excel in art

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 17, 2017

There is the voice of a young child in everyone. Every time you make a choice, your younger self can be heard in the back of your mind. Senior Victoria Wagner has heard that child's voice and uses it to...

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: Disappear Here

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: Disappear Here

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 14, 2017

For Fans Of The 1975 and X Ambassadors There are some songs that can be connected to memories and feelings of happiness. When I recently heard some of Bad Sun's music on a trip, I immediately became...

TCT's The Countless Thanks: Day 10 a�� Emily Obermeyer

TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Day 10 a�� Emily Obermeyer

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer November 14, 2017

Lauren Ehrlich - For the endless amounts of kindness Lauren, you always manage to radiate kindness to everyone around you; every time I see you, there is a smile on your face. You have a willingness...

Humans of FHC: Hannah Weinman

Humans of FHC: Hannah Weinman

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 10, 2017

"It's really strange [having my brother at college], but I try to keep myself pretty busy so I don't think about it. Plus, he was always doing a lot of sports and stuff, so we were [only] home together...

Noises Off Q&A: Sutton Steensma

Noises Off Q&A: Sutton Steensma

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 7, 2017

Name: Sutton Steensma Grade: Junior Role: Brooke Ashton/Vicki 1.) What are you most excited about? "I am most excited about doing a show that this community has never seen before due to the...

Students need to greet their peers in the halls

Students need to greet their peers in the halls

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 7, 2017

FHC is typically described as having a warm and friendly student body. However, there is a major problem in the halls of FHC that takes away from this inviting spirit. I have noticed an alarming trend...

Reeta Bhanini finds happiness in drumline

Reeta Bhanini finds happiness in drumline

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media November 3, 2017

When reflecting upon the four years of high school, what does an old student remember? For many adults, they often remember a sport, a club, or their friends. Senior Reeta Bhanini knows she will remember...

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: Last Young Renegade

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: Last Young Renegade

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media October 31, 2017

For Fans of Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco Sometimes, it can be difficult to come back to life after digging your own grave. If you are lucky enough to get out of that hole, you often can come...

Humans of FHC: Abigail Sumner

Humans of FHC: Abigail Sumner

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media October 27, 2017

"My mom was on her way home from work, and I called her and asked, "Can we go [to the Women's March?]a�� And she was like, "I don't think we're going to be able to do that.a�� As she was coming...

Education companies have twisted motives

Education companies have twisted motives

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media October 26, 2017

There is a product market existing within our nation's education system. People are sold tests and materials in order to help further their educational opportunities. However, this market has a mountain...

Cross country adds yoga and swim to their practices

Cross country adds yoga and swim to their practices

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media October 20, 2017

"A lot of people have said, "You guys are doing swim or yoga? That doesn't have anything to do with cross country,a��" sophomore cross country runner Chloe Zeien said. Recently, the cross country...

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: We Are The Wrecks

The Radar With Emily Obermeyer: We Are The Wrecks

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media October 17, 2017

For Fans of Fall out Boy and Panic! at The Disco I hate opening bands. A lot. While I'm waiting for the main act to perform, I often get irritated at the sub-par openers that are attempting to gain...

Humans of FHC: Tessa Guerre

Humans of FHC: Tessa Guerre

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media October 13, 2017

"At volleyball, [senior] Audrey Tubbs, [junior] Katie McClure, and I were talking about how in back row we have to crawl on the ground like snakes. We were like, "Let's call ourselves the pythons.a��...

Jayla Williams takes up new roles on swim and student council

Jayla Williams takes up new roles on swim and student council

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media October 8, 2017

During the busy week of homecoming, junior Jayla Williams rushes out of swim practice to her duties as Student Council Trustee. Homecoming week can be an almost impossible balancing act between school...

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Bathing Beach

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Bathing Beach

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media October 3, 2017

For fans of Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith There is a common thought that there is beauty found in simplicity. While simple can sometimes seem plain and boring, it is important to take a step back and look...

Humans of FHC: Zachery Jaeger

Humans of FHC: Zachery Jaeger

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 29, 2017

"I lived in Arizona for twelve years, and I just moved here four years ago. The last week in Arizona, we were packing up and everything. I hadn't gotten stung by a scorpion the whole time I'd lived there....

A dance should not be the best night of high school

A dance should not be the best night of high school

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 26, 2017

High school is filled with many new opportunities; the options are endless. People can finally be a part of the student section, have more class freedom, meet new friends, and have many other fresh possibilities....

A group of senior girls overcome obstacles and climb a mountain

A group of senior girls overcome obstacles and climb a mountain

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 22, 2017

240 hours. In 240 hours, a group of girls spent 72 hours on a bus to Colorado. In 240 hours, these girls spent 6 days in the San Jose mountains of Colorado. In 240 hours, these girls hiked 40 miles and...

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Kicker

The Radar with Emily Obermeyer: Kicker

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 19, 2017

For Fans of Fleetwood Mac and Lana Del Rey Does an artist signed to a label owned by Disney have the ability to make it big? For new artist Zella Day, I would argue that she has the capability to find...

Makayla Erdman shows leadership in cheer and marching band

Makayla Erdman shows leadership in cheer and marching band

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 15, 2017

Running across the football stadium, senior Makayla Erdman darts from the cheer sidelines to the marching band halftime show. With her roles as a marching band field commander and cheer team member, Makayla...

I don't know what I'm doing

I don’t know what I’m doing

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 12, 2017

There's been a ticking time bomb attached to my head for past 3 months. I always feel its presence, whether that be right in front of me or in the back of my mind. While I don't know much about it,...

Humans of FHC: Selena Feng

Humans of FHC: Selena Feng

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 8, 2017

"I went and shadowed a nurse at Spectrum Health. It was a delivery nurse, and she asked me if I wanted to watch a live birth or a C-section. I said a C-section, and I got to witness two C-sections at Spectrum...

PVRIS's sophomore release crushes expectations

PVRIS’s sophomore release crushes expectations

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 5, 2017

Most artists tend to get their "sound" defined by the release of their second album. The second album often brings about change, whether that be a change in ego, song quality, or genre. When one of my...

Sunny Patel creates his dream car

Sunny Patel creates his dream car

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Managing Editor of Social Media September 1, 2017

We all know of That Car you always see in the parking lot. That Car that seems to stand out against all the other generic cars. That Car that seems very luxurious and high tech. That Car people want to...

New cell phone policy has many unintended setbacks

New cell phone policy has many unintended setbacks

Emily Obermeyer, Assistant Manganging Edtor of Social Media August 29, 2017

Almost every teenager can probably recall a time in their life when an older adult has told them the dreaded phrase: "When I was younger, we didn't have cell phones." Cell phones and new technology have...

Lacking concert security should not be taken lightly

Lacking concert security should not be taken lightly

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer May 23, 2017

Concerts are my escape. Over the past two years, I have been to over 15 concerts. While it may seem excessive, I find my best self when I'm listening to live music. There is something I find addictive...

FHC Alumni Dani Gore is turning her music industry dreams on the road into a reality

FHC Alumni Dani Gore is turning her music industry dreams on the road into a reality

Sarah Obermeyer and Emily Obermeyer January 19, 2017

Music is something that everybody uses in their day to day life, but for 2005 FHC graduate Dani Gore, her large involvement in music and concerts is just a part of her everyday job. Working in the concert...

Oh Wonder's debut album is a necessity for all

Oh Wonder’s debut album is a necessity for all

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer January 16, 2017

For Fans Of: Ed Sheeran, Birdy, The xx Whenever I study or have to relax, I need to listen to music. The major challenge is finding music that is not overwhelming, but not too slow. Upon listening to...

The honor of being valedictorian should not be eliminated

The honor of being valedictorian should not be eliminated

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer January 9, 2017

Every year at graduation, students are congratulated for their best accomplishment to date: graduating high school. Those who work hard in school should be awarded for their dedication to their education....

Most Anticipated Albums Of 2017

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer January 5, 2017

Ed Sheeran: Last September, Ed Sheeran decided to take a break from music and social media for a little over a year. He chose to live peacefully in seclusion in the mountains for several months. This December,...

Proving Our Worth Through Numbers

Proving Our Worth Through Numbers

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer December 19, 2016

Two numbers. Two numbers that some individuals believe can make or break a student's future. Two numbers people are always talking about. Two numbers that seem to be always on a student's mind at home,...

The Issue With Graduation Requirements

The Issue With Graduation Requirements

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer December 12, 2016

Last year, my older sister graduated FHC and is now attending Central Michigan University to study social work. Now that my older sister has a plan for the rest of her life, my extended family now expects...

Death of a Bachelor Review

Death of a Bachelor Review

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer December 5, 2016

For Fans Of: Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Twenty One Pilots, The 1975 There are some trends that stand through the test of time. With fashion, some things can be a total disaster and die almost overnight....

CeCe Long's Need For Speed (Skating)

CeCe Long’s Need For Speed (Skating)

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer November 21, 2016

Sitting in 6th hour AP Environmental Science, junior CeCe Long is required to utilize her intelligence and knowledge. You may think that this AP class would be the most challenging psychological task...

Cafeteria In Need Of Change

Cafeteria In Need Of Change

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer November 14, 2016

We are very fortunate to go to a well-kept school. Classes often have spotless floors, tidy desks and chairs, and we just received brand new furniture for our library. With our school constantly being...

Double Dare Review

Double Dare Review

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer November 7, 2016

For Fans Of: 5 Seconds Of Summer, Fall Out Boy, and Twenty One Pilots I hate waiting. I am a very impatient person, and I hate waiting for something that might not live up to my expectations. For the...

White Noise Review

White Noise Review

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer November 6, 2016

There’s a problem with girls in the music industry. Within the past century, there haven’t been many female fronted rock bands that reach a successful audience. In the creation of a new music era,...

Ashlyn Fitch Chases Theatre Dreams

Ashlyn Fitch Chases Theatre Dreams

Emily Obermeyer, Staff Writer October 28, 2016

Sometimes, it’s the simple moments in life that can mean the most. For sophomore Ashlyn Fitch, she can vividly remember one of those times. While doing a script read for her first of many major theatre...

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