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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Abby Wright

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief

Abby Wright is a senior entering her fourth and final year on staff for The Central Trend, and second year as Editor in Chief. She values art, Spotify playlists, “Did you get home safe?” texts, Taylor Swift, the couch in the room, fruit, and any shade of green. Despite the changes that this year is bringing, Abby is thankful to be back in the place she grew up for her final year of high school, and is beyond excited to see where life takes her after this year.

Favorite part about being on staff: giving her a passion that she can pursue as a career, the four years of growth as a person and a writer, and the family that she has met through the class.

Favorite moment of her life thus far: being like twenty feet away from Hozier and scream-sobbing during his acoustic rendition of her favorite song, “From Eden”

Things she can kind of do, but isn’t perfect at: skateboarding, painting, making scrambled eggs, and parallel parking.

Her strange addictions: mustard on pickles, açaí-blueberry-pomegranate vitamin water, and the pretzel bites from Culver’s (will always be upset that they are seasonal).


All content by Abby Wright
Kelsey, Lynlee, and I on the couch that saw more of me than I would like to admit. I'm going to miss this couch, this room, and these people so much.

Thank you for allowing me to grow—to give

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief May 7, 2021

I am not a giver, at least not in the way that matters.  Birthday presents are purchased on the way to the party, pages of an old magazine I found in the back of my car as the tissue paper, the back...

Abby Wright has been on the staff of The Central Trend since her freshman year and has been Editor-in-Chief for the last two years.

[Photo] Abby Wright finds home in the people and places that give her life color and vibrancy

Natalie Mix, Print Managing Editor May 3, 2021

Abby, with her mom, who she considers to be one of her strongest role models.

Katie Tellier found both a community and herself at FHC

Katie Tellier found both a community and herself at FHC

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief April 29, 2021

Reflecting on her four years in the building—the remaining days even shorter after the schedule adjustment—senior Katie Tellier remarked just how quickly everything has seemed to end, just how quickly...

I think I like where I am right now

I think I like where I am right now

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 24, 2021

I turn eighteen this weekend, and I honestly never envisioned myself at this age. Not in a bleak way, not at all, but I simply just thought I’d be sixteen forever—barely passing chemistry, overthinking...

Shoes that aren't muddy, but have witnessed half-hearted love

My valleys are mine, and I nurture them for me

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 19, 2021

You always admired my slow breaths in the morning, the way my heart was the first to wake, the way my lungs were never quite ready to face the sun.   I was green in the mornings, for moss filled...

"Her" = change

There is far too much certainty in simplicity

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 10, 2021

It’s the mundane things, such as opening yet another Arnold Palmer or queuing Phoebe Bridgers’ entire discography, that make up my days. It’s all ordinary. Simple. There’s far too much certainty...

My head is home to the butterflies

My head is home to the butterflies

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 5, 2021

I am dreadfully hunched over, and my new-to-me flannel hangs limp,  the sleeves a closed curtain to the hand-drawn stars atop my hands.   My Arnold Palmer balances beside the 800-page book...

Alexa Fauson's passion for her violin cannot be measured

Alexa Fauson’s passion for her violin cannot be measured

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 3, 2021

At just five years old, after months of imploring, freshman Alexa Fauson finally convinced her parents to buy a violin. But she wasn’t even allowed to hold the bow until a year later, which, to a...

My broken headboard, my sad book, my water bottle, and my laptop.

My broken headboard is both the cause and the effect

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 27, 2021

Lately, I’ve been propping my pillows at the foot of my bed, opposite of the “actual” head, because I don’t like it over there. Mostly because the antique headboard is broken—it has been for...

The water droplets are as scarred as she is

The water droplets are as scarred as she is

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 22, 2021

Her frail fingers, flushed from the shame  of being a sculptor,  trace the water droplets on the shower floor as  she does her emaciated body.    She’s sculpted, shaped and contorted  and...

The inauguration proceedings depicted on a projector in one of FHC's classrooms

Inauguration Day and its place in the classroom: opinions from our teachers

Natalie Mix, Abby Wright, and Jessie Warren January 21, 2021

Inauguration Day was a momentous occasion in the capitol—an event with significant precedent that was produced under a warped lens this year, remaining on par with the absurdity and unexpectedness that...

Matthew, Joe, and Pierson in the recording studio.

The FHC Sports Report Podcast is a representation of pure passion

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 19, 2021

With just the Voice Memos app and a combined passion for sports reporting, then sophomores Matthew Mahoney and Jacob Ervin sat themselves wherever there was space, particularly the cafeteria, and just...

An unbearable watch, Pieces of a Woman was a heartbreaking depiction of love and loss

An unbearable watch, Pieces of a Woman was a heartbreaking depiction of love and loss

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 15, 2021

A gut-wrenching depiction of love and loss, of grief and gratitude, of life and death, Pieces of a Woman is an intense yet slow-moving Netflix film that, for two hours, explores a grieving woman’s harrowing...

A pretty low quality picture of me and former Editors, Ash and Court, on our last day in the building, on the couch, together. And we had no idea.

While my time in the room may be quickly fading, I am ending where I began

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 13, 2021

It seems that at least every other week our editor’s columns focus on how different this year is, how any semblance of our senior year is crumbling, how our sanctuary of Room 139 just isn’t the same—whether...

A photo taken by Abby Wright that displays the beauty of nature and the contrast between man and nature.

[Photo] Cement is entrapping, and nature is enrapturing

Lynlee Derrick, Editor in Chief January 13, 2021

A photo taken by Abby Wright that displays the beauty of nature and the contrast between man and nature.

The poisoned waters beneath the sailboat I wish I was

The poisoned waters beneath the sailboat I wish I was

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 8, 2021

Poisoned by empty promises and the tears of the willow who hasn’t stopped weeping, the water is uninhabitable, yet the sailboat is untouched.    I worry the loneliness guts her,  makes...

2020 Wrapped: our years in review

2020 Wrapped: our years in review

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 2, 2021

Abby Wright's year in review

Abby Wright’s year in review

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 30, 2020

The “Congratulations” next to my name in my letter of acceptance to Syracuse University—my dream school. My art made into something permanent. Every early morning and mid-afternoon on Rosy...

Four silent releases that are too loud to ignore

Four silent releases that are too loud to ignore

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 18, 2020

It has been a big week for music. Between my all-time favorite artist Taylor Swift dropping a surprise sister album to Folklore, and recently reviewed all-time favorite comfort band, The Neighbourhood,...

I'll always hate winter, but I'm thankful for the traditions it's given me

I’ll always hate winter, but I’m thankful for the traditions it’s given me

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 16, 2020

Despite a sun lamp illuminating my hunched figure stooped over my laptop at all hours of the afternoon, despite the bite of the air and the wind personally painting my cheeks and nose shades of red that...

Crying! Thumbs up!

I got deferred from my safety school, and it cracked all of my eggshells

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 16, 2020

I’m not quite sure where to start this one—perhaps the beginning would be best. But, I very frequently write on profile rubrics “don’t be afraid to start in the middle of the story,” and this—this...

The "lighthouse" isn't even visible in this picture

The Unbeliever cannot put her faith into silhouettes

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 11, 2020

The Unbeliever never fully latched onto  the Being that everyone else seems  to follow, believe in, love.    There’s always been distance,  a road less traveled,  between...

A rocky start to piano lessons transformed Lauren Wolffis' perspective on music

A rocky start to piano lessons transformed Lauren Wolffis’ perspective on music

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 9, 2020

Sophomore Lauren Wolffis continued playing the piano all these years not because she enjoyed going to lessons but rather because she hated them.  Feeling confined by the strictness of the sheet music...

The Neighbourhood's latest concept album is exploding with shimmering sounds

The Neighbourhood’s latest concept album is exploding with shimmering sounds

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 4, 2020

I never had a go-to blanket or stuffed animal as a child—there wasn’t anything of that nature that my younger self clung to. It was plastic princess heels, Junie B. Jones books, and whatever song was...

Please don't ever become a stranger

Please don’t ever become a stranger

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 2, 2020

Nearing the final semester of my high school career, I’ve been spending a lot of time listening to Taylor Swift, looking through old photos, and traveling down roads that have led me to my motley of...


[Photo] The Greedy Hands decided for me

Lynlee Derrick, Editor in Chief December 2, 2020

To our readers, thank you for a record 30,000 views this month

To our readers, thank you for a record 30,000 views this month

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 30, 2020

From all of us at here at The Central Trend, we wanted to inform our readers—you—that we reached record-breaking heights this past month. We surpassed 30,000 site views, which averages to over 1,000...

TCT's The Countless Thanks: Abby Wright

TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Abby Wright

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 24, 2020

My women - for being the village that raised me into who I am today To the seven women who have touched my heart so personally, I owe everything to you guys. Most of you are not even blood-related,...

Cancelling Charli D'Amelio is counterproductive and rooted in misogyny

Cancelling Charli D’Amelio is counterproductive and rooted in misogyny

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 20, 2020

Nearing 100 million followers on Tik Tok, 16-year-old Charli D’Amelio is currently further away from the never-before-seen number than where she was a few days ago.  In other words, the teenager...

Promise: wooden utensils

Promise: wooden utensils

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 13, 2020

With a unified group mindset of striving to drastically reduce plastic pollution, Promise, freshman Gianna Sinicrope’s wooden utensil company, promises exactly that.  “We were just kind of looking...

For the better

For the better

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 13, 2020

With no one to call for help,  she simply sat,  swallowed by the  infinite snow globe.    Not trapped but stuck,  because there is a difference,  she was alone in the foothills,  in...

Better Bags

Better Bags

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 12, 2020

Picture this: you lug your heavy backpack on your shoulders, every pocket stuffed full with notebooks, folders, and textbooks. You don’t have enough room for your water bottle, so you just carry it....

Taken on a day where we all felt the love.

The people that pick up the pieces

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 11, 2020

I’ve bitten off more than I can chew this week, to be honest, and it seems as if everyone around me has had to pick up the pieces that my arms are too small to carry.  My plate is always overflowing...

Pocket Plutus

Pocket Plutus

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 11, 2020

As someone who has always despised carrying bulky wallets or purses and was never quite comfortable with her ID photos and cash being displayed on the rubber wallets attached to the back of phones, sophomore...

Intro to Business 2020: Company Profiles

Intro to Business 2020: Company Profiles

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 11, 2020

Desiree Touhy

Desiree Touhy

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 11, 2020

Name: Desiree Touhy Grade: 11 Roles: Snow White and Rapunzel 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a smaller cast compared to other years? "Well some advantages, I’ll...



Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 10, 2020

As Student Council representatives visit each classroom throughout these next two weeks collecting donations for the annual Family Promise fundraising week, freshman Hayden Bolter and his business partners...

Breakout artist Holly Humberstone makes her mark in the Indie-pop genre

Breakout artist Holly Humberstone makes her mark in the Indie-pop genre

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 6, 2020

Comparable to seemingly all of my top artists—most notably Maggie Rogers and Phoebe Bridgers—Holly Humberstone’s sound is an eclectic blend of foggy undertones and brooding lyrics and abstract beats.  Seemingly...

A picture of lakeside scenery that was taken by Abby Wright.

[Photo] Words are surely real

Lynlee Derrick, Editor in Chief November 4, 2020

A picture of lakeside scenery that was taken by Abby Wright.

Emma Chamberlain's podcast is her most authentic endeavor

Emma Chamberlain’s podcast is her most authentic endeavor

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief October 30, 2020

It seems that every few months I have the “worst week of my life.”  Every time this infamous week occurs, I think to myself, it cannot possibly get worse than this. I thought the same thing this...

Me and my papa in front of the house I grew up in.

The town that doesn’t know my name

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief October 28, 2020

I’m in my hometown for the week, a small town in Indiana with one grocery store and a few stoplights, a town that I was born and raised in. Surrounded by the love of my grandparents, my Nina and Papa,...

Sorry for the close up

I miss the purple in my hair even though I resented it

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief October 23, 2020

I miss my long hair, how it was red and purple and pink all at once.   I don’t even like those colors, really. I’ve always liked cooler tones, especially green and blue, but I guess I just...

Homecoming Court Q&As: Taylor Baumgardner

Homecoming Court Q&As: Taylor Baumgardner

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief October 20, 2020

1. What was your reaction when you heard your name called? "I was very surprised to hear Stiles say my name. I can't say I was expecting to be nominated, but it really is such an honor to know that...

Jeff Manders' Voter Guide Project offers essential information for any voter in the community

Jeff Manders’ Voter Guide Project offers essential information for any voter in the community

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief October 19, 2020

With voter turnout in the 18 to 25-year-old age range rising faster than any other age group, FX advisor and Civics teacher Jeff Manders noted this trend and was curious as to whether voter turnout would...

Doctor's orders

Doctor’s orders

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief October 16, 2020

swallow the bitter pill, taste the medicine on the way down.   bathe in the grey, but don’t cry when you drown.   one last breath, it’s not an ultimatum.   dance with death, hum...

A photo not from sophomore year, but junior year. It's close enough.

The voice that poisons my pride

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief October 14, 2020

May of sophomore year, my name, along with Ashlyn and Courtney’s, was displayed on the whiteboard as 2019-2020’s Editor-in-Chiefs. I was 16, and at that moment, it seemed like everything I had ever...

TikTok user miserably misrepresents the ASL language and culture in her videos

TikTok user miserably misrepresents the ASL language and culture in her videos

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief October 9, 2020

First appearing on my TikTok feed a few weeks ago, clad in intense clown makeup and illuminated by flashing lights, a user by the name of Rosalie captivated my attention in seconds—not for her makeup...

A picture I took in another instance where I had to protect my hair with a plastic bag. For someone who cares so much about her hair, maybe she shouldn't cut or color it whenever she gets sad.

Rain that doesn’t cleanse

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief September 30, 2020

Drenched in melancholy, I stepped out of my car after the day of a too-itchy sweater, an empty card in an unaddressed envelope, and a plastic bag as a makeshift umbrella, and I just let the rain-soaked...

Marissa Bertocchini finds solace and a savior in dance

Marissa Bertocchini finds solace and a savior in dance

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief September 30, 2020

Abandoning years of fear, judgment, and self-doubt, sophomore Marissa Bertocchini steps into a new life every time she gets into costume. Like shedding a layer of skin, Marissa is not herself when she...

Highlighting the dangers of technology, The Social Dilemma was a horrifying look into mass manipulation for profit

Highlighting the dangers of technology, The Social Dilemma was a horrifying look into mass manipulation for profit

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief September 25, 2020

Did rising suicide rates among teenage girls, almost irreversible damage to our planet, and billions of personal matrixes stem from a few middle-aged white men creating a FaceBook “like” button? No....

Improv Q&A: Kelsey Dantuma

Improv Q&A: Kelsey Dantuma

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief September 25, 2020

Name: Kelsey Dantuma Grade: 11th 1. How did you get into improv? Why did you decide to try out?  "Funny story, I actually wasn't even thinking of trying out. I was helping Mason with the can...

Two places at once: how new AP Lang teacher Anne Keller is adjusting to the challenges of hybrid learning

Two places at once: how new AP Lang teacher Anne Keller is adjusting to the challenges of hybrid learning

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief September 18, 2020

Amidst the chaos of hybrid learning during a pandemic, the tough transition from teaching middle school to high school, and a new position in the unfamiliar FHC building, AP Lang teacher Dr. Anne Keller...

COIN's single, You Are the Traffic, opens new doors for a possible new sound

COIN’s single, You Are the Traffic, opens new doors for a possible new sound

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief September 18, 2020

Following their 14-song project, an album titled Dreamland, released in February, COIN continues their signature sound—while also delving into a completely new world—in their new single “You Are...

This is one of my favorite photos; I don't know why, because I took it while driving so it's honestly kind of blurry. But I like it, and there's probably some relation between my column and this photo.

Stability that has never wavered

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief September 16, 2020

Everything, and I mean everything, reminds me of the past.  A tattered sweatshirt—now ruined from an unfortunate load of laundry—always, always, always sends me back to a cold December day years...

Samia's debut album, The Baby, is emotionally vulnerable and lyrically honest

Samia’s debut album, The Baby, is emotionally vulnerable and lyrically honest

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief September 11, 2020

Seeing an artist live with no prior knowledge of their sound is such a gift that it’s like fireworks on Christmas, and when Samia opened for Hippo Campus wearing an oversized T-shirt, biker shorts, and...

I've been waiting for you to clear

I’ve been waiting for you to clear

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief May 29, 2020

It was during the infamous first-day circle, that circle everybody in this class knows all too well, the circle I’ve written about countless times, the circle that introduced me to two of my best friends,...

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Of all the colors, why green?

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief May 22, 2020

Green, because it’s color of the little girl’s eyes—the little girl who sits in the 13th row of the plane, the little girl on her way to a city she doesn’t know how to pronounce in a state that...

The joy of painting

The joy of painting

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief May 19, 2020

A few weeks ago, my mom bought a really extensive paint by numbers for me. The box sat on the dining room table for a few days because, honestly, it was really intimidating. The lines and spaces were so...

Ever-changing emotions in an ever-changing world

Ever-changing emotions in an ever-changing world

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief May 15, 2020

Two nights ago, after I got home from work, I sat on my front step and talked to my best friend about the highs and lows of this week—week nine of quarantine. With nothing but the sound of my pruned,...

Sarah Logan

Sarah Logan

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief May 5, 2020

Name: Sarah Logan Grade: 11 Role: AP student 1. How many AP classes are you in, and how has your motivation/drive for each class shifted due to corona? "I am in three AP classes, [including...

Remi Wolf's kaleidoscopic songs are my soul food

Remi Wolf’s kaleidoscopic songs are my soul food

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief May 1, 2020

In these seemingly endless, colorless days, I’ve turned to music more than usual to keep my spirits up. Constantly, consistently, and just as endlessly like these days, strings of songs will forever...

Day Wave's latest EP, Crush, represents an underwater world of days yet to come

Day Wave’s latest EP, Crush, represents an underwater world of days yet to come

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief April 24, 2020

There’s something so electrifying about cloaked voices. The arrangement of muted voices speaks to my soul the most—I like music where I have to turn my volume all the way up to understand the lyrics....

Gwen Henderson offers words of encouragement to those in isolation

Gwen Henderson offers words of encouragement to those in isolation

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief April 21, 2020

Name: Gwen Henderson Grade: Junior 1. What inspired you to start sending letters to veterans and healthcare workers? "I got the idea of making cards for people in isolation and their caregivers...

Jeff Tolar

Jeff Tolar

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief April 21, 2020

Name: Jeff Tolar Position: Janitor 1. What did the first week of school closure look like for the janitorial staff? "When I started hearing on the news about the virus, I and [other] coworkers...

My sweet mom, whose too-big thing is the store

All the little things that are much too big, like Elmo and mozzarella cheese

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief April 17, 2020

It was a mundane day—just a blip on the unfamiliar radar of quarantine, of social distancing, of COVID-19. I had fallen asleep a bit earlier than usual the night before, and I slept to the sound of my...

When we knew that we wanted to be editors

When we knew that we wanted to be editors

Courtney Collar, Abby Wright, and Ashlyn Korpak March 12, 2020

Abby -  I always looked at the plaques lining the walls of George’s room—the ones with all the editors proudly displayed in forest green font—and wondered if maybe, just maybe, I could be up...

Linus Kaechele

Linus Kaechele

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief March 12, 2020

Name: Linus Kaechele Grade: 11 Character: Dom Claude Frollo 1. Do you have a ritual for before rehearsals or shows? "I wouldn't say that I have a complete ritual, but one thing that I have...

Brynn Schanski finds constant comfort and stability within her friend soulmate, Rylie Beatty

Brynn Schanski finds constant comfort and stability within her friend soulmate, Rylie Beatty

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief March 4, 2020

To introduce this experimental story, separate interviews were held for Rylie and Brynn to analyze their friendship and how it has lasted to high school. The interviews were then used to write separate...

despite the magnitude of it all

despite the magnitude of it all

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 28, 2020

not too long ago, we believed that the sun spun for us alone.   despite the multitudes of existence,  the magnificent fabrics of life—   despite the magnitude of it all,  we...

COIN's latest album Dreamland was, yes, dreamy

COIN’s latest album Dreamland was, yes, dreamy

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 21, 2020

I unashamedly danced in my car at seven in the morning today, granola in my lap, bass way too strong for this early in the morning, to COIN’s dreamy tracks from their newest album, Dreamland.  It...

the way your horizon never ends

the way your horizon never ends

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 14, 2020

like a child drawn to the sea the waves of salty promise,  the endless, haunted horizon, like a child drawn to the sea—  i am drawn to you.    merely a shell of what you once...

With the girls' dominance and power, wrestling earns first place title at the State Championship

With the girls’ dominance and power, wrestling earns first place title at the State Championship

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 5, 2020

Going into her final match of the MHSAA Wrestling State Championship this past Sunday, junior Rachel Schenck had two wins and two losses. Climbing her way back up to the top after two losses, with a title...

Abby Satterthwaite refuses to conform to the "horse girl" stereotype

Abby Satterthwaite refuses to conform to the “horse girl” stereotype

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief February 5, 2020

“Everyone thinks ‘weird horse girl,’ you know?” freshman Abby Satterthwaite laughed. “But, like, I'm not weird.” Abby used to subconsciously justify owning and riding horses in order to...

If these flowers could talk

If these flowers could talk

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 31, 2020

It’s Broadway soundtracks blaring through the speakers, pizza with garlic sauce for dinner, ice cream always in the freezer, front porch dance parties, never missing a call, random Target runs, knowing...

Pinegrove's fourth album, Marigold, is rich with passion

Pinegrove’s fourth album, Marigold, is rich with passion

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 24, 2020

Pinegrove, an indie-folk group comprised of childhood friends, reminds me of New York. It reminds me of the seemingly endless roads, the vast mountainous green hills, and the bridges and the gravel roads...

AP art students earn prestigious awards through the Scholastic Art Competition

AP art students earn prestigious awards through the Scholastic Art Competition

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 21, 2020

Wandering into her haven during lunch a few weeks ago, senior Meagan Ardinger arrived in the art wing to a chorus of warm voices welcoming and congratulating her placement in a competition she did not...

Thank you, Tik Tok

Thank you, Tik Tok

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 17, 2020

From one minute to the next, one hour to the next, even one day to the next, my physical features do not change. My hair might curl because I showered or there might be a new pimple on my cheek, but at...

RAT Q&A: Drumline

RAT Q&A: Drumline

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 16, 2020

Names: Tommy Hendricks, Matt Henricksen, Ambrose Hillman, Sunny Xu, Russell Baird, Olivia Williams, Joey Spaletto, Tommy Payne, Ian Stewert, John Courcy, Ben Taylor, Joe Roslanic, and Gabby Hendricks 1....

Oh Wonder's four singles are a magnificent prelude to their upcoming album

Oh Wonder’s four singles are a magnificent prelude to their upcoming album

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 16, 2020

In anticipation of their upcoming album, Oh Wonder—a London-based duo—has released four stunning singles that embody the technicolor sound that remains so constant with this duo.  No matter the...

RAT Q&A: Olivia Throop

RAT Q&A: Olivia Throop

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief January 13, 2020

Name: Olivia Throop Grade: 12 1. What is your act? "I am doing a contemporary dance solo to the song “Listen Before I Go." 2. How did you prepare? "I have been preparing this solo with...

Netflix limited series Unbelievable gracefully portrays the true story of injustice among women victims and survivors

Netflix limited series Unbelievable gracefully portrays the true story of injustice among women victims and survivors

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 17, 2019

Based on an article published in 2015, “An Unbelievable Story of Rape,” which covered a series of rapes in Washington and Colorado—one focal victim being Marie Adler—eight-episode Netflix series,...

Students who participated in the recent blood drive saved a collective 66 lives

Students who participated in the recent blood drive saved a collective 66 lives

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 10, 2019

Seated in a makeshift cubicle in the main gym, junior Koyuki Buckhold was handed a bag of pretzels and a full water bottle and was given one instruction: to eat every pretzel and drink the entire water...

Once More, with Feeling is a rosy collection of songs

Once More, with Feeling is a rosy collection of songs

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 10, 2019

I already know I’m going to get sick of this song, I thought as I queued “Burnout” by EXES for the second time in a row, adding it to one of my playlists after hearing the ethereal beat drop and...

An ode to me

An ode to me

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief December 3, 2019

I’ve spent the last four hours, off and on, writing and re-writing column after column after column, and every word I wrote just seemed expired. Stale. Like I’ve written it before, like I’ve said...

Maggie Rogers's "Love You For A Long Time" is a song of summer love

Maggie Rogers’s “Love You For A Long Time” is a song of summer love

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 26, 2019

Steadily climbing the indie charts since the release of her debut album Heard It In A Past Life, in January, spunky singer/songwriter Maggie Rogers ran with the spark that ignited her fiery career and...

Art is Lejla Tukelija's air

Art is Lejla Tukelija’s air

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 22, 2019

Her rainy and sunny days, her tsunami waves and skipping-stone splashes, her early mornings and late nights, her chaos and her calm.  Art is senior Lejla Tukelija’s everything—every juxtaposition,...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2019: Abby Wright

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2019: Abby Wright

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 21, 2019

Abigail Cool and Amelia Pointer — for our hot chocolate talks  My golden gals. There’s just something about you two.  We all are so different, yet our contrasting personalities somehow blend...

My sister and I's favorite restraunt that I forced her to drive me to.

Do the benefits of having a part-time job overshadow the downfalls?

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 20, 2019

According to the US Census, 1 in 4 students holds a part-time job position, which estimates to about 3 million students worldwide. To further put that into perspective, in each class during the day, seven...

yikes! was a unique soundtrack of heartbroken songs

yikes! was a unique soundtrack of heartbroken songs

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 19, 2019

what’s up! i’m silver. i’m a 20-year-old in chicago who loves pop music and breaking my own heart.  It seemed that was all I was meant to know about Silver Sphere, an artist I recently discovered...

Laura Salas

Laura Salas

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 15, 2019

Name: Laura Salas Grade: 12 Role: Betty Paris 1. What makes you the most nervous?  "Just being on stage in front of people is really scary. I can do it, like I'm not bad at it, just the...

Sarah Buchanan

Sarah Buchanan

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 15, 2019

Name: Sarah Buchanan Grade: 12 Role: Voice of  Martha Corey and Student Director 1. How long have you been involved in crew? "I have been involved in crew since my sophomore year at the Random...

Mason Yarnell

Mason Yarnell

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 14, 2019

Name: Mason Yarnell Grade: 11 Role: Hopkins 1. How does Mrs. Demeester get the best out of you and the cast? "She helps people with their lines when we have character work.  She will have...

My papa and I

Between lightning strikes

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 12, 2019

My childhood is a blur, a murky mosaic of green and yellow. Mere brushstrokes of the full picture are all I remember: stacks of cash—my mom’s tips from the casino—hidden in the piano, coloring...

KCTC students reap the benefits of a hands-on learning environment

KCTC students reap the benefits of a hands-on learning environment

Abby Wright, Editor in Chief November 7, 2019

Caffeine can only do so much.  Downing a coffee in the morning, fuel for the uphill battle that is a school day, only lasts so long—the withdrawal headaches, the aftershock of an energy spike, the...

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