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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Linus Kaechele

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments

Linus Kaechele is a senior entering his final year on staff for The Central Trend, and though he is apprehensive of the current situation, he plans to finish what he started. Aside from writing for The Central Trend, Linus enjoys listening to music and is always searching for new albums to dance to. He’s also a member of Improv Central and will talk your ear off about it if given the chance. If you’re trying to spot him in a crowd, look for the tall, lanky kid wearing a thrifted shirt, funky pants that don’t fit, and an effervescent smile (hidden beneath a mask, of course).


Homes Away From Home: Goodwill, the FHC Auditorium, the Cascade Park Gazebo, and his minivan

Greatest Ambition: Making his mom proud and beating his dad in a game of Scrabble

Favorite Part About Being on Staff: Entertaining the idea that his writing will change the world one day—and the people, of course

Favorite Part of Room 139: The legacies left within the four walls and the knowledge that his own has joined them

All content by Linus Kaechele
From barbecue to fashion, Olivia is connected to North Carolina in many ways despite not having lived there in years.

With unique traditions and experiences, Olivia Cormaci finds fulfillment and purpose

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments April 26, 2021

Despite living in Michigan for the past four years, senior Olivia Cormaci has always known North Carolina to be her one true home, yet unlike others, what beckons her to the state she used to live in isn’t...

One our first senior staffer profiles, for Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments

[Photo] Linus Kaechele’s high school journey led him down a path of growth and friendship

Allie Beaumont, Publicity Managing Editor April 16, 2021

One our first senior staffer profiles, for Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments

The mirage of crows and the mirror in the sky

The mirage of crows and the mirror in the sky

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments March 11, 2021

Gilded like Gatsby and leaking rays of sun,  I knew not who I was when the crows descended. One by one, they emerged, seemingly from nowhere, Hungry for the fruition I, too, yearned for.   The...

Enduring a year notoriously filled with newness, this year's freshmen are exemplifying perseverance.

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel: how FHC’s freshmen are making it through an unpredictable year

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments March 9, 2021

Freshman Paige Harsevoort is just one of many students this year trying to find her footing in an unfamiliar building during a once-in-a-lifetime event.  Of all things she expected to have to get used...

I dread spring's hollow hello and winter's gradual goodbye

I dread spring’s hollow hello and winter’s gradual goodbye

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments March 4, 2021

Bathed in spring’s charm, I breathed deeply, inhaling the cool air adorned with cardinal songs. Months of decay dripped off me like tears down my cheeks, and it seemed the air was breathing...

A photo of me taken before I realized how long I would be without balance—how long I would have to wait to hear back from my top schools.

The decay of the dance of forever

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments February 24, 2021

Old as we were, we still managed to grow—like dead roses a little redder than yesterday. Dancing on the precipice of what was and what could’ve been, we threw caution to the wind as if life were nothing...

Keyla Acevedo-Hargis' move to Michigan gave her a new perspective

Keyla Acevedo-Hargis’ move to Michigan gave her a new perspective

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments February 23, 2021

Registrar Keyla Acevedo-Hargis titled her imaginary biography The Adventures of a Puerto Rican in Michigan.  After moving from Puerto Rico to Grand Rapids to attend college, Acevedo-Hargis was faced...

Through thick and thin, my calc homework has always been there for me. In a year with so little permanence, it's nice to have at least one constant—even if it's homework.

The beautiful lies of being a senior: part two

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments February 18, 2021

I woke up at 8:30 on a Sunday morning by choice. I got a perfect score on my calculus test—yeah, like 100%. I finished a book for my book club long before I needed to. I deleted Instagram and TikTok....

A picture that has nothing to do with this column and everything to do with how I'm feeling: confused, disappointed, and dreading my calc homework.

The beautiful lies of being a senior

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments February 11, 2021

For this entire year, I’ve found something in my life to romanticize with the beauty of language. Whether it’s the tears I never shed for the senior year that never was or the tears I did shed for...

FHC's greenhouse offers critical information for students while simultaneously providing staff and students with fresh produce.

From the greenhouse to the classroom to beyond, FHC is a beacon of environmental knowledge

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments February 9, 2021

Rain or shine, hybrid or in-person, senior Olivia Cormaci can regularly be found tending to the countless plants inside FHC’s greenhouse. As one of only two seniors taking an independent study with AP...

Not all windows are meant to be looked through, not all lives are meant to be remembered.

The thread the tapestry weaves

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments February 4, 2021

In spite of the bitterness that drips from my lips with every hour that I’m subject to the masquerade of my own compassion, life isn’t miserable. Though memories slip from my fingers like tears on...

Chicago is so far, too far for my heart to reach

She left me more than a scarf

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments January 28, 2021

Bits and pieces, like shredded memories, linger like her perfume in my car after she shut the door for the last time. She lingers the way my words linger in her heart, words shared between lovers and writers....

Ayla Ahmetovic's open-mindedness has made her wise beyond her years

Ayla Ahmetovic’s identity, openness, and amiability has shaped her life and the world around her

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments January 26, 2021

With geniality and wisdom like tricks up her sleeve, freshman Ayla Ahmetovic walks through life with the comprehension of important lessons that take others a lifetime to learn. All it took for her to...

All sides of the story—investigating Canvas: the series announcement

All sides of the story—investigating Canvas: the series announcement

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments January 22, 2021

After years of loyalty to Google Classroom, Forest Hills Public Schools District has made the decisive and divisive switch to Canvas, completely altering the way our students and teachers handle online...

A sky as colorful as the realization of your place in the performance of life.

Bottles of hope and empty theatres

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments January 22, 2021

Insignificant, betrayed, and loud, the night road was home for one moon longer. Despite the incantation and consolation heralded by the dark, fear lodged itself in my throat like a bottled message lost...

A picture of me from the summer: before I realized the pleasant pain that is purple and gold

Dissolving into golden warmth and purple freedom

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments January 14, 2021

Dormant on the wet ground, the endlessly long highway I’m swimming in caresses me violently. Bereft of any virtue, I cling to the jagged cement in an attempt to fortify my absent courage, but my palms...

Despite adversity, Forest Hills Central's Varsity Dance Team continues to showcase consistency, virtue, and character

Forest Hills Central’s Varsity Dance Team finds potential in times of uncertainty

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments January 12, 2021

With every perfectly-executed turn, seamless kick, and unforgettable jump, senior captain Molly Vonk has become a staple member of the FHC Varsity Dance Team (FHCVDT). From assemblies to football games,...

Harry Styles’ newest music video is as meticulous as it is marvelous

Harry Styles’ newest music video is as meticulous as it is marvelous

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments January 7, 2021

2020 was irrefutably one of the most scattered and shocking years in a long time; from protests, to pandemics, to political elections, headlining events seemed to come a dime a dozen. But, with a year...

Taylor Swift's newest album evermore is a phenomenal work of art, and this article is just as much a review as it is a love note to Ms. Swift.

Taylor Swift’s newest album is a chillingly poetic masterpiece

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments December 17, 2020

I’ve never been what one considers a “Swiftie.” For the longest time, my identity as a Taylor Swift fan could best be described as a Taylor Swift apologist. I listened to her music once in a blue...

The Leo Sun Sets fell off the tracks

The Leo Sun Sets fell off the tracks

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments December 10, 2020

After 17 minutes of listening to The Leo Sun Sets, I had reached a destination that proved the journey was worth the wait; unfortunately, a negative journey has the ability to taint an entire trip, and...

As class of 2021's senior year begins to dwindle, members of class of 2020 give their advice and support to their successors.

Members of the class of 2020 give their blessings and advice to the class of 2021

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments December 3, 2020

Out of the dozens of past royals, John Courcy and Sarah Tiggleman, members of the class of 2020, are the only two FHC alumni to ever have been crowned Prom King and Queen during a global pandemic.  “I...

SAWAYAMA rekindled my love for music

SAWAYAMA rekindled my love for music

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments December 1, 2020

As someone who used to consider themselves a connoisseur of the most underground, eclectic artists, my relationship with music has grown into something foreign, unexpected, and, frankly, sad. Discovering...

TCT's The Countless Thanks: Linus Kaechele

TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Linus Kaechele

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments November 23, 2020

Koyuki Buckhold - for always saying ‘love you’ before you hang up Though I am the worst at answering your FaceTime calls, I hope you know that each time I hang up, I smile because I know I won’t...

Wings of a bat meant for daylight

Wings of a bat meant for daylight

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments November 19, 2020

A bat in the cave, yearning to go out in the night,  but he stays chained to a home that isn’t his: a prisoner suspended from a ghostly stalactite.   There’s a part of me that wishes...

Mrs. Penninga remarks on her Teacher of the Year nomination, while multiple students of both past and present detail her impact on their lives.

Beloved teacher Lisa Penninga receives nomination for Michigan’s Teacher of the Year

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments November 17, 2020

It all started with a zine: a miniature magazine that held poems, personal essays, and other writing assignments—all of which were delicately decorated and illustrated by the meticulous and artistic...

Linus in the sky with diamonds

Linus in the sky with diamonds

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments November 12, 2020

Alone in the sequin sky, beneath the expansive shadow of the moon, all of my thoughts seem to fly and free themselves from the horror that is ‘soon.’   Vibrations of vibrancy spill...

Pearls on the neck of vengeful art

Pearls on the neck of vengeful art

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments November 5, 2020

Deep in a hidden forest, where darkness is more than black,  a hidden sculpture emerges  and shows all that it does lack.   Unkempt hair, a jigsaw smile,  her face was full of...

In spite of all that has been lost this year, students of FHC refuse to let the pandemic take away their Halloween spirit.

Despite the difficulty, Halloween spirit lives on at FHC

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments November 3, 2020

With the smell of pumpkin spice permanently lingering in the air, jack-o-lanterns littering every doorstep, and the incandescent leaves falling in greater numbers every day, it’s difficult to ignore...

The precious peril at the pirate’s helm

The precious peril at the pirate’s helm

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments October 29, 2020

When the lightning strikes and the thunder bites,  I know I can’t stand the morning,   and all of this pain lets my doctor claim that I need prescription mourning.   The...

The blue jays and Irene

The blue jays and Irene

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments October 22, 2020

The blue jays at my window sing out a simple scream.   It is the dying day  of the woman named Irene.   Her son was at the movies; her husband in the hearse;   it’s...

Ben Lutz is using his time in quarantine to find community through new means.

Ben Lutz’s free time is filled with community and self-expression

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments October 20, 2020

For sophomore Ben Lutz, quarantine never really ended. As one of the students who chose to enroll in the remote learning program for the first semester of the school year, Ben has had more time to himself...

While Blackout Tuesday brought attention to important politics, was it a prime example of dangerous social media activism?

The dangers of social media activism

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments October 15, 2020

Activismo sin dientes. I stumbled across this phrase while reading an article in my Spanish class about the growth of Facebook, and I pondered it for longer than I should’ve. I thought about it so heavily...

Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris participated in the first and only Vice Presidential Debate of 2020 on October 7th.

The Vice Presidential Debate offers little improvement from last week

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments October 8, 2020

Still reeling from the travesty that was the first Presidential Debate, Americans sat astute in front of their TV screens on the night of October 7, hoping to hear the messages and points that both President...

AP teachers weigh in on the impact of COVID-19 on AP testing

AP teachers weigh in on the impact of COVID-19 on AP testing

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments October 6, 2020

Five laborious years of preparation. Thousands of words. Countless conjugations and meticulous grammar rules.  The typical AP French exam has a four-hour duration that consists of multiple questions...

Despite the vastness of all the galaxies, for one swift moment, I was the center of something.

The stars on the ground aren’t broken

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments October 1, 2020

Bated breath and held hands created a sacrosanct circle as the moon looked down upon her children—happy and bright as the sun despite dwelling in the dark caverns of the night. Deliciously content, they...

An ember, a quilt, and the fire in between

An ember, a quilt, and the fire in between

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments September 24, 2020

A tattered quilt lies basking in the heat of your sullen shadow: your apathy a kindle to a new, old fire. Phoenix-esque in nature, no matter how many times a stick is stolen or a water pail is tossed into...

Forever chasing positivity, Olivia Dewald-Davis cherishes change and welcomes memories

Forever chasing positivity, Olivia Dewald-Davis cherishes change and welcomes memories

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments September 22, 2020

With the turmoil and uncertainty of living through a global crisis, a new school year is likely to stir up more nerves than ever before. But for junior Olivia Dewald-Davis, entering her third year of high...

Photograph of the new safety measures in place to enforce social distancing

The new sanitation policy is the first step toward returning to normalcy

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments September 18, 2020

For students and staff alike, the school population has noticed that Forest Hills Central High School looks different this year; everyone seems to have distinguished these dissimilarities differently....

Deep in the grove lies a hidden garden, where my deepest thoughts bloom wildly

My sentimental, cerebral garden

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments September 17, 2020

My blessed garden isn’t abundant, yet its sweetness and incandescence radiate a beauty unachievable through quantifiable means. My garden may be small, but it is as beautiful as I could hope. It is as...

An inescapable lighthouse holding the intense, wondrous emotions of a young writer

The lighthouse of stares

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Online Assignments September 10, 2020

With fog licking at my lips and haze secluding my eyes from my heart, I sit alone—the watchman of my own, isolated lighthouse. Seeking refuge from the torrential thunder within, I look to the door.  Searching...

The red and blue, the black and white, and my discovery of the grey area

The red and blue, the black and white, and my discovery of the grey area

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments May 29, 2020

I’ve always sought adventure and accomplishment through the lens of eternity and inevitability. The way I walked was so integral to the mountains I was climbing, and the way I breathed was so important...

Quarantine has given me a new perspective when it comes to rain

Quarantine has given me a new perspective when it comes to rain

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments May 27, 2020

If quarantine has taught me anything it’s that I am nothing if not a receptacle for memories. The repetition of days and nights has gifted me the realization that life is monotonous and jagged without...

Michelle Obama's documentary, Becoming, gave me hope when I needed it most

Michelle Obama’s documentary, Becoming, gave me hope when I needed it most

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments May 22, 2020

It was a regular night, plain and simple. I invited my mom to watch a movie with me, plain and simple. We sat in the living room chairs and turned on the TV, plain and simple. We hit play, plain and simple. As...

Maude Latour's release party for her newest single "Furniture" was absolutely unforgettable.

Maude Latour is altering music as we know it one song at a time

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments May 15, 2020

The ever-humming electricity, entrancing dance moves, and enveloping vibrations found in a concert crowd are something I’ve never been lucky enough to experience. To shout at the top of your lungs to...

XXXXXXXXX performs for fans on day 3 of the 2013 Splendour In The Grass Festival on July 28, 2013 in Byron Bay, Australia.

Lorde’s music gave me something to cherish

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments May 13, 2020

I entered quarantine the same way a child enters a grocery store—with only the faintest knowledge of the store’s blueprints but a definite cognizance of where the candy aisle is located. Yet, much...

Empress Of's third album I'm Your Empress Of is a breath of fresh air

Empress Of’s newest album will engulf you in its endearing electricity

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments May 8, 2020

With stay-at-home orders wreaking havoc on the old normal, many of us have found cheap comfort in creating a new sense of normalcy. By sticking to routines that are anything but glamorous, we have forgotten...

Never Have I Ever is a creatively cringy catastrophe

Never Have I Ever is a creatively cringy catastrophe

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments May 4, 2020

“Later, virgin” is an eye-catching phrase, to say the least. When I first saw an ad for Netflix’s new original series Never Have I Ever, I was so shocked at the use of the crude humor that I immediately...

The glimmer and shimmer of radio silence

The glimmer and shimmer of radio silence

Linus Kaechele, Managing Editor of Assignments April 24, 2020

There’s something inexplicable about the serpentine nature of what happens behind closed doors. It’s the complex nature of the reverberating radio silence that echoes over the silent sound of tears—the...

Andrew Belsito

Andrew Belsito

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager April 23, 2020

Name: Andrew Belsito Job Title: Teacher 1. How difficult was the process of switching to remote learning for you? "For my role, [it was] fairly smooth. My students have already been set up using...

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The second sickness

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager April 15, 2020

Every day that I wake up, I thank my lucky stars that my respiratory system is fully functioning. Every day that I wake up, I feel blessed that my family has not personally been drastically affected by...

They came, they saw, they conquered: the story of four DECA students' journey at States

They came, they saw, they conquered: the story of four DECA students’ journey at States

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager March 11, 2020

Despite FHC’s school population numbering in at over one thousand, there are only two students who can say that they have placed as finalists at States for DECA for two back-to-back years. These two...

Your footsteps are as untrodden as my unspoken words

Your footsteps are as untrodden as my unspoken words

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager March 6, 2020

If you knew me when I chased the smile in my mirror, recognition and a siamese nature would not be the first thoughts to cross your mind. If you knew me when I trapped my thoughts in cages in my mind,...

Orla Gartland's newest EP had me wishing Freckle Season was all year round

Orla Gartland’s newest EP had me wishing Freckle Season was all year round

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager February 28, 2020

There are days when the sunshine seems brighter, your feet feel lighter, and your smile looks whiter, and there are days when there’s only the cold. Orla Gartland’s new EP Freckle Season permanently...

In her senior year, Elise Rapeyko realized how important it is to be herself and be happy.

For Elise Rapeyko, happiness is a priority

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager February 26, 2020

From dawn until dusk, senior Elise Rapeyko is unapologetically herself. At her core, her main goal in life is to bring a little bit of happiness to the world around her. With a kind heart and contagious...

Sweet nothings whispered by airplanes

Sweet nothings whispered by airplanes

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager February 21, 2020

Comfortably sprawled on a gingham square, my mismatched limbs lie at my side, adorning my broken-doll-esque figurine of a body. Unhinged at the jaw, my shattered face is locked in an eternal screaming...

Co—Star offers a distinctive feature for all users

Co—Star offers a distinctive feature for all users

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager February 14, 2020

A day rarely goes by without me asking someone for a weirdly specific fact about them. Whether it be where you were born or what‘s the exact time you were born—yes it has to be exact--I’m always...

Like many neighboring school districts, Count Day plays a crucial role in the funding of FHPS.

Understanding where FHC gets its money: an explanation of Count Day

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager February 12, 2020

With stellar academics, renowned sports teams, and exceptional fine arts programs, the Forest Hills Public Schools District is constantly supporting its students in multiple ways. Without a doubt, this...

My rays of summer come from you

My rays of summer come from you

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager February 7, 2020

With my thirst for hope bathed in your incandescence, I’ll think of a future. A future with green grass and blue skies and fluffy clouds and you, smiling. A future with sandy beaches and rolling waves...

Laura Salas

Laura Salas

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager February 5, 2020

1. What was your reaction to finding out? "I was quite shocked, to be honest with you. I absolutely did not think I would be on Winterfest Court; it was a surprise, for sure. With my class, when we...

Samia brought me back home

Samia brought me back home

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager January 31, 2020

Sad music is the hardest music to write; there’s no question about it. To write a truly sad song—a good one at that—the artist has to be able to ensnare a listener and encourage them to throw their...

Sophomore Lani Quach’s involvement in copious activities has given her many life lessons.

For Lani Quach, life in Forest Hills is “whack”

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager January 29, 2020

Despite being able to speak four languages, play the piano, and create and program robots, sophomore Lani Quach sees herself as no different from the average teenager.  “I'd like to think I'm pretty...

Hatred exists in my favorite coffee shop

Hatred exists in my favorite coffee shop

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager January 24, 2020

Stepping on toes protected by wet canvas, you shuddered past me, leaving me nothing but my new nickname and a phrase not synonymous to excuse me. It was obviously about me; the double-take and the sighing...

Splittsville, against all odds, overcame and conquered

Splittsville, against all odds, overcame and conquered

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager January 17, 2020

Teddy Hyde and I go way back. His premiere album, Sock-Footed, was the first time his lemon tart voice graced my ears, and I’ve been waiting to hear it again ever since my whimsical enamoration of his...

The self-expression offered by FHC’s Random Acts of Talent affects not only the audience but the performers too

The self-expression offered by FHC’s Random Acts of Talent affects not only the audience but the performers too

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager January 15, 2020

Whether it be sitting in the audience for FHC’s production of The Crucible, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat or Improv Central, you’ve likely seen senior Pranav Nalam on stage. Acting, singing,...

Dancing the flightless foxtrot

Dancing the flightless foxtrot

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager January 10, 2020

Threadbare and belittled, I stand as you look at me with eyes of expectance. Indebted to you because I am myself—as if my existence can be doled out, an allowance to those eager. With repulsion painted...

Three FHC students give their opinion on the annual return of the winter blues.

The winter blues are roaming the green hallways of FHC

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 24, 2019

In the season of snow days, sweaters, and sugarplums, there’s one ingredient that adds to the droll distinction of December that cannot be ignored. When the splendor and fascination of the first snowfall...

Q&A: Aaron Jachim

Q&A: Aaron Jachim

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 21, 2019

 I celebrate Christmas connected to Catholicism. Each year, my family on my mom's side plays White Elephant. It's just a game where everyone wraps a gift—it’s usually a pretty funny gift; It could...

Q&A: Anika Garter

Q&A: Anika Garter

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 21, 2019

I do a lot in order to celebrate Christmas, but I think most things are pretty common. The day before Christmas Eve I usually go to my mom's parents’ house in Grand Haven. We spend the night, and on...

Q&A: Kai'Enna Tucker

Q&A: Kai’Enna Tucker

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 21, 2019

I grew up an atheist, so I didn’t really celebrate Christmas as a kid. Instead, we celebrate Winter Solstice. We do a lot of the same things people do on Christmas: open presents under the tree and whatnot....

Q&A: Steven Ettinger

Q&A: Steven Ettinger

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 21, 2019

My family starts our celebration of the holidays over Thanksgiving. Every year, we visit my grandparents in Baltimore and meet up with the rest of my dad's side of the family. My dad's side of my family...

Q&A: Señor Silvestre

Q&A: Señor Silvestre

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 21, 2019

[My family] celebrates Christmas; my celebrations are based on my personal Christian beliefs and my cultural beliefs, so it’s a combination of the two. Where I come from, Christmas is not so much a commercial...

Admissions to an anonymous assemblage

Admissions to an anonymous assemblage

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 16, 2019

#1: I think about you often, and I sometimes wonder how I would be doing if I kept you at my side. I’m grateful for all you have done for me—genuinely, I am, but the worst crimes committed against...

My heart is in a plagiarized state of insouciance

My heart is in a plagiarized state of insouciance

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 9, 2019

If my emotions didn’t fray the cuffs of my shirts, I’m certain I wouldn’t be cognizant of the heart I wear on my sleeves. The hollow, vapid thump-thump that ricochets in my ears when I’m unable...

I am in ruin but much like a relic

I am in ruin but much like a relic

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager December 2, 2019

It feels as though there is nothing holding me together, yet I haven’t been torn apart. I can’t tell what this feeling is. This feeling. Feelings. Feeling is what I’m doing, but there’s nothing...

There are no maybes in handholding

There are no maybes in handholding

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager November 25, 2019

It was a dark room, but my hand could still find its way to yours. Maybe it wasn’t the light I needed but rather your warmth. Maybe it’s the way I could feel my cheeks kindle with the flames burning...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2019: Linus Kaechele

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2019: Linus Kaechele

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager November 20, 2019

Abbey Calderwood - for being my ‘grughfriend.’ I could have never expected a more peculiar start to a friendship, but I can’t say I’m surprised because the very things I love most about you...

I met you in the fall

I met you in the fall

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager November 20, 2019

When I met you, the trees were a lustrous blaze of bronze, and the leaves on the ground flickered at my feet—licks of golden yellow and flames of fierce burgundy. The world was painted with a palette...

The annual Ranger Strong Week makes a much anticipated return for 2019

The annual Ranger Strong Week makes a much anticipated return for 2019

Linus Kaechele, Managing Marketing November 18, 2019

Pride. “I love seeing everybody get involved. I love seeing kids put money in the bucket and help each other out. I just love doing it for those families.” Tradition. “I think if people...

There's a burden and blessing to simply being

There’s a burden and blessing to simply being

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager November 11, 2019

There’s nothing quite as beautiful as being painfully different. There’s a hidden satisfaction in failing to mold. There’s something sweet in being able to look back at myself and smile when I’m...

I can't see the sun

I can’t see the sun

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager November 4, 2019

I can’t see the weather; I can’t see the sun, the clouds, the fog, the hail, the snow, the sky. I can’t feel the temperature, and I can’t smell the air. I can’t touch the rain, and I can’t...

Ayesha Jeddy values three main things: kindness, memories, and tiles 

Ayesha Jeddy values three main things: kindness, memories, and tiles 

Linus Kaechele, Marketing Manager November 4, 2019

To a stranger, tiles just blanket a kitchen floor or make a nice sound when walked on, but to junior Ayesha Jeddy, they’re somewhat of a fascination.  “I like tiles,” Ayesha said. “I don’t...

To vibe or not to vibe

To vibe or not to vibe

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 28, 2019

Hanging out with beautiful souls at an idiosyncratic coffee shop: vibey. Pictures of clustered shoes: vibey. A knit beanie: vibey. A horrendous illustration by the inner machinations of my soul’s...

So You’re Mad About the Cups was the ride of my life

So You’re Mad About the Cups was the ride of my life

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 21, 2019

I was slurring my way through a Sunday afternoon. Silence surrounding my steps. I scrolled through my Spotify looking for a soundtrack to surprise me. That’s when I found So You’re Mad About the Cups....

Jenny Baer

Jenny Baer

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 20, 2019

1. How surprised were you when your name was called at the homecoming assembly? "I was extremely surprised. I was not expecting it at all. I feel like I'm kind of talkative to other people, but other...

Ali Azeem

Ali Azeem

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 19, 2019

1. How surprised were you when your name was called at the Homecoming assembly? “I was pretty surprised. I didn't really expect myself to get called. I think that was probably the fastest I've ever...

Suchir Gupta

Suchir Gupta

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 18, 2019

1. How surprised were you when your name was called at the Homecoming assembly? I was pretty shocked. I mean, some people had said that they were going to vote for me and whatever, but I didn't really...

Olivia Jeong

Olivia Jeong

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 18, 2019

1. How surprised were you when your name was called at the homecoming assembly? Surprised beyond words. I really wasn't expecting it at all, and I was on the opposite side of the gym from the rest of...

Thomas Hendricks

Thomas Hendricks

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 16, 2019

1. How surprised were you when your name was called at the Homecoming asssembly? "Well, honestly, I didn’t even hear my name called at the assembly. It was the kids around me that were like, ‘hey...

Meredith Carpenter

Meredith Carpenter

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 16, 2019

1. How surprised were you when your name was called at the Homecoming assembly? "I was really shocked just because I feel like so many other people deserved to be on Court too, but it was just really...

Alexander Hahn

Alexander Hahn

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 15, 2019

1. How surprised were you when your name was called at the homecoming assembly? "I was very surprised. I didn’t expect it, and it was a big honor for me. " 2. How did you react? "I was very...

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Jasmine Dawson

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 15, 2019

How surprised were you when your name was called at the homecoming assembly? "I was absolutely shocked because I didn’t think I was going to get on at all. I don’t know; it was all just so surprising...

Aaron Jachim

Aaron Jachim

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 14, 2019

How surprised were you when your name was called at the homecoming assembly? "Honestly, pretty surprised. I had a few of my friends come tell me that they voted for me and, as much as I appreciated...

Susan Toppen

Susan Toppen

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 14, 2019

1. How surprised were you when your name was called at the homecoming assembly? "I was really surprised. My friends and a lot of people during the week were like, 'I voted for you,' and that was super...

Fox Academy's newest album was unapologetically a disappointment

Fox Academy’s newest album was unapologetically a disappointment

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 14, 2019

Two CapriSun juice pouches stood at my side, resting against a bowl of a few too many Goldfish. I sat dead-center on my couch with my laptop balancing on my right leg. Fox Academy’s newest album Angel...

"The Dandelion Girl" is nothing short of a miracle

“The Dandelion Girl” is nothing short of a miracle

Linus Kaechele, Staff Writer October 7, 2019

Words have never tasted so rich nor have they sounded so lilting. They’ve never smelled as sweet, not like a flower wilting. Words can be soft, but none can be softer than those from "The Dandelion Girl"’s...

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