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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Alex Smith

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief

Alex is a senior who could not be more excited for her fourth and final year writing for The Central Trend. She is thrilled that she has the opportunity to be the Editor-in-Chief this year, and has been waiting three years for this.  She can’t wait to document her final year of high school, and continue to make memories with the TCT staff. In addition, Alex is the FHC Theatre Department Student Director, and is excited, and a little sad, to be putting on her final performances. Her other interests include managing the social media accounts for the FHC Boys Varsity Basketball team, driving around blasting music, and strategically planning out her life through Pinterest. She cannot wait to see what this year has in store for her, and is hopeful that it will be the best one yet.


Favorite pastime: Planning out all the unrealistic futures she could have on Pinterest boards

Favorite song: “Maine” by Noah Kahan

Most anticipated event of 2025: There’s a tie between going to Hawaii and starting college

Top bucket list item: Travel to all seven continents

All content by Alex Smith
Many photos that have taken place here, memories from which I will cherish.

I wish you were the setting of all of my stories

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief January 24, 2025

Your walls bleed green. They always have. While I’ve been in them, I bled green, too. A part of me always will. Your walls hold memories from my whole life. Those of a little girl running around in...

Everything that I am scared to lose when I leave.

I wish for more

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief January 16, 2025

She sits down to write with tears in her eyes. Despite how much she has longed for this, she’s beginning to dread it. But it’s upon her, and she can’t stop it. The end is coming. It’s closing in...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2024: Alex Smith

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2024: Alex Smith

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief November 28, 2024

To my soul sisters—My best friends You all are my ride-or-die. The people I know I can go to for anything. The people I can talk about anything with. Thank you all for everything you do for me. I...

A collage of the many fall items that Trader Joe's sells.

Trader Joe’s fall treats: buy or bye

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief November 7, 2024

I adore everything fall: the weather, the clothes, the decorations, the falling leaves, and most of all, the food. Fall means pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin chais, and new pumpkin treats...

A collage of my best friends who have become my little sisters.

I wish you were really mine

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief October 1, 2024

Although it’s incredibly cliche to write, my best friends have become my sisters. Despite being relatively young for my grade, most of my best friends are younger than me. Therefore, they have become...

The graduating class of 2024 performing their senior lip sync with the theme of "the wild west."

[Photo] As FHC continues its annual tradition of homecoming lip syncs, student participation is crucial

Elle Manning, Managing Editor of Operations September 26, 2024

The graduating class of 2024 performing their senior lip sync with the theme of "the wild west."

The aftermath of one of many school shootings which causes me so much fear.

I wish I could feel safe

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief September 12, 2024

I wish I could scroll through my TikTok page without seeing videos from survivors of school shootings. I wish I didn’t turn on the news and see the numbers piling up. I wish I could leave for school...

Webster is pictured in the photo above during her time in Spain

Alexandra Webster has found the right fit as a teacher at FHC and looks forward to feeling the sense of community that the school provides

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief September 4, 2024

Alexandra Webster is not British. But if you ask many of her previous students, they’d tell you she is. “All of my kids, when I taught in Spain, thought I was British,” Webster said, “and they...

Sitting on a window sill with my best friend, watching the world dancing down below.

I wish to dance in the rain

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief September 3, 2024

I remember sitting on an open windowsill, feeling like I was above everyone else. The rain was drizzling outside, but I had the window flung open, not caring that sometimes a lone, cold drop would land...

A few photos that encapsulate the vision that is an "Everything Shower"

I have meticulously crafted the perfect “Everything Shower” routine, so here are the steps

Alex Smith, Editor-in-Chief August 27, 2024

Everyone knows that weekdays can be very long, and sometimes, getting through a full week can be a struggle. It is very important that everyone can have something they’re looking forward to that helps...

Senior Saniya Mishra has discovered a love for science, and she plans to use it to help people

Saniya Mishra has discovered a love for science, and she plans to use it to help people

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer May 2, 2024

Senior Saniya Mishra was in fifth grade when she discovered her passion for learning about the human body. It hasn’t dissolved since. “[My fascination] started in fifth grade," Saniya said. "We...

A junior's journal: closure

A junior’s journal: closure

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer April 9, 2024

All she wanted was closure. She just wanted to know why. She wanted to get over it, but she couldn’t without having all of the answers. She needed to know why. She needed to know how. She needed answers. Until...

Some of my favorite memories and people from the musical.

A junior’s journal: The I Love You Song

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer April 9, 2024

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee has meant more to me than possibly anything I’ve ever done. I thought nothing could beat my first musical, or the one I spent with 25 elementary schoolers who...

When Emma falls in love, she never falls out of it.

A junior’s journal: When Emma Falls In Love

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer March 7, 2024

When Emma falls in love, she falls hard. She falls fast. She topples into an abyss of longing and wonder and hopes that it lasts forever. She does everything she can to never lose it—everything she can...

When you realize that the rain is something to dance in, not something to hide from.

A junior’s journal: dear reader

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer February 21, 2024

Dear reader, One day, you’ll be short of words. One day, you won’t know what to do. One day, you’ll wish you’d taken the road more traveled, not the road less. You’ll wish that you could go...

A photo of me and the girl this was written about--on her side of the six feet.

A junior’s journal: The Outside

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer February 7, 2024

There are six feet separating us. Six feet between you and me. Six beautiful, grassy, well-cared-for feet. All my life those six feet have been there, and for thirteen years they’ve been separating me...

The ducks in my car that remind me of somebody.

A junior’s journal: I can see you

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer February 7, 2024

 I can see you in my car. In the ducks that sit on the dashboard. The way that they make me smile reminds me of you. In the sunroof that I have open 90 percent of the time to let the wind blow through...

Photo Gallery: Macho Volleyball 2024

Photo Gallery: Macho Volleyball 2024

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer February 7, 2024

The junior and senior boys come together in a match of volleyball to kickoff Winterfest week

[Photo] Macho Volleyball brings together the upperclassmen as a kickoff to Winterfest week

Luccini Rodriguez, staff writer February 7, 2024

The junior and senior boys come together in a match of volleyball to kickoff Winterfest week

The sky on New Years day that made her wish all these things

A junior’s journal: New Year’s Day

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer January 11, 2024

Ten It’s a new year. The idea of a new year has always scared her. It leaves so much unknown. Here’s 365 days, and she never knows what will happen in them. She usually ends each year with different...

A screenshot of my Christmas Pinterest board

This is my guide to loving Christmas

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer December 6, 2023

I am not a Christmas girly. The family gatherings with people I haven’t seen in a year, the excessive happiness radiating off of everyone around me, the stress of buying the perfect gifts, and the music...

A photo from the Veterans Day Assembly where FHC students stand to honor the veterans for all they've done

[Photo] The Veterans Day Assembly united FHC in honoring the veterans and the countless sacrifices they have made

Addie Woltil, Copy Editor December 7, 2023

A photo from the Veterans Day Assembly where FHC students stand to honor the veterans for all they've done

The moment I realized that I now have a lot of responsibility

A junior’s journal: fifteen

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer November 29, 2023

12.5.23 When she was fifteen she felt like everything was happening too slowly. She felt like a minute was an hour, and a day was a year. She wished a day was a year so that she could gain that sense...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2023: Alex Smith

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2023: Alex Smith

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer November 21, 2023

To my second family- Meg, Lili, and Audrey This community will always feel like home to me. Behind the stage in the dark is where I’m happiest. I have made some of the best memories with you guys....

Photo Gallery: Veteran's Day Assembly 2023

Photo Gallery: Veteran’s Day Assembly 2023

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer November 17, 2023

Photo Gallery: Senior Tile Painting

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer November 17, 2023

Photo Gallery: Girl’s Swim and Dive Senior Night

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer November 17, 2023

The cast of The Curious Savage all dressed in their Halloween costumes!

A junior’s journal: is it over now?

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer November 15, 2023

Every year, I write this story. Every year, I talk about this week, and I say a thank you to all the people involved. As much as I hate to be predictable, I’m going to do it again. The fall play is...

My lunch table on the day we started talking about college.

A junior’s journal: it’s been a long time coming

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer November 2, 2023

10.31.23 At lunch, we always talk about random things. It’s a wide range, and sometimes, I seriously question how we got on the topics that we’re on. However, for the past couple of weeks, we’ve...

The tons of stories in my Google Drive that I've written.

A junior’s journal: this has never happened

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer October 18, 2023

There have been countless times in my life when I have felt like I had nothing to say. When I was a kid and the adults were talking about things I didn’t understand, when I was in school and I didn’t...

Photo Gallery: Homecoming Assembly 2023

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer October 9, 2023

Photo Gallery: 2023 Homecoming Parade

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer October 9, 2023

Clare Sherman, our homecoming queen along with her king Ryan Brom!

[Photo] Homecoming Court Q&A’s 2023

Arpita Das, Publicity Editor October 8, 2023

Clare Sherman, our homecoming queen along with her king Ryan Brom!

The Powderpuff game this year took place during a full-school assembly.

[Photo] Homecoming week focuses on the community and highlights traditions, new and old

Eva LaBeau, Publicity Managing Editor October 6, 2023

The Powderpuff game this year took place during a full-school assembly.

Photo Gallery: Denim Day

Photo Gallery: Denim Day

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer October 4, 2023

Photo Gallery: Powder Puff Game 2023

Photo Gallery: Powder Puff Game 2023

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer October 4, 2023

Photo Gallery: Barbie and Ken Day

Photo Gallery: Barbie and Ken Day

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer October 4, 2023

Photo Gallery: Homecoming Bonfire 2023

Photo Gallery: Homecoming Bonfire 2023

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer October 4, 2023

Photo Gallery: Ranger Rumble 2023

Photo Gallery: Ranger Rumble 2023

Alex Smith, Staff Writer October 3, 2023

Photo Gallery: Intro to Homecoming Week Assembly

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer October 2, 2023

All of the girls you've loved before made you the one I've fallen for

A junior’s journal: the girls you loved before

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer September 22, 2023

We’ve been molded our whole lives to become the people we are today. We’ve been shaped by everyone we’ve interacted with. Every family member, friendship, and relationship—they’ve all created...

Photo Gallery: Fall Ranger Challenge 2023

Photo Gallery: Fall Ranger Challenge 2023

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer September 20, 2023

A junior's journal: we found wonderland

A junior’s journal: we found wonderland

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer September 6, 2023

9.6.23   It was my own personal oasis. For six days it was something new. It was something mine. It was a wonderland to me. An undiscovered place—an unknown. Taking risks is never something...

She peers up at the colorful leaves and watches it begin again

A junior’s journal: watching it begin again

Alex Smith, Staff Photographer August 31, 2023

8.29.23   She looks to the sky searching for the sun. She can see it. Briefly. But as quickly as the great light caught her eye, it starts to disappear behind the misty clouds. So she runs. She...

A collection of some of my favorite photos from this year.

I’m halfway there

Alex Smith, Copy Editor June 2, 2023

1 year. 3 dances. 4 shows. 14 games. 290 days. 1,000 memories.  I don’t know what I expected out of this year. I think I expected it to be amazing. I was fifteen which meant I had more freedom. I...

One of Jack Manchesky's senior photos

Jack Machesky accidentally became a theater kid, and he’s not looking back

Alex Smith, Copy Editor May 9, 2023

Senior Jack Manchesky is not a theater kid. Or, at least, he wasn’t until this year. He auditioned for the spring musical because he needed something, and it was a life-changing experience. “I needed...

People I've had to, or will have to, say goodbye to

I prefer to hope

Alex Smith, Copy Editor May 2, 2023

It’s that time of year again. Everyone is saying goodbye. The seniors are graduating. It’s hard. It’s sad. It’s awful. I don’t like saying goodbye. I prefer to say 'see you later' because it...

Some of my favorite photos with the seniors who have changed my life

For now, this is my goodbye

Alex Smith, Copy Editor May 2, 2023

It's time again to say goodbye to some of my favorite people. I still don't know how to say goodbye. I still don't want to. The seniors this year have changed my life in more ways than I thought possible....

Some photos from The Wizard of Oz, featuring the munchkins and backstage shenanigans.

There’s no place like home

Alex Smith, Copy Editor April 13, 2023

When I walk into school my hands aren’t full anymore. When I leave school I get to go home and do my homework. When I go to bed it’s not almost 1:00 in the morning. When I’m at lunch I’m not nearly...

My best friends schedule one day. It was packed, she had back to back activities the whole day.

Teenagers aren’t just tired

Alex Smith, Copy Editor April 13, 2023

They’re not just tired. It’s not that they didn’t sleep well the night before. It’s not because they try to stay awake. They just are exhausted. It’s hard. It’s seven hours at school...

Orange Week Assembly: Photo Gallery

Orange Week Assembly: Photo Gallery

Alex Smith, Copy Editor March 27, 2023

A photo taken in a place that holds so many memories, and is like a second home

Shadows of memories will always remain

Alex Smith, Copy Editor March 20, 2023

There are so many memories behind the stage, on the stage, upstairs, downstairs, and even in the lobby. I'm still making so many more. Backstage reminds me of ballroom dancing and laughing our heads...

Would she like me? Or would she regret every decision I've made?

I wonder if she’d like me

Alex Smith, Copy Editor March 7, 2023

I wonder if she’d like me. I wonder if she’d appreciate how hard I’m trying or if she’d hate everything I am. I wonder if she’d wish she could change me. I wonder if she’d want me to go back...

Some photos I took at Toastn Tea, featuring the cute decor, and the best company

Toastn’ Tea gave me the atmosphere I wanted, and the drinks I wanted even more

Alex Smith, Copy Editor March 1, 2023

The atmosphere of a place is one of the first things I notice about it, and the atmosphere in Toastn' Tea, a boba shop on the East Beltline, was exactly to my taste. There weren’t very many people...

A photo of Santi playing soccer, another extra curricular that he manages well

Becoming Tik Tok famous was a reachable goal for Santi Tanner

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 27, 2023

TikTok is a large social media platform, and for many people, going viral is a goal of theirs. Sophomore Santi Tanner met that goal. Santi posts relatable TikTok videos on his account, and has gotten...

On Monday, February 13, there was a mass shooting on the campus of MSU

It has to stop

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 22, 2023

In 2022, there were 51 school shooting incidents in America. As of Jan. 24, 2023, there were six. Imagine how many times someone has joked about shooting up a school. If it actually happened 51 times last...

A picture from one of my many extracurricular activities, theater.

There’s no time to rest when you want to do it all

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 20, 2023

“They’ll be the best four years of your life.” “You’re going to wish you did so much more.” “When you look back, you’ll wish you filled up all that free time you had.” The people that...

The end of Ali Gredel and Jack Manchesky's lip sync

The Winterfest court lip syncs are filled with stress and fun

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 16, 2023

The typical high schooler doesn’t like to be embarrassed. They don’t want people to laugh at them, or make fun of them. The typical high schooler would do a lot just to keep other people’s image...

A photo taken in a place that has worked its way into my heart

The map of my heart

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 16, 2023

I love car rides. I love to blast music and scream my heart out and just go somewhere. I love impromptu trips to my favorite places, and I love getting lost in the middle of nowhere. I’m not a good...

Winterfest Assembly: Photo Gallery

Winterfest Assembly: Photo Gallery

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 14, 2023

2023 Winterfest Court Q&As: Everett Phipps

2023 Winterfest Court Q&As: Everett Phipps

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 9, 2023

How do you feel about being on Winterfest court?  “Well, it’s a little bit of extra work, but it’ll be fun to have the lip sync and see everyone's reactions. It’s not that serious, so it’ll...

2023 Winterfest Court Q&A's: Annie Douma

2023 Winterfest Court Q&A’s: Annie Douma

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 9, 2023

How do you feel about being on Winterfest court? “I’m super excited. I’ve always thought it was so fun to watch the lip syncs, so I’m super excited for that, and the basketball game.” What...

2023 Winterfest Court Q&A's: Aden Pomeroy

2023 Winterfest Court Q&A’s: Aden Pomeroy

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 9, 2023

How do you feel about being on Winterfest court?  “I feel great. It’s really fun and cool.” What was your reaction to the announcement?  “Finding out at the same time as Sarah [Dunn]...

A photo from when it didn't matter that my heart wasn't protected, because I had no reason to believe it would ever break.

She should learn to protect it before it gets broken

Alex Smith, Copy Editor February 1, 2023

She knows she does it. She knows someday, it’s going to be an issue. She knows she should hold back a little bit, and she should be more careful. She knows that someday she’s going to get burned because...

AP Lit Poetry Night: Photo Gallery

AP Lit Poetry Night: Photo Gallery

Alex Smith, Copy Editor January 31, 2023

The cold brew and frap that I got from Starbucks, along with the cold brew after I added more cream to it

Starbucks’ pistachio drinks are not all I expected them to be

Alex Smith, Copy Editor January 30, 2023

Starbucks is my guilty pleasure. Specifically an iced chai tea latte with pumpkin cold foam. That is the only thing I get from Starbucks unless there is no pumpkin cold foam. It’s been a while since...

Some photos taken at the Dairy Queen in Lake Odessa

Dairy Queen has a habit of making half of their featured blizzards taste good

Alex Smith, Copy Editor January 23, 2023

Dairy Queen. A place I’ve been to too many times to count and a place I’ve written on, not too many times to count because I have counted it, and it’s three times, but too many times than should...

Things I can't describe no matter how desperately I try.

There are some words I can’t say

Alex Smith, Copy Editor January 18, 2023

There are some words I can’t say. No matter how hard I try—no matter who I’m talking to—they just don’t come out. There are words that I want to say that I can’t. There are words that I wish...

One of the smaller moments that make my life what it is. One of the smaller moments that becomes encapsulated by the lyrics of these songs.

[Photo] The lyrics that write my life

Ellie McDowell, Staff Writer January 19, 2023

One of the smaller moments that make my life what it is. One of the smaller moments that becomes encapsulated by the lyrics of these songs.

Some pictures from previous Winterfest dances

The Winterfest dance brings a lot of stress but even more fun

Alex Smith, Copy Editor January 17, 2023

High school dances in general are stressful, but Winterfest is where the girl asks the guy; it’s added stress on a girl's shoulders when she’s already worrying about so many aspects of the dance. Senior...

Some of my favorite moments from 2022

Thank you for the memories

Alex Smith, Copy Editor January 8, 2023

One year. 365 days. Billions of moments. Billions of memories. Some that I never want to remember, and some that I never want to forget. The little moments are still the ones that mean the most to me,...

My favorite pictures from my last marching band performance at Ford Field.

[Photo] Here’s to the second half of Chapter 12

Ellie McDowell, Staff Writer January 8, 2023

My favorite pictures from my last marching band performance at Ford Field.

Megan has made many connections and learned many lessons through soccer

Through her love of soccer, Megan Boersema has learned how important team work is

Alex Smith, Staff Writer December 5, 2022

Years ago, at Ada Christian Elementary, there were children running around kicking soccer balls. Among them was junior Megan Boersema. The playground at her school was where her love for soccer sparked,...

The Wooden Owl has some of the cutest home decor I have ever laid eyes on

The Wooden Owl has some of the cutest home decor I have ever laid eyes on

Alex Smith, Staff Writer December 5, 2022

Last week, my friend and I were out at lunch, and we had two hours to kill before she had to work, so we decided to go to a shop that we have both been dying to go to. Let me tell you, that was a great...

The logo for The Central Scoop

The Central Scoop provides an opportunity for eye-opening conversations

Alex Smith, Staff Writer December 1, 2022

In the podcast room at FHC, loud shrieking could be heard: senior Lauren Brace and junior Addy Cousins had just posted the first episode of The Central Scoop to Spotify—the official podcast of The Central...

The sun rising over a lake. This moment made me unbelievably happy.

The little moments mean the most to me

Alex Smith, Staff Writer November 28, 2022

Life is full of big moments that everyone notices. But there are also countless little moments that rarely anyone notices. For me, those little moments are where my happiness lives. The moments when next...

TCT's The Countless Thanks 2022: Alex Smith

TCT’s The Countless Thanks 2022: Alex Smith

Alex Smith, Staff Writer November 23, 2022

My purple- Purple seems like a very free spirit color to me. That’s why you’re purple. You have such a free spirit. You do what you want. You don’t care what people say about you. You focus on yourself,...

A few pictures from Papa Chops, an all gluten free restaurant

Papa Chops provided me with food that I would never have guessed was gluten free

Alex Smith, Staff Writer November 21, 2022

One of my best friends has Celiac Disease, which means she can’t eat gluten. Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale. This means that she can’t eat any...

Examples of mens and womens clothing that violates the Forest Hills dress code

The Forest Hills dress code is something that all genders are capable of violating

Alex Smith, Staff Writer November 7, 2022

A lot of people start conversations about the Forest Hills Public Schools district-wide dress code with “it’s totally targeted toward girls.” Here’s an unpopular opinion: I don’t think the dress...

A few of my favorite nights under the blinding lights

Her Friday nights will forever exist under those lights

Alex Smith, Staff Writer November 7, 2022

It’s an almost surreal feeling. Like she’s in another person’s body. Like she’s seeing things through someone else’s eyes. Because she hasn’t seen things that bright in a long time. She hasn’t...

Norah Vanderweide showing how confident she feels in her own clothes

The FHPS dress code puts out a negative message, especially to females

Alex Smith, Staff Writer November 3, 2022

Sophomore Norah Vanderweide was sitting in her French class when she was called out into the hallway. She had no idea what she had done wrong, but she was about to find out. “It turns out that [a...

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