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The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

The Student Voice of Forest Hills Central

The Central Trend

Sophie Young

Sophie Young, Photography Editor

Sophie is a senior entering her second year on The Central Trend staff. She spends the majority of her free time involved in theatre productions. She enjoys traveling and learning about different cultures.

Favorite season: Fall

Favorite part about being on staff: Besides seeing her friends every day, Sophie loves learning more about her peers through interviews.

Favorite types of stories: Editorials

Favorite animal: Hedgehog

All content by Sophie Young
This was taken last May, before some of us went and got frozen yogurt at The Pump House.

[Photo] The ongoing, everlasting concept of time: part 2

Sofia Hargis-Acevedo, Social Media Manager May 13, 2022

This was taken last May, before some of us went and got frozen yogurt at The Pump House.

Around this time last year, this photo was taken. For the first time, on this day, in this photo, I felt like I belonged on staff.

[Photo] A hard week that’ll breach the boundaries of our sanity

Sydney Race, Public Relations Assistant May 9, 2022

Around this time last year, this photo was taken. For the first time, on this day, in this photo, I felt like I belonged on staff.

A picture of the 2021 Random Acts of Talent show

A picture of the 2021 Random Acts of Talent show

Some really cool people I'm blessed to have met this year.

[Photo] Forever, these young moments will resonate

Sydney Race, Staff Writer June 2, 2021

Some really cool people I'm blessed to have met this year.

Mock Election Results 2021

Mock Election Results 2021

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 20, 2021

Best hair: Brady Nolan Most fashionable: Emma Lohr Class clown: Jack Fitzgibbon Worst driver: Dawsen Beach Most likely to become a celebrity: Lauren Bont Most likely to be on a reality...

Four of the six Central Trend seniors in their graduation gowns

A production never seems to last a lifetime, but this one was different

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 6, 2021

I spent three years rehearsing the same script: the parallels in proximity to its predecessors produced predictability.  Everyone around me followed that script with little to no interpretation; we...

Senior Rachel Schenck

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Rachel Schenck

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 3, 2021

Name: Rachel Schenck What is your favorite subject?  "My favorite subject would have to be Math. I love how there's only one answer, and it can be proved, not taken and twisted in a million different...

Senior Alex Shier

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Alex Shier

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 3, 2021

Name: Alex Shier What is your favorite subject?  "History [and] Social Studies." Where are you going to college?  "Undecided. I'm 90 percent sure I'm going to Calvin University, though I...

Senior Valerie Greenwood

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Valerie Greenwood

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 3, 2021

Name: Valerie Greenwood What is your favorite subject?  "Math and Chemistry." Where are you going to college?  "University of Michigan." What is your intended college major? "Undecided." Who...

Senior Avery Letourneau

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Avery Letourneau

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 3, 2021

Name: Avery Letourneau What is your favorite subject?  "History." Where are you going to college?  "Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania." What is your intended college major? "Engineering...

Senior Matthew Mahoney

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Matthew Mahoney

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 1, 2021

Name: Matthew Mahoney What is your favorite subject?  "English, Government and Politics, and Spanish." Where are you going to college?  "University of Michigan." What is your intended...

Senior Lindsay Larson

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Lindsay Larson

Sophie Young, Photography Editor April 30, 2021

Name: Lindsay Larson What is your favorite subject?  "[It's a] tie between my English and Social Studies courses." Where are you going to college?  "George Washington University." What...

Senior Amelia Pointer

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Amelia Pointer

Sophie Young, Photography Editor April 30, 2021

Name: Amelia Pointer What is your favorite subject?  "I'm torn between Biology and HAP." Where are you going to college?  "I'm going to the University of Michigan." What is your intended...

Senior Julia Kirkman

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Julia Kirkman

Sophie Young, Photography Editor April 30, 2021

Name: Julia Kirkman What is your favorite subject?  "My favorite subject is science, and my favorite class this year has been AP Biology." Where are you going to college?  "I will be attending...

Senior Anika Garter

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Anika Garter

Sophie Young, Photography Editor April 30, 2021

Name: Anika Garter What is your favorite subject?  "Math." Where are you going to college?  "University of Michigan." What is your intended college major? "Chemistry." Who is your...

Senior Eli Romijn

Top Students 2021 Q&As: Eli Romijn

Sophie Young, Photography Editor April 30, 2021

Name: Eli Romijn What is your favorite subject? "Computer Science." Where are you going to college?  "University of Michigan." What is your intended college major?  "Biomedical...

Top Students 2021 Q&As

Top Students 2021 Q&As

Sophie Young and Lydia VanDeRiet April 30, 2021

Check out these Q&As with a few of the top students in FHC's class of 2021!

Daniel lying in the arms of his closest friends

Daniel Suraj found immense comfort in his friend group

Sophie Young, Photography Editor April 30, 2021

Moving more than 9,000 miles away from his childhood home in Malaysia, senior Daniel Suraj experienced a considerable culture shock at the mere age of 12.  Daniel moved to Michigan with enough time...

High School Musical Jr. Q&As

High School Musical Jr. Q&As

Natalie Mix, Emma Zawacki, and Sophie Young April 22, 2021

Check out these Q&As with a few of the main cast members and the three crew heads of FHC's production of High School Musical Jr! Go to to purchase an in-person ticket or live stream...

Editor in Chief, Lynlee Derrick, after receiving her COVID-19 vaccine

Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine does not allow someone to disregard current health precautions

Sophie Young, Photography Editor March 22, 2021

For the past year, only one question has been spinning through the minds of people all over the world: when will this all be over?  It began with the thought of the virus only sticking around for a...

Two of the alumni teaching the students during musical auditions

[Photo] FHC alumni return to help the theatre department put on High School Musical Jr.

Lauren Batterbee, Print Managing Editor March 15, 2021

Two of the alumni teaching the students during musical auditions

From gifted to burnout, neurodiversity is the root of disinterest in school

From gifted to burnout, neurodiversity is the root of disinterest in school

Sophie Young, Photography Editor March 8, 2021

You have so much potential. You’re so gifted. You’re going to go so far in life.  So far. But look how far I’ve gotten.  I remember spending my days in elementary school testing into higher...

A photo with my built-in best friend. The one who now is taller than I will ever be.

She’s grown taller than I will ever be

Sophie Young, Photography Editor February 26, 2021

I never fully understood you.  Our lives, though forced together, were separate for so long.  You had your friends and I had mine. You had your hobbies and I had mine. There was never any clashing,...

Featuring a picture of Kent District Library in Ada located on Headley St.

Ada’s new library is the ideal melting pot for the community

Sophie Young, Photography Editor February 25, 2021

Community.  A single word that perfectly describes the small town of Ada.  Though it has been known to be rich with history, Ada began shedding that reputation only years ago with the renovations...

R.A.T. 2021: Photo Gallery

R.A.T. 2021: Photo Gallery

Sophie Young, Photography Editor February 22, 2021

A picture of the poster for the show on Disney+

Fridays hold a new level of excitement thanks to Wandavision

Sophie Young, Photography Editor February 12, 2021

I have only been a Marvel fan since the beginning of Phase Three. I never got the chance to see the movies from Phase One and Phase Two in theatres, but I made it my mission to see all of the Phase Three...

Her door remains closed as those around her remain open

Closing her door only gave her more opportunities

Sophie Young, Photography Editor February 12, 2021

Her room is rarely in order. It’s in a constant state of disarray. The clothes on her floor protect her soft carpet from the footprints left by the feet she drags through each day. They provide her...

High School Musical Final Cast List

High School Musical Final Cast List

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 29, 2021

Troy: Gavin O'Meara Gabriella: Megan Fox Sharpay: Emily Johnson Ryan: Ben Lowen Taylor: Grace Hudkins Chad: Russell Baird Zeke: Linus Kaechele Jack: Daniel Suraj Mrs. Darbus: Josie...

Musical Auditions 2021: Photo Gallery

Musical Auditions 2021: Photo Gallery

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 29, 2021

I hear screams in place of silence

I hear screams in place of silence

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 29, 2021

I refuse to sit in silence—but not consciously.  Each time I find myself in a quiet place, I am sempiternally stuck alone with my thoughts.   My thoughts hide from the world and everyone in it;...

Canvas has left me ambivalent for the future of technology at school

Canvas has left me ambivalent for the future of technology at school

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 27, 2021

The never-ending cycle of changes that belongs to a typical school day seems to be one of the only constants in the past year: virtual, hybrid, in-person learning. The bounce between the three learning...

Music inspires Athan Hillman to push through the hardships of life

Music inspires Athan Hillman to push through the hardships of life

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 22, 2021

Listening to music seems to be a common trend to merely fill space throughout the day, but for sophomore Athan Hillman, music is more than just a way to fill the void. Athan has made the most of his...

My hiraeth towards you has always been inevitable

My hiraeth towards you has always been inevitable

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 15, 2021

I remember that place. The journey there was tedious; I felt time slip away from me as I lost control of it. I felt stuck in a loop of disappointing hope.  It started to become a place in my mind...

Image of the playbill created by Jess Siswick for Ratatouille: The Tiktok Musical

Ratatouille: The Tiktok Musical was impressive for its time frame

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 11, 2021

As someone very immersed in the theatre community, I did not take it very well when Broadway temporarily shut down due to COVID-19.  I look forward to the escape I face when I sit in an auditorium....

Picture taken at Capitol Hill moments before the invasion of the Capitol building

The response from the riots at Capitol Hill raises alarming questions

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 11, 2021

I have spent countless hours sitting at my laptop simply because I have no clue how to address this. I rewrote the introduction several times simply because I couldn’t seem to find words that described...

Random Acts of Talent show informational Q&A: Robbin DeMeester

Random Acts of Talent show informational Q&A: Robbin DeMeester

Sophie Young, Photography Editor January 8, 2021

1. How will R.A.T. look different this year as opposed to previous years? "We are trying to remain fluid with the dates and how it will be shared with our audience. It will also be hosted by two seniors...

The countdown will finally reach zero

The countdown will finally reach zero

Sophie Young, Photography Editor December 27, 2020

I have always adored driving around at night and looking at the Christmas decorations that each house has spent hours perfecting.  Maybe it’s because my family has made the choice to keep our decorations...

My mom and I in front of the Cloud Gate before COVID-19 began

The stigma surrounding feminism is simply unfair

Sophie Young, Photography Editor December 18, 2020

I have very strong opinions about a lot of things. I could sit and argue with someone on a myriad of political topics for hours. I try to keep an open mind during these conversations—but frankly,...

Picture taken from Powerschool's page on graduation requirement progress

Graduation requirements cause ambivalence among staff and students

Sophie Young, Photography Editor December 15, 2020

Senior Lindsay Larson spent a substantial amount of time attempting to perfect her senior-year schedule. With only twelve available slots to fill throughout the entire school year, finding the ideal schedule...

This is one of the paintings that resulted from the riots in downtown Grand Rapids by @dreinspires on Instagram

Black Lives Matter is not a trend—Jingle Jangle proved that

Sophie Young, Photography Editor December 8, 2020

Last May, chaos ensued in major cities—monumental, much-needed chaos—through the Black Lives Matter protests. This past summer held one of the largest movements in our country’s history. Unlike...

TCT's The Countless Thanks: Sophie Young

TCT’s The Countless Thanks: Sophie Young

Sophie Young, Photography Editor November 23, 2020

Julianna - for keeping me (somewhat) sane during show week  As much as I love theatre, there can be so much stress surrounding it. I fear the show won’t be perfect even though it always works out...

A picture of my kayak in the flooded woods behind my house

It’s the little things that fuel my motives

Sophie Young, Photography Editor November 20, 2020

I will be blunt. 2020 has been the worst year of my life.  I have watched my friends and family test positive for COVID-19 and suffer through their days, sometimes weeks, of agony. I have lost every...

Thomas Smith left his shell and found comfort in the theatre department

Thomas Smith left his shell and found comfort in the theatre department

Sophie Young, Photography Editor November 18, 2020

Junior Thomas Smith has a peculiar fascination with learning. The idea of absorbing new information has always seemed appealing to him. Though school fulfills this ambition, Thomas loves to find other...

Tara Brace

Tara Brace

Sophie Young, Photography Editor November 9, 2020

Name: Tara Brace Grade: 10 Roles: Gretel and Prince 2 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having a smaller cast compared to other years? "The advantages are getting to be closer...

The choice between time and life is utterly unbearable

The choice between time and life is utterly unbearable

Sophie Young, Photography Editor November 6, 2020

Change tends to be inevitable.  It is a well-known fact. There always seems to be something coming my way to discombobulate all of the comforts I have found. However, there was always one constant...

The political pressure placed on children might need to be essential

The political pressure placed on children might need to be essential

Sophie Young, Photography Editor October 30, 2020

I miss kindergarten.  I miss how easy the workload was. I miss the openness of everyone becoming friends. I miss the feeling of constant relief. I miss the innocence of the child I once was. I never...

Emily In Paris holds tight to the stereotypes of its characters

Emily In Paris holds tight to the stereotypes of its characters

Sophie Young, Photography Editor October 23, 2020

“You live to work; we work to live.”  Eight words that locked themselves into the crevices of my mind. Eight words that constantly creep into my thoughts at the most random of times. Eight words...

Homecoming Court Q&As: Matthew Mahoney

Homecoming Court Q&As: Matthew Mahoney

Sophie Young, Photography Editor October 21, 2020

1. What was your reaction when you heard your name called? "I was surprised and happy, and I was just very excited to be voted on by my classmates to represent them." 2. Why do you think you were nominated? "I...

Gavin Murray faced his epiphany through his enrollment at two schools

Gavin Murray faced his epiphany through his enrollment at two schools

Sophie Young, Photography Editor October 19, 2020

Senior Gavin Murray faces the common struggle of balance. Like most high school students, Gavin holds a part-time job outside of school at Panera. In fact, his dedication to his time-consuming job...

FHC's homecoming traditions lie in the hands of administration

FHC’s homecoming traditions lie in the hands of administration

Sophie Young, Photography Editor October 12, 2020

History teacher Brad Anderson looks forward to homecoming week every year, and this is no surprise. There are copious activities he looks forward to during homecoming week: the powderpuff game, the homecoming...

The artificial stars in front of me

The artificial stars in front of me

Sophie Young, Photography Editor October 9, 2020

I watch the sun disappear over the horizon as night sneaks up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. The sky grows dark, but everything around me manages to capture the light the day so selfishly took.  The...

This is a movie poster of the show Enola Holmes.

Enola Holmes provides young girls with the ideal role model

Sophie Young, Photography Editor October 2, 2020

For over a century, Sherlock Holmes has been known as one of the greatest detectives to exist. Even to those that do not know of his adventures, the name itself holds so much power in the investigative...

Improv At The Park: Photo Gallery

Improv At The Park: Photo Gallery

Sophie Young, Photography Editor September 28, 2020

On the tip of a pen

On the tip of a pen

Sophie Young, Photography Editor September 25, 2020

White turns to black and a sudden feeling of relief enters my mind. Each stroke imprisons a mere thought--a thought that once swam freely in my mind.    A thought now trapped on a thin,...

JV Football Game: Photo Gallery

JV Football Game: Photo Gallery

Sophie Young, Photography Editor September 25, 2020

Improv Q&A: Zach Guikema

Improv Q&A: Zach Guikema

Sophie Young, Photography Editor September 24, 2020

Name: Zach Guikema Grade: 11th 1. How did you get into improv? Why did you decide to try out? "I got into improv because I was looking for something to do during the summer. I wanted to try...

The Stadium Renovations have caused complications for fall sports

The Stadium Renovations have caused complications for fall sports

Sophie Young, Photography Editor September 18, 2020

Senior Carson Deines has spent years preparing for the final moments of his high-school career. Outside of school, he spends his fall playing football. Carson’s hard work and dedication to the team has...

Work It is surprisingly relatable

Work It is surprisingly relatable

Sophie Young, Photography Editor September 11, 2020

Copious people have that actor or actress that they would instantly fawn over if they met them. I never understood how one person could have so much power over someone else’s life so easily, yet even...

It has to end eventually

It has to end eventually

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 29, 2020

I keep putting off my final assignments for the year. I could not admit to myself why I would do this, though.  At first, I told myself it was because I was merely tired of working on school and every...

Online testing for AP classes caused complications

Online testing for AP classes caused complications

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 25, 2020

The coronavirus has caused many alterations in the day to day life of many people, but for one particular group it has caused a considerable amount of changes: students.  Switching to online classes...

My journal of hope

My journal of hope

Sophie Young, Photography Editor May 20, 2020

Last Christmas, I asked for a bullet journal.  I merely desired a place to write down my thoughts, design my future, and reminisce on the past. I wanted a place to escape from the real world, so for...

A myriad of emotions

A myriad of emotions

Sophie Young, Staff Writer May 15, 2020

Ever since this quarantine has started, my head constantly feels as though it is splitting a multitude of ways.  There are so many ways to feel about the current situation, yet I cannot seem to decide...

Upload created a surprisingly entertaining idea of the future

Upload created a surprisingly entertaining idea of the future

Sophie Young May 10, 2020

We live in a world that is immensely dependent on technology. There are countless movies that even find a way to completely submerge the characters into their technology as a way to remove them from the...

Kali Coppess

Kali Coppess

Sophie Young, Staff Writer May 6, 2020

Name: Kali Coppess Grade: 10 1. What do you typically post on your art account on Instagram? "I like to post mostly paintings and some calligraphy pictures." 2. What inspired you to create...

I live in a bubble

I live in a bubble

Sophie Young, Staff Writer May 1, 2020

I have always loved traveling. I feel like it is such a delightful way to gain a fresh start for a short amount of time; no one knows who you are.  I used to tell myself traveling was the ideal escape...

Outer Banks is the ultimate escape from the real world

Outer Banks is the ultimate escape from the real world

Sophie Young, Staff Writer April 24, 2020

My least favorite part of reading a book is trying to power through the beginning to reach the interesting points of the plot.  Trying to reach those riveting moments is one of the many reasons I prefer...

Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey

Sophie Young, Staff Writer April 23, 2020

Name: Steve Harvey Role: District AP Testing Coordinator 1. What does the new Advanced Placement test format look like?  "Each test is a 45-minute exam that students can take at home. The only...

Sorry, my motivation is in quarantine

Sorry, my motivation is in quarantine

Sophie Young, Staff Writer April 17, 2020

I have lost all motivation to complete anything. Ever since school was canceled, I have felt like there is no need to try. I never particularly enjoyed waking up at 6 a.m. to go to a place where I am...

Johnny Orlando deserves the praise he gives other people

Johnny Orlando deserves the praise he gives other people

Sophie Young, Staff Writer March 6, 2020

Johnny Orlando is like a more refreshing version of Justin Bieber.  Orlando has been producing music for over five years. His first songs, however, are the antithesis of his current music. When Orlando...

Emmalyn Holmquist finds joy in her busy schedule

Emmalyn Holmquist finds joy in her busy schedule

Sophie Young, Staff Writer March 4, 2020

Sophomore Emmalyn Holmquist idolizes the world of music.  She receives an extensive amount of joy from taking the time to produce music both with and for her friends and family.  Currently, Emmalyn...

The white curtain in the sky

The white curtain in the sky

Sophie Young, Staff Writer March 1, 2020

There is a point in time each day where the clouds lurk over the sun. Its shining glory can only be seen through the small crevices of hope between each cloud.  It is at that point in time that the...

To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You left me yearning for the end of the trilogy

To All The Boys: P.S. I Still Love You left me yearning for the end of the trilogy

Sophie Young, Staff Writer February 25, 2020

A year and a half worth of waiting led to only one moment, but it was one moment that gave me something to look forward to at the end of the day on February 12th—the release of To All The Boys: P.S....

Snow days are turning into the only chance of a mental health day for students

Snow days are turning into the only chance of a mental health day for students

Sophie Young, Staff Writer February 25, 2020

Sophomore Ben Taylor has always enjoyed the snow.  Just one year ago, during the polar vortex, Ben found an extensive amount of joy hidden beneath the piles of snow in his backyard. The weeks of freedom...

My ephemeral laughter

My ephemeral laughter

Sophie Young, Staff Writer February 14, 2020

I did not know them for long.  I still know them but, perhaps, not as well.  Nothing else in the world seemed to matter when they were by my side.  They were my everything for what I wish could...

Morning Belle is the light in the dark

Morning Belle is the light in the dark

Sophie Young, Staff Writer February 7, 2020

In the midst of the cold, cruel winter, a splash of summer is requisite to maintain the hope of sunlight. Without that sliver of sunshine, Morning Belle could not be seen.  Morning Belle recently opened...

Tori Bates is making a difference one summer at a time

Tori Bates is making a difference one summer at a time

Sophie Young, Staff Writer February 5, 2020

Freshman Tori Bates, like every other high-school student, looks forward to summer the moment school starts in August; however, Tori does not necessarily look forward to summer for the same reasons other...

Disney is the root of my despondency

Disney is the root of my despondency

Sophie Young, Staff Writer January 31, 2020

The nostalgic memories of Disney seem quite popular with the current high school students, but so does depression and anxiety.  At first, I believed there was no way that the two could correlate, yet...

Bro's Doughs brings out the child in me

Bro’s Doughs brings out the child in me

Sophie Young, Staff Writer January 24, 2020

While walking through the two glass doors, I was quickly reminded of my six-year-old self; I was reminded of the memory of choosing the vibrant, teal hue for my bedroom.  The blinding sight of the...

Valentine's Day activities within the library have long-term effects on the outside world

Valentine’s Day activities within the library have long-term effects on the outside world

Sophie Young, Staff Writer January 22, 2020

Sophomore Kali Coppess makes putting other people first her top priority.  Whether it is the extreme extent of mission trips or a subtle act of making a card, she strives to make someone’s day better.  Kali’s...

Is high school too long?

Is high school too long?

Sophie Young, Staff Writer January 17, 2020

When I look back on the days when I was in elementary school, I only recall how much joy I found in waking up to get on the big, yellow bus every morning. There was always something to look forward to:...

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